Programming Visuals

We currently have 7 visuals in this section.

Marker contribution Visit the UN INFO Data Portal to begin. Click on the Countries menu and select any country to access the respective visuals.

Where we work: The UN’s key activities

The map displays the number of activities* per location (note that an activity may be linked to more than one location). Using the filters below, click on the number on the map to get a summary description of the various activities.

Possible Use Cases & Tips

  • Interact with the map to showcase and highlight the spread of implementation of activities/suboutputs across the country.

  • Filter to see the work of various UN agencies and partners across the country.

  • Use the SDG filter to see where the various activities/sub-outputs are being implemented in the country.

NB: If your sub-outputs are not reflecting on the map, kindly reach out to the UN INFO Team to resolve any issues.

The Sustainable Development Goals

This visual shows the UN’s work tagged to various SDGs.

Click on a card to see more information on the agencies and partners contributing to the SDGs in the country.

The Sustainable Development Goals
Expanded Card Sample

Thematic Marker Overview

The Human Rights Marker and the Gender Equality Marker are used by the UN Country Team to demonstrate how development programming in the UNSDCF Joint Workplan support these thematic sectors. Each sub-output in the joint workplan is measured on a 0-3 scale on its contribution to the corresponding marker.

See guidance for applying the Gender Equality Marker and Human Rights Marker to the UNSDCF Joint Workplan.

You can filter by agency to see how the suboutputs for an agency are tagged to the markers.

Marker contribution by Outcome/Output

Displaying marker contributions by outcome/output.

You may use the agency filter to narrow down on a particular agency and/or slice the data as you see fit.

In addition, you can also view the data grouped by Outcome/Output vis a vis the contribution of suboutputs to the markers at the significant and principal levels.

Marker contribution by SDG

You may use the agency filter to narrow down on a particular agency and/or slice the data as you see fit.

This visual highlights the contribution of suboutputs to the markers at both the significant and principal levels.

Tracking the progress of UN activities

You may use the year filter to narrow down on a particular year.

This visual highlights how the suboutputs are tagged to the various SDGs in a plan.

Number of Activities per Agency

You may use the year filter to narrow down on a particular year and/or slice the data as you see fit.

This visual highlights the status of agency suboutputs in a particular country plan.

Last updated