Mandatory Tags and Markers for Key Activities/Sub-Outputs

In Results Framework application of UN INFO 2.0, the Joint Workplan (JWP) captures the key data points used by staff to achieve a total 360 view of the programmatic activities of the UNCT. The method to achieve this result is the deployment of a standard list of mandatory Tags and Markers. Each Key Activity or Sub-Output is required to have at least one selection from each of the below items in the list.

We standardize these Tags and Markers across the UN INFO 2.0 as a means to compare our programming within a JWP and amongst all JWPs, globally. UNCTs do have the ability to create custom tags and markers for their workstation.

Mandatory Tags


Add the Geographical scope of the Key Activity (KA) or Sub-Output (SO)


The relevant agencies, multiple selections can be made for an UNDAF JWP.

Contributing Partner

Select the source of funds that are funding the KA/SO. We are looking for the specific, named partner. Examples: USAID, the Global Fund or the SDG Fund. We also ask that Core/Regular Resources be utilized as well. Multiple entries are allowed.

Implementing partners

Associate the KA/SO with relevant implementing partners. If you do not find the right implementing partners for your activity, you should contact the Country Administrator and request it to be included in the list. Multiple entries are allowed.

SDG Target

Associate the KA/SO with relevant SDG Targets, no more than 10 targets can be selected. You can find the full list here: SDG Goals and Targets


List the current Status of the KA/SO

Mandatory Markers

Gender Equality Marker

Gender marker, on a 0-3 scale, provides a reflection to what degree gender equality has been integrated in the planning and execution of the plan item. For guidance on the different grading see here.

Human Rights Marker

The Human Rights Marker codes, on a 0-3 scale, whether a development project is contributing towards the realization of human rights in the planning and execution of the plan item. For guidance on the different grading see the guidance here.

QCPR Functions (Modality of the KA/SO)

Select which UN Development System entity functions that the KA/SO supports with a maximum selection of 3. For guidance on the different grading see the guidance here.

Other markers are available in UN INFO such the Sustaining Peace Marker and several that are related to humanitarian situations. In addition, the Country Admin may create unique tags and/or markers that are UNCT-specific.

Useful Resources

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