CBO Resources
Introduction page on the CBO project
Last updated
Introduction page on the CBO project
Last updated
Towards meeting the SG’s reform target for Common Back Offices (hence referred to as CBO), this initiative proposes to streamline key operational areas of participating agencies by consolidating support services into one facility at the country level. This consolidation is expected to reduce duplication of functions, and of administrative and transaction costs, while at the same time increase the quality and effectiveness of these services.
The CBO initiative is a key part of the UNSDG Efficiency Reform, aiming at improving our programme implementation through improved business support services.
Establishing an CBO is a complex change effort with many stakeholders. To embrace the opportunities that the CBO offers will require strong leadership, robust process management, inclusive communications, and technical capabilities.
Please find below a briefing presentation on the key aspects of the CBO project.
In cases where 'Right of First Proposal' has been granted a series of adjustments to the approach have been agreed to. These are outlined in the below note.
Also, it may be instructive to read through this general collection of frequently asked questions (General FAQ) which will be updated on an ongoing basis.
In the CBO Resources section, you will find the following subtopics:
First module of online training on CBO: This online training first module will allow you to: define the purposes of the Efficiency Reform; identify the core principles and enablers of the Efficiency Reform; explain the purposes of establishing an CBO; explain the linkages between the CBO, BOS, CP and GSS (Global Shared Services) initiatives and describe the CBO design engagement process.
Data usage document: This section outlines the purpose and use of the data collected as part of the Common Back Office (CBO) design and planning stages.
Service catalogue: Consolidated list of available services to be potentially consolidated in the CBO classified in Tier 1 (mandatory services) and Tier 2 (optional services).
Recruitment and procurement deep-dive: This section outlines what is CBO and what is not in relation to recruitment and procurement services.
Roles and responsibilities document: This session outlines the main process steps of the design and planning phases along with clear roles and responsibilities for key stakeholders.
PMO and PIU TORs: These TORs outline the roles and responsibilities of the Project Management Offices and Project Implementation Units during the Design and Planning Phases.
Quality benefits: This section outlines the quality benefits related to the services managed by the CBO.
The design and planning steps are organized around four phases as outlined below. Combined these phases, and their tools, templates and guidance, make up the CBO methodology.
Whilst the thinking has evolved as part of the hands-on efforts to support countries design CBOs during 2021-2022, overall, the general approach has been informed by the guidance on CBO developed 2018-2020 by the BIG Project Team through visits to six countries. See below.
Please refer to the pages below for more details on specific topics regarding the project rollout.