2024 Changelog
Hot off the press, it's UN INFO's new releases. We're constantly working on improving the way you and your team work in UN INFO, and value your input on features, bugs, and more.
November 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
893: Tagging of Joint Programmes for IMS publication.
908: Add new options for Signatory questions and refactor validation logic (IMS).
920: Add
filter for IMS downloads.921: Compile joint program and milestone reports with feedback functionality.
➕ Improvements & Updates
390: Improve Data Explorer to filter steps/forms from blueprints (highest priority, testing).
2073: Small updates to the read-only signatories table (IMS).
2049: Limit search results for agencies to only "agency" boolean in organization/search.
2075: Allow users to delete mistakenly entered dates in the roadmap (IMS).
2079: Fix "Workspace" dropdown issues for UNDCO users with combined roles.
2091: Simplify the full milestone downloads view (IMS).
2099: UI improvements related to the QA feature.
2098: Add horizontal PDF download option for joint program tables (IMS).
2094: Update IMS milestone PDF design and sizing.
2058: Prevent users from deleting tagged BOS file documents (in progress).
2067: Batch of UI updates for BOS (in progress).
🔧 Bug Fixes
895: Fix issue where publishing a custom form incorrectly sets
to false (high priority).898: Resolve problems with document uploads in IMS.
891: Venezuela 2024 CP Plan not showing 'Results indicator' info in Step 1.
2070: Address issue with JPs missing suboutputs linkage (IMS).
2069: IMS AFF reasons for a "no" are missing, and possible check issues.
2074: Fix evaluation view pulling wrong plans for Nigeria and other countries (IMS).
2080: Resolve wrong private status for Results Reports milestones in CF module.
2083: Fix start and end dates for specific document types in the document library (in progress).
2101: Users unable to reset passwords in UNINFO.
913: Skip expenditure calculation on joint program
(highest priority).2102: Fix issues with expenditure type and conditions (highest priority).
2088: Users unable to edit occupant forms in Thailand CP.
2108: Fix disabled save button when uploading documents for milestone 10 (Caribbean plan).
2103: Normalize all IMS read-only dates to UTC.
October 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
875 & 2038: Remove milestone 15, and create a new "Annual results report" section in CF overview.
862: New endpoint to get joint programmes for child workspace (Caribbean and Pacific).
880: Create a new UI for searching comments (highest priority, tested).
➕ Improvements & Updates
878: Add a spreadsheet option to search the country endpoint.
839: Modify organization merge function to update other tables with organizationId reference.
880: IMS Comments system revamp - threading and resolving.
504: Modify the home page tree chart to include timeframeId for fiscal year 2024-2025.
507: Remove the "Export Expenditure and Narrative Only" button (Cooperation Frameworks).
1994: Modify the milestone document area to be displayed as read-only; users can only upload documents in the library.
852: Updates to IMS 2024 for new data sources and questions (CF overview).
2051: Additional updates to IMS 2024 (CF overview), Save Button improvement.
2048: BOS level progress bar updated in the 'By service status breakdown' view.
892: Submission validation updates for IMS 2024.
🔧 Bug Fixes
881 & 2040:
type error - permission getUser Sub Output.872: Excel download for milestone 7 should differentiate between "no answer" and "no change."
2042 & 505: Issue with fiscal year countries in suboutput reports when selecting several countries.
2053 & 508: Fix activity report for missing periodicity.
2061: Automated QA feature mistakenly appearing in the country workspace.
2059: Fix section general progress calculation (BOS).
2052: User management section links Georgia to Asia-Pacific (Roles and Permissions).
2062: CP Step 1 - Users' roles appear several times.
891: Venezuela 2024 CP Plan does not show "Results indicator" info in Step 1.
895: Publishing a custom form incorrectly sets formVersion.latestTaggedVersion records to false (high priority).
2063: Caribbean test case for Jamaica IMS surve
September 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
2024: Add Exceptional Circumstances box to Implementation milestones (admins only).
854: Joint programmes - reports (Cooperation Frameworks).
➕ Improvements & Updates
839: Modify organization merge function to update other tables with organizationId reference.
2029: Improve UI reset of the "lastUpdatedBy" field.
2027: Full downloads end-to-end test.
873: CP plan improvements (new additional points) - API complete migration.
870: Add plan name as a new column in the documents library list page.
502: Request suboutput report data by workspace.
2036: Request suboutput report data by workspace.
2032: CP plan improvements (new additional points).
2030: Add plan name as a new column in the documents library list page.
1993: Disable temporary non-admin R-BOS reporting.
1978: Milestone actual start and end dates - prevent users from typing future dates.
🔧 Bug Fixes
861: BOS report endpoint issue: entity that left collaboration comment.
2026: Iraq Joint Programme glitch.
866: "Last updatedBy" field not being updated correctly.
865: Fix Implementation plan "State" field issue with currentState CTE (high priority).
501: Fix suboutput report filtering when both region and workspace are selected.
2037: Blueprint planType selection not updating correctly.
August 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
1998 - Enable milestone-implementation year 2024 for full downloads
845: Created a public endpoint for joint programmes search.
2004: Added validation to prevent multi-entity sub-outputs from being linked in Joint Programmes and Joint Initiatives (Highest priority, in progress).
2013: Implemented logic changes for exceptional circumstances.
➕ Improvements & Updates
2021 - Lebanon - MYFF data missing Cooperation Frameworks, Data cleanup
2019 - Add activity reported and current calc state columns BOS, change, tested
2018 - E2E IMS test refactor and improvement on local setup
2015 - R-BOS specific business logic update in CBA/QA forms, and HQ validation BOS, change, tested
2002 - Remove portfolios as an option from the Joint programmes interface change, in progress
2008: Updated label for the roadmap workspace configuration button (IMS, tested).
850: Applied logic changes for exceptional circumstances in milestones.
2007: Enabled editing of the R-BOS annual review end date for admin users (BOS, change).
496: Disabled links to documents marked as private on the UN Country profile page (IMS, tested).
841: Updated
endpoint to retrieve data from collaboration years only (BOS, in progress).2009: Added definitions of Joint Programmes and Joint Initiatives into the admin JP/JI feature (Cooperation Frameworks, tested).
795: Improved CP API Premise and Occupant endpoints (Common Premises, testing).
🔧 Bug Fixes
2023 - Botswana, Algeria, Sri Lanka & Others: Users unable to save changes to agency and partners fields for suboutput bug, highest
2022 - Milestone filter update fix
857 - JP migrate - set URL optional jointprograms
491 - Remove preview of top 10 records from the new data explorer and disable download button on click Dataportal, change, tested
2006: Fixed issue allowing CF editors to view milestone details and partially edit by removing a document (IMS, tested).
2011: Resolved inconsistency in Iraq's required vs available data (Cooperation Frameworks, Data cleanup, tested).
2016: Fixed issue where the Sri Lanka JP/JI admin section was not accessible.
851: Addressed various permission issues.
July 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
796: Added database tables and API routes for Joint Programs in Cooperation Frameworks.
826: Enabled email notifications to relevant administrators when new users register in their workspace.
797: Developed Calculated Values API for Joint Programs in Cooperation Frameworks.
➕ Improvements & Updates
194: Removed redundant 'UNCT' flag from the organization table (Data cleanup).
1989: Removed 'UNCT' flag for organization builder.
1993: Temporarily disabled non-admin R-BOS reporting.
1991: Updated IMS annual survey "Planning and Programming 1" to display IMS tagged data when the plan is published.
834: Added organization abbreviation for plan-linked users.
832: Added email addresses for plan-linked users in Common Premises.
484: Prevented loading of analytics on URL widgets in Dataportal.
482: Added "where we work" URL widget in Dataportal.
480: Restricted display of private custom forms in the drop-down box for IMS country profiles.
1999: Resolved various ordering issues in the milestone table.
2002: Removed portfolios as an option from the Joint Programmes interface.
1987: Resolved issue when creating sub-outputs with existing SOU in Cooperation Frameworks.
1986: Added validation to prevent agency focal points from reporting funds higher than required in Cooperation Frameworks.
835: July CF dashboard improvements, including date queries.
1995: Enhanced July CF dashboard with Gantt chart improvements.
1990: Improved CP plan process (Steps 1, 2, and 3) in Common Premises.
1816: Validation for when a UN Entity can be removed from the COW in BOS.
817: Improved performance of version library during large updates.
844: Added "order by" options on reports.
841: Updated the
endpoint to retrieve data from collaboration years only.490: Updated the Disability trend chart.
829: Updated calculation for the disability gender chart in IMS.
493 / 2001: Made the indicator report for Uzbekistan available in Cooperation Frameworks (Duplicate bug fix).
🔧 Bug Fixes
824: Fixed issue with CCA milestone not working in IMS.
825: Resolved error when trying to publish CP plans.
489: Fixed issue where status numbers were not displayed on the homepage map.
488: Added missing translation keys for IMS country profiles.
840: Corrected filtering issue for regional location permissions by region.
493 / 2001: Fixed the unavailability of the indicator report for Uzbekistan in Cooperation Frameworks.
June 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
782: API filter for data-portal cf roadmap report.
792: API ticket for new trend charts for Gender Marker and Disability Markers.
812: Ensure new Common Premise plans do not incorporate premises from older plans except the last one.
823: Permissions for IMS BA.
813: Create new BOS regional workspace.
1985: Add permission gate on plan create button in all workspaces.
1984: Disable description for common premise plan.
1977: Prevent location selector on Mauritius.
801: Handle where condition on the entity report.
474: Upgrade of plugin indicator and activity reports.
816: Create disaggregation categories and group for indicator 10.2.
814: Remove CORs restriction on undg.org.
808: Additional comments field for milestones.
475: Change "Implementing Partners" to "Implementation Partners" in Cooperation Frameworks.
453: Add Gender and Disability Graphs to Country Page.
1976: Display regional services only for regional workspaces.
➕ Improvements & Updates
816: Created disaggregation categories and groups for indicator 10.2. (Stage, testing)
1975: New data explorer sub-output search missing columns for workspace, strategic priority, outcome.
1974: Add word count and suggest a limit for narratives in the report results section.
1971: Change "Implementing Partners" to "Implementation Partners" in Cooperation Frameworks.
1970: Simple changes and milestone color updates for IMS.
1973: Enable only implementation plan in the planning framework on BOS sign off.
1974: Add word count and suggest a limit for narratives in the report results section (Stage, tested).
810: Updated error message for common premises publication validation.
803: API ticket for including milestones requiring attention in IMS monthly emails.
791: Changes to IMS Plan creation report.
🔧 Bug Fixes
1969: Indicators not displayed in the monitoring section when component is mounted.
818: 500 error when accessing /planSurvey/calculatedValues/2657/false.
1964: Validation issue allowing users to save a milestone document despite checks.
May 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
794: Added filtering capability by certain planEntityDataitem types in Cooperation Frameworks (high priority).
➕ Improvements & Updates
1961: Updated UI filters for IMS Downloads.
1956: Improved table by grouping implementation milestones by year; IMS tested.
802: Adding all participations on BOS report endpoint.
798: Updated IMS Signatory API to include data for the latest implementation year 2024.
454: Removed "LNOB groups targeted" column if a custom "Leave No One Behind Beneficiaries" tag is used, and updated to get the date from the plan tag (plugin, tested).
452: Modified home page map to show CF status and count with new logic in Dataportal (in progress).
1960: Updated to get date from plan tag and removed LNOB groups targeted column if a custom tag is present (tested).
1952: Added UI search filter prototype on sub-output step in Cooperation Frameworks (Prototype, change).
1430: Improved user search functionality to display full names correctly (in progress).
793: Updated IMS reports to modify getRelevantYearQuery().
775: Cleaned up data by addressing planEntity and planEntityVersion records with "public" tags but having latestTaggedVersion set to false.
451: Made text changes and visual fixes to charts in Dataportal (tested).
447: Updated Beneficiaries link to target LNOB groups.
445: Changed the title of the activities per beneficiary chart.
1955: Updated the Beneficiaries link to target LNOB (Leave No One Behind) groups.
448: Enabled getting workspace from workspaceId parameter on all widgets via URL.
443: Implemented multiselect filters on country charts in Dataportal (tested).
440: Adjusted hover pop-up on iframe graphs (tested).
Improved UI for the Audit report financial update, focusing on Cooperation Frameworks.
Corrected the order of milestones numbers in the IMS module.
Enhanced frontend capabilities by adding wildcard on composed reference for planEntity and allowing retrieval of all services on BOS progress endpoint, benefiting BOS and Cooperation Frameworks.
Extended Audit report functionality to include wider financial data in the Cooperation Frameworks module.
Implemented a filter in the IMS report to select the year for filtering changes.
🔧 Bug Fixes
799: Resolved issue with inflated figures in financial report for location-based data.
92: Fixed error when entering incorrect credentials (username and/or password).
449: Fixed issue with filtering invalid entity location coordinates in Dataportal.
Resolved bug 790: Fixed issue with financial report grouping joins not correctly applying version filters.
April 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
Added wildcard functionality and enabled retrieval of all services on BOS progress endpoint for frontend, benefiting BOS and Cooperation Frameworks (Issue 788).
Conducted a proof of concept extension for the Audit report in Cooperation Frameworks to encompass wider financial data (Issue 777).
Implemented a filter in the IMS report to select the year for filtering changes (Issue 785).
➕ Improvements & Updates
Improved UI for the Audit report financial update in Cooperation Frameworks (Issue 1953).
Corrected the order of milestones numbers in IMS (Issue 1951).
Refactored cow reminders to get current CF plans for all workspaces (Issue 784).
Enabled sp and outcome on implementing partners report (Issue 436).
Added a new column "Signatories" to show organizations that are signatories in Dataportal (Issue 434).
Implemented filter by timeframe on funding by marker chart (Issue 446).
Addressed mismatching numbers in Data Portal landing Page (Issue 444).
Fixed user role permission cascade delete issue (Issue 781).
Work in progress: Added filter by planIds for plan status improvement (Issue 780).
Implemented filtering by strategic priority and outcome for implementing partners report (Issue 744).
Added country page image to Ecuador (Issue 435).
Removed the "published year" filter from the infographics page (Issue 432).
Made minor fixes for Sankey chart (Issue 405).
Modified charts for MCO countries Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados (Issue 395).
Removed 2FA from local (Issue 774).
Modified milestone 14 and 15 for 2024 (Issue 773).
Enabled "Delete" suboutputs option for DMOs only (Issue 772).
Updated charts for annual reporting 2024 (Issue 431).
Added new chart keys on workspace display settings (Issue 1943).
Fixed CowReminder task (Issue 763).
Implemented filter by organizationType for overviewReport endpoint (Issue 740).
Ensured latest plan is picked when workspace is provided in the overview endpoint (Issue 753).
🔧 Bug Fixes
Resolved bug 790: Fixed issue with financial report grouping joins not properly applying version filters.
Addressed bug 1950: SDG data not being pulled into Suboutput report for Uzbekistan and Papua New Guinea; currently in progress and testing.
Rectified bug 762: Identified discrepancies in datapoints on BOS progress endpoint.
Fixed bug 1945: System now allows uploading of 2024 UNCT Results Report to document library or linking to Cooperation Frameworks.
March 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
Implemented UI changes for Audit report and added lastUpdatedBy to suboutputs (Issue 1927).
Created additional API endpoints to return published CF Milestone answers (Issue 709).
Introduced a new feature, Signatory Graph, in IMS (Issue 1894).
Addressed issue with Signatory displaying wrong plan on IMS read-only mode (Issue 1904).
➕ Improvements & Updates
Fixed CowReminder task (Issue 763).
Corrected organizationType filtering in v0.2/sustainableDevelopmentGoal/overviewReport (Issue 740).
Ensured the latest plan is selected when workspace is provided in overview endpoint (Issue 753).
Modified indicator downloads for outputs to include new columns "Means of verification" and "Agency" + custom form columns in Dataportal (Issue 433).
Implemented changes in BOS module: hiding deletion for migrated services, requiring cost labor unit inputs, opening progress service items on another step (Issues 1934, 1931, 1926).
Modified indicator downloads for outputs to include new columns "Means of verification" and "Agency" + custom form columns in Cooperation Frameworks (Issue 1792).
Fixed issues related to UNCT graph and 'spna' values review in APIs (Issues 755, 752).
Various improvements and testing ongoing for multiple issues such as plan publishing optimization, query date filters, and signatory graph edge cases (Issues 748, 736, 745, 739, 738, 737, 735, 734, 746, 742).
Addressed issues and improvements related to BOS module functionalities (Issues 1923, 1922, 1920, 1919, 1918).
Implemented various improvements and fixes for IMS module, including filter issues and signatory graph feedback (Issues 713, 661, 1915, 725, 730, 725, 728).
Resolved issues with automated email from UN INFO and saving custom form (Issues 704, 104).
🔧 Bug Fixes
Identified and addressed data inconsistencies in BOS progress endpoint (Issue 762).
Fixed system bug preventing upload of 2024 UNCT Results Report to document library or linking to CF (Issue 1945).
Improved MYFF summary report to display values in correct format (Issue 1939).
Resolved bug in BOS report endpoint regarding cost values from agencies that left collaboration (Issue 756).
Fixed issue with userId not updating to createdById on completion creation in BOS (Issue 1935).
Corrected display of units for non-common indicators in Cooperation Frameworks (Issue 1930).
Fixed error saving milestone with documents for CF DMO + CF survey editor (Issue 721).
Addressed various bugs and issues related to signatory graph, entity saving, implementing partner report, BOS report refactor, custom input range, cost year loop, managing agency requirement, and signatory view logic in BOS and IMS modules (Issues 1932, 747, 741, 733, 1911, 1916, 1913, 1912, 1910, 1907, 1906).
Fixed buttons display issue in Cooperation Frameworks (Issue 1892).
Conducted frontend cleanup in IMS (Issue 1843).
Fixed user permission error on endpoint with workspaceId query param in Stage environment (Issue 734).
Implemented step3 - quality assurance and sign off in BOS (Issue 727).
Addressed bug in COW reminder emails regarding RCO composition (Issue 732).
Conducted cleanup in IMS related to archiving reports and decommissioned fields (Issue 570).
Fixed failing plan entity report bug (Issue 729).
Corrected bug related to unlocking empty qualitative opportunity analysis in BOS (Issue 1901).
February 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
Add publication permission for CF DMO and CF team lead (Issue 711): Granted publication permission to CF DMO and CF team lead.
Implementation milestones - UI options (Issue 1802): Introduced new UI options for implementation milestones in IMS.
Email reminder to update COW (Issue 652): Implemented email reminders to update COW in IMS.
IMS Milestone report filter (Issue 697): Added a filter option to the IMS Milestone report.
API to create new Annual Milestones and surveyImplementations in IMS (Issue 640): Introduced an API to create new Annual Milestones and surveyImplementations in IMS.
Link previous plan with new created one (set nextPlanId) (Issue 638): Improved functionality by linking previous plans with new ones.
➕ Improvements & Updates
BOS Module:
1895: Indicated way forward state on opportunity analysis.
1893: Disallowed migrated services implementation date edit for OMT roles.
1889: Skipped lock for non-participating organizations.
1884: Displayed add year based on agency years.
1883: Required way forward working group.
1881: Checked opportunity stock take completion only for stock take services.
1879: Updated service migration cutoff date.
1878: Updated realized year calculation.
1876: Relaxed lock completion requirement for way forward.
1875: Allowed UNS child validation. 1869: Updated progress.
IMS Module:
720: Removed passwordConfirmation from mongo logs.
719: Provided IMS API for showing Signatories per country and agency.
710: Created new role "IMS business analyst" to access new download reports and to view IMS plans.
1873: Allowed access to the CF milestone details and new IMS aggregate features to "IMS product owner" roles.
704: Fixed automated email from UN INFO and improvement.
1872: Cleaned up UI of Plan Viewer to accommodate both Milestones and existing EntityPrototypes.
Cooperation Frameworks:
429: Removed email address uninfo[at]un.org from footer.
426: Allowed admin UI access for additional CF roles.
425: Rounded to 2 decimal places for billions.
1861: Prevented output start and end dates from being changed if there is funding linked to it.
382: Updated IMS reports for 2023.
1675: Cleaned up UI of Plan Viewer to accommodate both Milestones and existing EntityPrototypes.
1781: Added organization ID to the organizations UI.
681: Improved CF Roadmap Dashboard API performance.
683: Removed preferences query from user/search.
663: Synced and improved performance of common premises - occupant / premise.
418: Modified API call for the home page tree chart to also include the fiscalYear.
🔧 Bug Fixes
IMS Module:
1896: Fixed bug causing CF Roadmap module not loading document links.
1880: Corrected bug where status colors were not showing on milestones.
1864: Removed temporary signatory filter.
1863: Updated custom plugin search version to 2.33.10.
Cooperation Frameworks:
714: Fixed bug causing overlap when a timeframeId filter value is included in the request.
1865: Fixed bug where baseline data was not saving after user clicks in Yemen.
423: Corrected bug in the Number of Activities per Agency where incorrect color was displayed for "finalised".
698: Fixed bug where Kosovo Head of RCO was missing in COW reminder but present in UI.
689: Resolved error downloading CF milestone data.
688: Fixed errors in OverviewReport report with location id when there are no financials.
679: Added result group plan survey public data.
703: Allowed access to the CF milestone details and new IMS aggregate features to "IMS product owner" roles.
672: Conducted IMS report unit tests.
421: Updated custom plugin search version to 2.33.10.
January 2024
✨ New Feature Releases
Cooperation Frameworks:
714: Fixed bug causing overlap in v0.2/report/public/implementingPartner/1025 when a timeframeId filter value is included in the request.
IMS Module:
652: Introduced new feature: Email reminder to update COW.
1847: Updated UI for IMS aggregate report.
619: Added new feature: Full download report for CF milestone IMS questions.
New Features:
1791: Introduced a new feature allowing a user to request access to new domain & workspace.
1790: Modified user management screen to enable user manager to filter by domain and workspace.
➕ Improvements & Updates
BOS Module:
726: Refactored agenciesWithinService property.
724: Fixed "agencies" section not updating correctly.
1860: Indicated loading completions.
1856: Excluded other domain role check on restricted roles.
1854: Disabled planning framework if way forward not locked.
1852: Added new readonly field "BOS participant: Yes" to the COW for each UN Entity.
1849: Excluded on requests.
1851: Disabled planning framework if way forward not locked.
1845: Checked recurring costs if participation year exists.
1844: Increased completion search limit.
1841: Removed cost and KPI edit permission for afp role.
1840: Enabled KPI inputs for manual migration.
1833: Updated user management role hierarchy.
1837: Displayed calculated cost on missing cost value.
1822: Made post-release pre-reporting changes.
1727: Updated BOSWGCI to BOSWGCICT per agency role reference.
1812: Made BOS RC change.
IMS Module:
1859: Fixed IMS Signatory and CF Roadmap report.
684: Resolved Rwanda issue on IMS plan submission.
667: Cleaned up validation errors in IMS 2023 plan submission.
1727: Displayed signatory organization even if it no longer exists in the COW.
1736: Changed name of data item for RCO job title from "Partnership and Development Finance Officer" to "Partnerships Officer".
Cooperation Frameworks:
1858: Addressed duplicate baseline values for common indicators.
1794: Showed contributing partners by default in "Report results" section.
410: Used financials parameter on overview report to return counts of sub-outputs.
406: Made text modifications in Data Portal.
1828: Added visual indicators next to each sub-output to easily highlight missing data.
643: Removed or minimized user data returned in any public API request.
672: Implemented IMS report unit tests.
660: Conducted IMS plan publication fixes.
416: Updated indicator report plugin version.
415: Updated custom plugin search version.
297: Updated IMS contact job title option: SPO to HRCO.
1727: Displayed signatory organization even if it no longer exists in the COW.
🔧 Bug Fixes
BOS Module:
1899: Fixed bug setting null kpi on value deletion.
1898: Fixed bug getting UTC year.
1897: Increased cost request limit.
Cooperation Frameworks:
689: Resolved error downloading CF milestone data.
688: Fixed errors in OverviewReport report with location id when there are no financials. 1855: Addressed validation error when user types in total expenditure value, and the disaggregated expenditure by contributing partner does not get updated.
1854: Updated signatory list filter to handle orgs not marked in the COW.
408: Corrected wrong information for Mauritius country profile in UN INFO Data Portal - UNCT Overview section.
1797: Fixed bug where indicator disaggregation isn't easily viewable.
IMS Module and Others:
683: Removed preferences query from user/search.
663: Improved sync and performance of common premises - occupant / premise.
1853: Updated custom plugin search version to 2.33.9.
1852: Handled BOS users with pending assignment role.
1831: Fixed issue where common premises data was not showing.
1828: Added visual indicators next to each sub-output to easily highlight to user that data is missing in progress.
660: Implemented IMS plan publication fixes. 414: Removed tree map disclaimer.
Last updated
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