2023 Changelog
Hot off the press, it's UN INFO's new releases
December 2023
New Feature Releases
652 - Email reminder to update COW
,new feature
619 - IMS - full download report for CF milestone IMS questions
,new feature
590 - New meta data table for organizations
new feature
1776 - Automated tests for IMS and CF milestones
,new feature
Improvements & Updates
1794 - Show contributing partners by default in "Report results" section
All workspaces
,Cooperation Frameworks
1812 - BOS RC
412 - Hide the Palestine map until borders can be added
,user request
521 - Modify the API to return counts of sub-outputs to include those not linked to any funding data
Cooperation Frameworks
1805 - Special request for change of RC function labels for Kosovo
,user request
632 - Cleanup any new surveyImplementation year date range
633 - upgrade nodeJs from v14 to v20
Bug Fixes
1797 - Indicator disaggregation isn't easily viewable.
All workspaces
,Cooperation Frameworks
1807 - Users cannot access plans due to "Pending assignment" role across workspaces
1667 - Indicator disaggregation report displaying "undefined" when a string value is present
Cooperation Frameworks
,merge request
636 - Improve user search to filter on domains and workspaces inside user preferences as well
1795 - Milestone download - various issues
November 2023
New Feature Releases
1776 - Automated tests for IMS and CF milestones
619 - IMS - full download report for CF milestone IMS questions
1711 - Add country column to organizations download and filter
565 - IMS MYFF calculations 2023 - Milestone changes
Improvements & Updates
627 - extend param spreadsheet on all search endpoint that workspace app use
624 - Plan Export Optimizations
620 - Update 2023 IMS plans to set the survey deadline data
604 - Preliminary Refactor: Use req.getModels() in Controllers for Future Testability and Abstraction
617 - update user search endpoint to accomodate for refactor on user admin interface
618 - fileDocument association with IMS plan changes
1774 - IMS issues - post launch 6
1766 - Modify the organization bulk upload to include a new parentId column
1771 - Render list of calculated values planEntities
610 - Documents download does not include fileDocument properties -API
572 - User records with no roles and no workspaceId
1764 - User feature to allow removal of Results groups and Thematic groups
562 - Modify the organization bulk upload to include a new parentId column
392 - wip chart updates
362 - Country page funding charts should show contributing partner parent organization names
572 - User records with no roles and no workspaceId
609 - Add URL links for "Guidance" to road map milestones
Bug Fixes
1786 - IMS issues - post launch 10
1784 - IMS issues - post launch 9
1782 - IMS issues - post launch 8
622 - In the milestone questions, dependent fields are not being reset when a conditional field has changed value
1779 - IMS issues - post launch 7
1704 - Modify the registration process, so that 'registered' users can be seen by the workspace admins
1774 - IMS issues - post launch 6
1769 - IMS issues - post launch 5
1769 - IMS issues - post launch 5
616 - Store C.1.7.2 "No organizations" checkbox
615 - Signatories migration error
1769 - IMS issues - post launch 5
1774 - IMS issues - post launch 6
1724 - IMS 2022 programmatic survey, CF details funding data should display published not latest data
1765 - IMS plan (forms.io), onclick save as draft, a modal window opens up.
614 - milestone status, not showing green when all other roadmap milestones green
1767 - IMS issues - post launch 4
1765 - IMS plan (forms.io), onclick save as draft, a modal window opens up.
612 - Adding delete planSurvey endpoint
1758 - Document library edit view - drop down for linked roadmap step not populated correctly.
1760 - IMS Feedback issues - post launch 1
1758 - Document library edit view - drop down for linked roadmap step not populated correctly.
1760 - IMS Feedback issues - post launch 1
1755 - IMS:CF roadmap - Testing round 8
October 2023
New Feature Releases
608 - CF Survey Reader Permissions
1666 - Permissions for new "CF overview" step
574 - Recording when user logs into UNINFO workspace
389 - add translations: bn
Improvements & Updates
1702 - Gender marker scorecard 2.2 for IMS 2023 to be filled in manually by interns, and not DMOs in the normative survey.
607 - Gender marker scorecard 2.2 for IMS 2023 to be filled in manually by interns, and not DMOs in the normative survey.
1750 - IMS readonly roadmap readonly questions display
1754 - IMS C.15 - Calculated Question Dependency
494 - IMS MS - DB Model
496 - IMS MS - Migration script to import milestones and data model
605 - IMS All changes
369 - Cabo Verde: Suboutput export file includes html formatting strings
369 - Add Submitted status on dashboard filter
1682 - Markers narrative should be enabled to all workspaces
388 - Delivery Rate Visual: Update the legend "Available Resources" to "Remaining Available Resources"
1711 - Add country column to organizations download and filter change, in progress
596 - User Role Assignment at user creation
393 - Use parentIds instead of strategicPriorityIds param on tree chart filtering
Bug Fixes
1746 - Roadmap testing round 7
1752 - Issues related to Regional Plan Milestones and IMS - e.g. Caribbean
1753 - Publish button in the CF plans have been hidden for admin users
601 - Dowloads report not showing all implementing partners (Number of UN Entities Working With An Implementing Partner in a Plan)
599 - Fix document search by plan entity ids
1742 - Next/previous feature on sub-outputs not working properly
1650 - Multi-year funding framework feedback - button overlap and TEST row in the download Cooperation Frameworks, bug, tested
390 - fix local storage data overflow
394 - Infographics page not displaying the global uploaded report bug, highest, tested
September 2023
New Feature Releases
Link between plans, future and current plan Cooperation Frameworks
Add grouping by parent organization option to financial reports Cooperation Frameworks Improvements & Updates
Modify organization merge feature to detect for duplicate contributing partners on a suboutput Cooperation Frameworks
Modify organization merge feature to detect for duplicate contributing partners on a suboutput Cooperation Frameworks Bug Fixes
Common Premises - Calculations Review and Fixes
Unable to update geolocation information using the bulk option for Venezuela Cooperation Frameworks
Common premises - plan creation bug
Latest Data not showing data on data portal Cooperation Frameworks
August 2023
New Feature Releases
Modify charts for Tanzania to pull disagg data by admin 1 location data
Common Premises - Option identification inherited country selection
Improvements & Updates
Infographic site editorial modifications Dataportal
Move Beneficiaries link from 'Others' tab to 'Markers' tab
Bug Fixes
Lebanon - Programming - Map not showing all suboutputs in a region
Annual funding framework values in the MYFF UI not being displayed for Cuba Cooperation Frameworks, bug, tested
Ethiopia: Programming page is frozen as page not responding to clicks bug, high, tested
XLS export of monthly survey bug, high, ims
Remove fileDocument thumbnail if the document is replaced with an external link bug
Sentry Error: Cannot remove headers after they are sent to the client
Audit Report Indonesia error Cooperation Frameworks
Update all models which use "unique" constraint at the property level bug, high
July 2023
New Feature Releases
339 - Add Admin Data Toggle to the Download Tab Cooperation Frameworks
361 - Display planEntityId in the suboutput UI and also add as a column in all sub-output reports
360 - Guyana: Update the dashboard cover image
366 - fix local storage limit: skip heavy objects
365 - handle sankey contributing partner node with null entity id and links with null fromId
539 - Senty Error: Cannot remove headers after they are sent to the client
Improvements & Updates
356 - The Caribbean: All suboutputs tagged to countries should be shown on the respective country blobs on the map.
1640 - Display planEntityId in the suboutput UI and also add as a column in all sub-output reports
363 - add translations: nl
1580 - Improvement: Make Funding Framework save button mandatory when user makes an updates
342 - Update "UN INFO Application" to "UN INFO Workspace" for logged in users
Bug Fixes
535 - Sankey chart API not returning contributing partner names
1660 - Standard indicator not displayed after being added to an output
1653 - fileDocument upload - when file is uploaded ui shows it as external address
526 - Plan status endpoint returns 500 error after new CF plans created
354 - Bug: The first QCPR function text is missing across the SDGs cards
352 - Bug: "Number of Implementing Partners with each UN Entity Within a Plan" report download options
Past Releases (Jan - June 2023)
New Feature Releases
480 - add funding data from Cooperation Framework Details to "latestVersion" download
480 - add funding data from Cooperation Framework Details to "latestVersion" download
522 - Add "organization type" as a new column in the "Funding by contributing partner" report
272 - Country page chart - Number of activities per agency
1620 - New report to compare output funding against sum of sub-output funding
Improvements & Updates
1547 - remove disaggregationDimension if no longer used
1619 - E2E test to validate IMS survey data exists - form.io tests
349 - New Visuals Feedback
325 - Data Portal: New Downloads Feedback
513 - Add order to planEntityVersion
346 - Add "organization type" as a new column in the "Funding by contributing partner" report
328 - Display where we work map when in viewport
344 - Correct map legend note change
516 - download of section Annual Funding Framework in CF module is showing data that it shouldn't change
Bug Fixes
525 - Update the Marker dataitem latestTaggedVersion name from latestVersion
1613 - Tanzania: Funding framework user interface is showing wrong data
1618 - data entered into IMS disappeared
337 - Madagascar: "Where we work: The UN’s key activities" map not loading
325 - API error on search plan
351 - Thematic Marker Overview chart, legend is misleading
New Feature Releases
UI for editing the tasks of the roadmap
Create new "Infographics" page for listing of static report files (epic)
Improvements & Updates
Change the default selection of parent fields in the Outcome, Output & Suboutput
Modify links to the new reports to enable google analytics to track them
Display where we work map when in viewport
Change the title of the RC displayed in the data portal country page
re-enable charts for demo
Roles Permissions PermissionGate Logic Improvement - Frontend
Add CF Survey Editor role on certain IMS roles addition
Homepage map and country maps, investigate use of Leaflet integration of Mapbox GL JS.
Default the year value in the charts to the current year or most recent year.
Role & Permissions Backend Changes - Storing Status in Field to Improve Frontend
Remove survey permissions from context limited roles and group them in a specific global role
Bug Fixes
List of the JWPs that are published, and to know if they are UNDAFs or CFs or TEFs
Check why Moldova's evaluation and management response documents are not being displayed in the Monthly survey
Malaysia: Allow users to tag level 1 and level 2 even when funding is associated with the level 0 location
New Feature Releases
New Download: Number of Agencies Working with and Implementing Partner within a Plan
New Download: Funding per custom form value (single select)
New Download: Comparison of funding across contributing partners within a plan
New Download: Comparison of Funding Across UN Entities within a Plan
Create a New Download Tab on the Data Explorer
UNINFO public report chart: Resource Mobilization Visual
Additional downloads for existing charts, and make overflow icon for csv downloads more obvious
Configuration for setting what gets displayed on a country page.
Improvements & Updates
Tanzania - Add Lat and Long values to Zanzibar, Mainland and other locations.
Modify expenditure funding UI to allow agency total only or disaggregated contributing partner values
Modify all excel downloads of disaggregated funding data to exclude agency totals
Issues with uploading organizations for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Include Outcome and Output codes column in excel export file
Create a method to highlight Level 0 sub-outputs
CF implementation status for regional plans Caribbean for countries like Jamaica
Move calculation of year totals from the front end to the backend
Exclude contributing partner breakdown values from agency totals on financial report endpoints
Add "plan" grouping option to financial reports
Validation of unique code and output during save of new suboutput causes all fields to be lost.
Country page, modify UNCT composition pie chart for "Agencies signed up to current programming instrument".
Bug Fixes
Users report blank app unless they clear cache or use another browser
New Data Explorer Export: Missing Outcomes in exported csv file
India: Users unable to save suboutputs after making changes
"Target" columns appearing in the Annual funding disaggregation download for Caribbean CF plan.
Migration and Update on planEntityNarrative not tagged.
New Feature Releases
Add new columns for Narrative [year] in the New data explorer: Suboutput and Indicator downloads - MVP and data portal
Tanzania: Funding per level 1 locations (Mainland & Zanzibar)
Indicator disaggregation download - add columns for Narrative
UNINFO private report chart: Integrated programming
UNINFO report chart: Agency Overview
UNINFO public report chart: Resource Mobilization Visual
Add options column to workspace for storing visibility options for the portal
Links: display SDG label in same format as autocomplete once data is saved
COW: Logic to synchronise child workspace UN entity with parent workspace UN entity
MIF - Add common Indicators flag in output entityPrototype
Common Indicator Framework - technical tasks (EPIC)
MIF - standard CRUD endpoints for common indicators
MIF - Unit and integration tests
MIF - Exports and reports
MIF - Generating report on live planSurvey data.
Additional informations for common indicators.
Improvements & Updates
Change validation message for suboutputs with missing required custom fields
Improvement: Workspace instead of Dashboard
Make the SDG graphic exportable
Home page various changes.
Homepage map - switch to using dates from actual CF plan in UNINFO
Move CF Status definition on API specific endpoint
Put UsersOnPageWidget on Cooperation Framework Details page too
Include activities that have no links in overview reports.
Remove user property from plan search public API endpoint
On delete of a suboutput (plan entity), also cascade the soft delete to include the planEntityCell and assessments.
Remove duplicate assessments, create unique index for assessment table and make sure the create http request is sent only once from MVP.
Get thumbnail image of first page uploaded documents and store this, and make it available in the API.
Bug Fixes
India: Error message displayed when user tries to extend suboutput end date
Lebanon: Deleted organization reappears after user saves changes
Datasource filter in dataItem admin UI not working
Sankey Chart does not display the linkage between contributing partner and agency.
New Feature Releases
Create Funding Comparison endpoint.
Add option to download narratives in excel format.
Add grouping by year - UNINFO Data Portal Report Chart: Agency Overview.
Improvements & Updates
fileDocument update should allow updating of private when plan is published
Change COW RCO job title from "Strategic Planning Officer" to "Head of Resident Coordinator's Office"
Automatic tagging of dataitems and datasources
Data portal changes for questions moved from IMS to CF (EPIC).
Refactor charts to propertly use size and width of parent components.
Add functionality to open user details by url search parameter.
Filter survey plans by parent workspace.
Resource Mobilization API Changes
Bug Fixes
Add a link from planEntity builder to the corresponding planEntity in monitoring.
Kuwait: Users are unable to add new suboutputs to CF Plan.
Roles and Permissions - not able to assign user rights.
When adding a contact to the COW, if the user does not answer location, the contact appears to be saved, but in fact is not saved.
New Feature Releases
Modify full data download report for IMS reports
Generating IMS 2022 reports
Add a link from plan builder to the corresponding plan item in monitoring.
Indicator report - disaggregated data release.
Display the "id" column for Data Source on the data item page.
The new and improved Funding Report available on the sub-output step. A more thorough breakdown video of this report will be available soon.
The new INDICATOR DISAGGREGATION REPORT is available. This provides a full breakdown of all indicators, their associated disaggregation categories and any values entered in the Metrics section.
Improvements & Updates
Update all outcomes and outputs with no dates to its parent's start and end dates.
Improvements to suboutput funding disaggregated report.
The annual funding framework questions are all auto set to "Yes" even if there are no suboutputs in a new plan.
Include the COW UNCT and Physical presence data in the Full downloads - plan survey - latest version report
Bug Fixes
Caribbean CF plan, CF details, Signatories tab is not displaying any data
Email alert for new comments, the hyperlink to the comment is incorrect
End of Cycle Indicators are breaking the narrative section on Bolivia UNDAF
Users report blank app unless they clear cache or use another browser
Users are unable to select parent plan item across workspaces
Button Link from CF details to IMS is missing
The 'Next Step' button at the bottom of the Reporting section redirects the user to the Builder section
Error message when updating Sub-Output on Caribbean plan (id 1193) when Output filter is set to All
Last updated
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