5.4.3 Occupants level data
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Occupants Level data is entered by the CPC, the Common Services Manager or the Agency Focal Point
Organization. . Start typing the first letters of the organization and select the occupant’s organization from the dropdown list. Please allow a few seconds for the dropdown to load. If the organization is not shown in the list, select the “Cannot find entry” button below the data field to add a new organization.
Name. Add a name, that should combine organization name, office type and city, to uniquely identify the office (e.g., WFP-CO-Nairobi).
Office type. Select the office type from the dropdown. If the office type does not appear in the dropdown, select the nearest corresponding one. List of included office types can be found in Annex II. Excluded office types still need to be entered on the platform, however less information is required.
Office description. Add a short description of the office.
Common Services Manager. Select the UN Entity providing the service /or overseeing the service provision of building management and building services. There should be only one Common Services Manager per premise (please add one Common Services Manager for Single Premises as well). For Single Premises select the single only occupant as the CSM.
Restriction to relocate. Indicate, if any, important restriction to move the office to another premises. More than one restriction can be selected. If any restrictions are selected, a justification can be uploaded if available. Occupants who have selected any restriction to relocate will not be considered for consolidation projects.
Security restriction: secure compound with no potential relocating options
Operational restriction: located near government or facilities key to mandate/mission delivery
Contractual restriction: the office’s contract cannot be ended
Financial restriction: rent-free premises
Current work modality refers to working arrangements. Enter the work modality at time of completion, even considering Covid-19 impact such as:
Full physical presence whereby the staff member goes to the office every day
Remote working whereby the staff member works from home and may come to the office for meetings implying that he/she does not occupy a workstation
Hybrid modality meaning a partial remote working arrangement
Current number of desks per personnel. Enter the ratio of number of desks/workstations for the selected occupant entity in this premise per personnel. E.g., entering 0.8 means that there are 0.8 desks for 1 personnel, i.e., 8 workstations for 10 people. This number is between 0 and 1.
Office Space Requirements : Enter the current and the estimated future number of personnel (in the next five years) in the office for each level. The future number of personnel is usually based on the known staffing trends of the UN Entity or could be estimated at 2-5 % increase. Current and future number of personnel will be used in further analysis of space needs:
The sum of national and international personnel must match the sum of personnel number indicated in the “current personnel” column of the space requirements table.
The area calculated in the space requirements table is strictly for the working space. The “Additional space requirements” table displays the space needed for support functions (corridors, storage space, toilets, etc.), in accordance with TTCP guidance/policy.
Please note that the calculated figures are estimates based on the TTCP guidance/ policy and won’t necessarily match the exact situation for the premises occupied. The calculated figures will be used for identifying consolidation scenarios. For instance, the platform may calculate 500m2 for office area, while the actual situation in the premises is 450 m2 area.
Costs. Enter annual recurring costs (in USD) incurred by the office for building services in each category. The fields “Other” costs are used for all the ones not listed on the platform. In case of joint contracts, an estimation should be provided for each sub-cost with the total adding to the cost of the joint contract.
In case of a shared service, only the share of cost paid by this occupant should be included.
In case of joint contracts, an estimation should be provided for each sub-cost with the total adding to the cost of the joint contract.
In case the occupant is being paid by another occupant for certain building services, the cost entered should not include the share of the other occupants' cost. (E.g., if Occupant 1 is responsible for handing 100$ to the landlord for its share of the maintenance (70$) plus the share of Occupant 2 (30$), Occupant 1 maintenance cost should be 70$ (not 100$) while Occupant 2 enters 30$.
Notes: In case of a premise without any active occupant, please register the managing agency as occupant and indicate 0 for the number of personnel.