FAQs - Results Framework/JWP

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any best practice guidance to help with UNCT onboarding process?

Do you have any useful terms of reference (ToR) for results groups?

You may download the Terms of Reference for Results Groups (Indicative) below:


The Results Groups are constituted at strategic priority or outcome level of the Cooperation Framework. The results groups comprise of experts from all UN entities represented in the UNCT and the RCO. To keep transactional costs at a minimum and for equal representation, each UN entity will be expected to nominate one member to a results group relevant to results they will be supporting in the Cooperation Framework.

· Please list all the UN entities physically present and those not physically present that contribute to outputs under this priority area.

· Please list also Government entities/partners that are part of this results groups (if applicable).

Co-Chairs: 2 Heads of UN entities that are contributing to results in the priority/outcome area. The co-chairs may be rotated on an annual basis to give all results group members, including those not physically located in the country, an opportunity to lead the priority area. At any one rotation, one of the co-leading agencies must be physically present in country. The RC shall designate the co-leads ensuring there is balanced distribution of UN entities across all UN results and other groups.

Purpose of Results Groups

Results Groups improve internal coordination and ensure a coherent UN system-wide approach of analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring vis-à-vis a strategic priority/outcome. They promote complementarity and synergies and reduce overlaps and gaps within and across priority/outcome areas.

Key Tasks

They include but not limited to the following:

1. Contribute to the preparation and periodic updates of the Common Country Analysis to inform the UN development support to the country.

2. Prepare and update annually the UN joint work plan and funding framework for achieving the Cooperation Framework outputs.

3. Identify opportunities for joint programmes and programming and design relevant instruments (e.g. joint programmes; integrated policy support; joint advocacy etc).

4. Engage in joint and/or coordinated resources mobilisation from national stakeholders/development partners as appropriate in support of outputs within the priority areas.

5. Engage in joint policy deliberations and advocacy with national Government and other stakeholders on key issues within priority area to advance the 2030 Agenda/SDGs.

6. Ensure that UN Info information related to the joint work plan and progress in its implementation is updated monthly.

7. Engage in joint/interagency monitoring exercises as needed to establish and/ verify results as needed or appropriate. 8. In liaison with the Operations Management Team and the UN Communication Group - monitor resource requirements, mobilization and allocation, as well as financial delivery through Joint Workplans.

9. Perform periodic and annual review of collective progress on achieving results within and across priority areas.

10. Contribute to drafting draft and validation of inputs to the UN country results report related to the specific priority areas.

11. Support evaluation of the Cooperation Framework and contribute to management response and action plans.

Frequency of meeting: Its recommended that results groups meet bimonthly at least. However, the group may choose to more frequently as may be necessary depending on country context.

What is the description for the key activity or sub-output status?

The status codes in UN INFO follows the latest IATI Data Standards as can be seen here. You may find the description for each status below.


Sub-output/KA Status




The activity is being scoped or planned



The activity is currently being implemented



Physical activity is complete or the final disbursement has been made, but the activity remains open pending financial sign off or M&E



Physical activity is complete or the final disbursement has been made.



The activity has been cancelled



The activity has been temporarily suspended

What are the Corporation Framework user roles?

There are three Corporation Framework user roles:

  1. Corporation Framework administrator – The CF country admin can also give access to other RCO and UNCT staff and assign them the role of CF country editor.

  2. Corporation Framework editor – responsible for entering information in the CF/UNDAF/JWP within the workspace s/he was assigned to.

  3. Corporation Framework reader – can visualize the information but not edit it. All new users registered in UN INFO are assigned the role of reader to their workspace. It is the responsibility of the CF country administrator or the global administrator to assign readers the CF editor role.

How will the delivery per Outcomes/Outputs will be tracked if the MYFF will not be linked with JWPs in UNINFO?

We are tracking the funding in the MYFF in comparison to the funding compiled in all the sub-output funding section. Think of it as PLANNED vs ACTUAL. There's a report that you can pull off the system on the MYFF section that shows these figures.

Are regular resources and core funds the same?

We only track Regular Resources/Core explicitly. How? By tagging the agency itself as the contributing partner. For Other Resources/Non-Core Resources, we ask for the specific partner/fund/funding stream. We used to have Regular/Core Funds as an option but we were overruled in wanting to keep it. The reason? When it appears on the data portal, no one has any idea which agency's core we're referring to.

My UNDAF/CF does not have Strategic Priority, what should I include here?

The Strategic Priority can be used to reflect the overall framework that the UNDAF/CF Outcome is supporting, being National Priorities, SDGs etc.

Do I need to add CBF data for the Key Activities/Sub-outputs or is it enough that I have CBF at the Outcome level?

If you have a Joint Work Plan, CBF/funding data is mandatory to be provided at the lowest level of the plan, meaning the Key Activities/Sub-outputs.

If a mission is included in the UNDAF/CF, what part of the budget should be including, both programmatic and operational?

There is currently no clear guidance on how to include CBF data for mission(s). The recommended practice for now would be to include only the programmatic budget.

Which tags and markers are countries required to use?

For the UNDAF/CF Plan Template the mandatory tags and markers are: Agency, SDG Goals. For the JWP Plan Template the mandatory markers and tags are: Gender marker, Human Rights marker, Humanitarian Marker (mandatory for countries with a humanitarian plan or crisis), OECD/DAC sector, Agency, SDG Targets, Source of Funds, and Geography

What should be included in the calculation of the resource requirements in the CBF/Funding Framework?

An agency should ensure that the same funding requirements expressed in their CPD or corresponding document is what is also included in the UNDAF/CF.

What is the connection between the Humanitarian Plan Marker and the GLIDE number?

The Humanitarian Marker and the Humanitarian Plan Marker are both only mandatory for countries where they apply. The Humanitarian Marker consists of two elements: 1) the GLIDE number which can link an activity/sub-outputs. to a humanitarian event base on its ID code; or 2) the Humanitarian Plan, which connects an intervention to a humanitarian response plans and or emergency appeal. You can apply the marker that is most relevant for your country.

Some of my indicators only have end of cycle targets while others also have a mid-term target, how should I set the structure?

Set the structure in accordance with the most frequent reporting cycle.

Why is RCO not included in the list of Agencies?

The RCO is not considered an agency so it is not included in the list.

We have some Tags and Markers we would love to track in our country. Does UN INFO allow us to add customized/country specific Tags and Markers? 

Yes. UN INFO allows for the creation of country specific Tags and Markers. The country administrator can easily create country specific tags and markers via custom forms.

What is the meaning and function of the QCPR marker and why is it important? 

QCPR stands for Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review. The QCPR is the mechanism through which the General Assembly assesses the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact of UN operational activities for development and establishes system-wide policy orientations for the development cooperation and country-level modalities of the UN system in response to the evolving international development and cooperation environment. You may learn more here: https://www.un.org/ecosoc/en/content/what-quadrennial-comprehensive-policy-review-qcpr

I need to track changes and updates made to our UN INFO country workstation. How do I know who has modified any part of UN INFO for my country? 

Coming soon…

I need to customize and/or create new narrative reporting fields in my country’s workstation. How do I do this?

Coming soon…

Could you explain how data ‘roll up’ or are ‘rolled up’ in UN INFO?

Coming soon…

Good question as it relates to the heart of how UN INFO functions as well as how we intend to capture SDG data. You will notice when you open a KA/sub-output that there is a tag for SDG Target. This tag contains all 169 Targets. UN INFO, through a backend process, will roll-up all Target tags to their corresponding SDGs. UN INFO does also roll-up related financial contributions in this same way.

What would be the minimum fields that need to be filled up in JWPs on UN INFO before the data can be saved and pulled to populate public websites etc?

At the minimum, the following tags and markers provide the granular data that powers the dashboards and reports. They include:

  • Budget (CBF/Funding Framework)

  • SDG targets

  • Agency

  • Implementing partners

  • Source of funds/donors/contributing partners

  • Geography

  • Gender equality marker (GEM)

  • Human rights marker

At the sub-output or key activity level, you can save your data and update progressively. However, you would need to provide the agency and choose the status for the sub-output before the system allows you to save.

If we are providing two sorts of assistance: in kind (with no monetary quantification) and monetary assistance; we should report them one apart from the other?

For example, if UNDP is providing in-kind assistance (computers, school supplies, etc) plus $40,000 on a key activity, you may quantify the dollar value of the NMA and add it to the monetary assistance (financial contribution). This way you get to report just the dollar value of UNDP's contribution.

Is it possible to add custom country tags (joint programmes, national development strategies, etc) to our plan? If yes, how can we do this?

You can simply send us a list of all the custom tags you desire to have added to your workspace and we would have it added ASAP. To send the list, please click on the link below.

How to preview data entered on new UN INFO and to check what agencies and what info they entered?

For now, you can use the "View" button on plans to preview what has been entered. However, the data portal that is soon to be launched would provide better access to your data.

Is there any guidance on folding Socio-Economic Response Plans into Cooperation Frameworks?

A. Background

The sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 represented a massive, unpredictable external shock to the development landscape, with the impacts to be felt for many years to come. This crisis required an extraordinary response by the UN development system (UNDS), which shifted into development emergency mode to support countries in their socio-economic response. To this end, in April 2020, the UNDS launched its global UN Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 to govern the response over 12 to 18 months.

In response to national priorities and building on the existing programme cycle (either UNDAF or Cooperation Framework), UN country teams (UNCT) were requested to develop a country-specific Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP). While formulated separately as a development emergency response, the SERP does not need a separate programming track going forward. The global UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 states the importance “to anchor, as soon as possible, the socio-economic response to COVID-19 firmly in national development plans and in the Cooperation Frameworks.”[1] With SERPs being phased out and/or finalised by the end of 2021, and with COVID-19 affecting every element of the development landscape, the regular multi-year programme cycle – i.e. the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (Cooperation Framework) – needs to take into account how COVID-19 impacts a country’s development trajectory towards the 2030 Agenda, and identify adequate development solutions.

B. Folding SERPs into the Cooperation Framework: UN Joint Work Plans as the necessary precondition

Folding SERPs effectively into Cooperation Frameworks requires well-developed Joint Work Plans (JWP). As per the Cooperation Framework guidance[2], JWPs are mandatory and developed by results groups to operationalize the Cooperation Framework. They outline the UN development contributions to Cooperation Framework outputs, delivered jointly or by individual entities, with a view to (i) maximizing synergies and avoiding duplication, (ii) collectively monitor and report on progress, and (iii) provide periodic inputs to update the Common Country Analysis (CCA). They also outline resources that are required and available as well as funding gaps. JWPs may be annual or multi-year as appropriate to the country context.

Already in 2020, as part of the SERPs, all UNCTs were requested to either integrate SERP-specific activities into pre-existing JWPs of the Cooperation Framework or set up a COVID-specific JWP (in addition to existing JWPs under the Cooperation Framework). Addressing the latter context, this paper outlines the steps on how to fold the SERP into the Cooperation Framework.

1. UNCTs designing their new Cooperation Framework in 2021:

UNCTs that will design their Cooperation Framework in 2021 for implementation to start in 2022 can easily fold their ongoing COVID response and related analyses into the CF design process. The key steps are:

  • Use any socio-economic impact assessment undertaken to feed into the CCA that will underpin the design of the new Cooperation Framework;

  • Use the COVID response and experience under the SERP thus far to inform the subsequent prioritization and design process of the new Cooperation Framework.

2. For all other UNCTs, irrespective of the stage of their programme cycle (UNDAF or Cooperation Framework):

UNCTs that will not design their new Cooperation Framework in 2021 are expected to develop new or adjust their existing JWPs under the Cooperation Framework (or equivalent framework, e.g. UNDAF) to integrate the COVID response. This would apply also to UNCTs that designed their Cooperation Framework in 2020, and already integrated - to different extent - COVID-19 related interventions.

​​​​​​​2.1. For UNCTs with existing Joint Workplans:

The key steps are:

  • Move COVID-19 outputs and/or activities into existing JWPs as deemed most adequate;

  • As necessary propose the amendment/deletion of existing, or the introduction of new outcomes and outputs and relevant indicators and targets of the existing Cooperation Framework with the Government and relevant partners through the Joint National-UN Steering Committee (JSC) as soon as possible (i.e. through annual performance review or other relevant meeting as appropriate). Given that outcome level changes to the Cooperation Framework need to bear in mind the need for continued strategic focus of the UNDAF/CF and potential implications for agency programme documents, outcome level changes should only be done in exceptional circumstances.

  • If amended outcomes and outputs are agreed by the JSC and the decision recorded formally, there is no need to re-sign the Cooperation Framework;

  • Use amended outcomes and outputs as the basis to develop new/amend existing JWPs;

  • Maintain the programme indicators used for COVID-19 reporting for continued reporting throughout 2021 and link them to relevant/amended outcomes/outputs;

  • Use amended outcomes, outputs and indicators to guide implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation during the remainder of the programme cycle, and inform the subsequent cycle;

  • Upload the new/updated JWP to UN INFO, for results monitoring and reporting. This is a mandatory step for countries with a new Cooperation Framework implemented in 2020 or 2021. UN INFO technical support is available from DCO;

  • Use any socio-economic impact assessment conducted to feed into the (at least annual) update of the CCA.

​​​​​​​2.2. For UNCTs without existing Joint Workplans

The key steps are:

  1. Develop new JWPs: include outputs and agency-specific sub-outputs reflecting the current UNDAF/cooperation framework implementation and the socio-economic response plans activities;

  2. Maintain the programme indicators used for COVID-19 reporting for continued reporting throughout 2021 but fold them under relevant/amended outcomes/outputs;

  3. Propose any suggested amendment of existing, or the introduction of new outcomes and/or outputs and relevant indicators and targets of the existing Cooperation Framework with the Government and relevant partners through the Joint National-UN Steering Committee;

  4. If amended outcomes and outputs are agreed by the JSC and the decision recorded formally, there is no need to re-sign the Cooperation Framework;

  5. Use amended outcomes, outputs, indicators and targets as the basis to develop new/amend existing JWPs, and guide implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation during the remainder of the programme cycle, and to inform the design of the subsequent cycle.

  6. Upload the JWP onto UN INFO for results monitoring and reporting, making use of tagging option for COVID-19 programme indicators for easy filtering. This is a mandatory step for Cooperation Framework implementation countries. Technical support is available from DCO;

  7. Use any socio-economic impact assessment undertaken for the SERP(s) conducted to feed into the (at least annual) update of the CCA.

[1] UN Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19, p. 33, https://unsdg.un.org/sites/default/files/2020-04/UN-framework-for-the-immediate-socio-economic-response-to-COVID-19.pdf

[2] Step 7: Implementation, Monitoring and Learning: https://unitednations.sharepoint.com/sites/UNSDCF_CP/SitePages/Chapter7.aspx

Last updated