Guidance on Applying the Gender Equality, Human Rights and Sustaining Peace Markers
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ZERO CODES: Where gender equality or human rights are not applicable or relevant for the activity/sub-output, the key activity/sub-output should be coded 0. This may be used in those rare instances where there is no gender equality or human rights dimensions to the intervention, such as some types of infrastructural activities, anti-pollution activities, etc.
CODING WHAT YOU SEE: UN INFO GE and HR Markers are not an evaluation or assessment of the work. The elements described in the guidance must be explicit in the key activity /sub-output as described, they should not be assumed. For the GE Marker, the indicators are also relevant. For example, it cannot be assumed that women or girls will benefit, or that issues of discrimination or inequality, will be addressed. This is sometimes called “coding what you see”. Avoid temptation to over-code.
JUSTIFICATION AND VALIDATION: Staff responsible for coding should provide a short justification (max 3 sentences) at the time of coding using the word document template provided and send this to the Country Administrator for compilation. This information will inform the further refinement of the UN INFO platform and related validation processes.
Not expected to contribute to gender equality/women’s empowerment
There is no consideration of gender equality issues and there are no expected results relating to gender equality or women’s empowerment.
Contributes to gender equality/women’s empowerment in a limited way
There is limited consideration of gender equality/women’s empowerment. For example, there may be a gender analysis or some collection/analysis of sex-disaggregated data, but no or limited gender equality results. Accordingly, contribution to gender equality/women’s empowerment is minor to the overall outcomes of the initiative.
Gender equality/ women’s empowerment is a significant objective
Criteria that must be met to be given this code can include GE Marker elements 1-4. These are usually considered gender equality ‘mainstreamed’ activities or activities that make a substantial contribution to gender equality/women’s empowerment.
Gender equality/ women’s empowerment is the principal objective
Criteria that must be met to be given this code are included in Gender Equality Marker elements for coding 1-4. Gender equality objectives are the primary intended result(s) of the activity. Narrowing gender inequalities, transforming gender norms, or strengthening the empowerment of women and girls is the main reason the initiative is being undertaken.
Collection/analysis of sex-disaggregated data is carried out. Gender analysis is carried out. Gender analysis informs the formulation of expected results. Gender equality results are accompanied by indicators that will track the proposed change.
You can download the Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note 2024 below.
For your reference, please find below a brief document on good practices for GEM application shared by UNCT Indonesia.
Not expected to contribute to realization of human rights
There is no consideration of human rights issues and there are no results relating to human rights.
Limited contribution to realization of human rights
There is limited consideration of human rights. For example, there may have been a human rights analysis or participation of key stakeholders including rights holders in the activity, but other key elements are not identified. Accordingly, contribution to human rights is minor to the overall outcomes of the initiative.
Significant contribution to realization of human rights
At least three (3) of the six (6) Human Rights Marker elements for coding** are identified. Activity therefore makes a substantial contribution towards the realization of human rights.
Principal contribution is to the realization of human rights
Primary or principal contribution of the activity is towards the realization of human rights. 5-6 of the 6 HR Marker elements listed below are evident in the activity.
Activity is explicitly grounded in the enjoyment or fulfilment of human rights (or lack thereof).
The normative framework and/or the outcomes from treaty bodies/UPR or special procedures are used to inform the activity
Activity targets patterns of discrimination, inequality or marginalization
References to ‘rights holders’ and/or ‘duty bearers’ with respective responsibilities and entitlements
Participation and meaningful engagement of various stakeholder including the beneficiary groups/rights holders incorporated into the activity.
Issues identified through a thorough human rights analysis, including from a gender perspective, and addressed through capacity development.
No contribution to peace
There is no consideration of peace, conflict or violence issues and there are no results expected regarding sustaining peace, peace building, addressing root causes or drivers of conflict, enhance trust among groups or trust in government.
Limited contribution to peace
There is limited consideration of peace. Contribution to peace is limited, or not explicitly mentioned, in the overall outcome of the activity. The activity, however, fulfills minimum requirements for conflict sensitivity:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis.
Significant contribution to peace
Contribution to peace is significant. Building or sustaining peace is part of the activity’s intended outcomes. The following criteria are met:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to ”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis; AND
C. Activity seeks to address conflict drivers/root causes or activity outcomes are explicitly related to building or sustaining peace.
Principal contribution to peace
Primary or principal contribution of the activity is towards building or sustaining peace. The following criteria are met:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to ”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis; AND
C. Activity seeks to address conflict drivers/root causes or activity outcomes are explicitly related to building or sustaining peace; AND
D. Sustaining peace/peace building indicators are identified and included in monitoring and evaluation framework to inform programming decisions and track activity outcomes over time.
Conflict analysis, or risk analysis or fragility assessment that include conflict is carried out or made available for the activity.
Activity is explicitly designed to be conflict sensitive. For instance, a ‘do no harm’ analysis or a Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment is conducted.
The activity is grounded in a theory of change that details how conflict drivers or root causes will be addressed by the activity and how this contributes to explicitly formulated sustaining peace outcomes.
Sustaining peace results are accompanied by indicators and a monitoring and evaluation framework to track outcomes and contributions at the impact-level over time. Interested in downloading relevant reports on the markers? See the links below:
Funding Per Standard Marker in a Plan Report -
Suboutput Report -
The basic definitions for the Appeal and Emergency are associated with the type of funding streams OCHA receives the following:
Appeal: Funding for locations OCHA has an active presence and HRP. That would be a total of 30 country offices. Basically this is the funding for existing plans and frameworks for longstanding or medium term humanitarian responses.
Emergency: OCHA supports IASC Scale-up Responses. Such responses are activated in the most complex and challenging humanitarian emergencies, when the highest level of mobilization is required, across the humanitarian system, to ensure that the right capacities and systems are placed to effectively meet needs. Currently, there are two emergencies under this definition: Afghanistan and Northern Ethiopia.