This section elaborates on how to navigate the UN Info Platform.
You may proceed to the next step either by clicking the button “Next Step” or selecting “Premises Validation” (Visual 7).
The lock button appears at step level (e.g. locking the entire step 3 “Premises attributes”) (visual 10). When a Step's completion percentage reaches 95%, it can be locked by the CPC.
It has several impacts:
When locked, the data cannot be modified by any user.
At step-level, it will send a signal to the Quality Assurance (QA) focal point that the data entered can be quality assured. It is only when the QA is completed the locked step can be marked as complete by the QA focal point. Which makes the completion percentage of the step 100%. To know more about QA please check the next section (4.6 Quality Assurance).
Only the CPC can use the lock function at step-level.
Make sure to save your entries each time you finalize a section of the platform (visual 9).
The Quality Assurance is usually done by the regional coordinator assigned to your country in coordination with the Common Premises Champions.
The role of the Quality Assurance focal point is to look at data for coherency and pick obvious issues, such as a field erroneously filled with a coma, outrageous numbers e.g., number of staff in the 20, 000 etc.
The Quality Assurance Focal point is not responsible for the data entered nor is expected to know and verify validity of information entered.
Once a whole step has been locked (see previous section “4.5. Lock steps”), the next steps are the following:
The Quality Assurance focal point is notified of completion.
He/she will then review the data entered in the locked step. Any issues should be raised off the platform via a discussion and in the comment field of the platform to the CPC, who will then act.
He/she will “Mark current step as complete” when data is certified, using the button at the top of the page and entering an optional comment (visual 12).
Comments can be added by users to communicate with each other. They can be used to call another user to enter an information, to confirm that the part is finished, etc.
Users within the same workspace can be tagged using the sign “@”, and the targeted person will receive an email notification.
In case of wrong entry in the platform, please amend the content and save again.
It is possible to verify the progress made in the performance of the stock take exercise by accessing the Progress Report of each workspace . It is accessible directly from the Step 1 of the Country Premises Plan.
Once in, the progress for each step of the stock-take along with the remaining actions to perform are available. Lists of remaining premises/occupants to complete can be accessed by clicking on the various symbols.
Note: A workspace should reach 95% completion in each step to be considered ready for Quality Assurance (QA). Once QA is performed and all steps have been marked as completed, the stock take will reach 100% completion.