Stay up-to-date and keep track of the latest updates in UN INFO. We're constantly working on improving the way you and your team work in UN INFO, and value your input on features, bugs, and more.
Everything you need to know about UN INFO
UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes the UN Country Teams’ results frameworks (either the Development Assistance Framework or the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework). In 2020, the platform was redesigned to also host a new UNSDG Information Management System (IMS). In 2022 the Common Premises module was added and the new Business Operation Strategy (BOS 2.0) was launched in 2024. As a whole the platform offers a “one-stop-shop” for RCOs/UNCTs in tracking progress and monitoring results.
UN INFO is part of the United Nations’ efforts to improve transparency, accountability as well as coherence and coordination, in support of the advancement of the 2030 Agenda and the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. It is owned and managed by the UN Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) to support the UN Sustainable Development Group in its work.
This UN INFO standard user guideline is developed to support users to undertake Planning and Monitoring of UNDAF/CF in UN INFO system, and to generate reports that may be useful to individual entities and the UNCT, including the annual UNCT Results Report now mandatory for all UNCTs with a Cooperation Framework.
On the homepage, you would be able to register for a new account and/or login to your existing account, if you have one already. Depending on your assigned role in the system, you see the relevant module that pertains to your work and responsibilities.
Once you login, you will see the following screen. Some of the items would only show up based on your assigned role in the system. The menu tab to the left of the page provides access to all functionalities to create, edit, and manage blueprints, plans, surveys, users and more.
Click on Register button on the main page of UN INFO site: https://workspace.uninfo.org/
Follow the prompts and provide the required information in the registration form.
• You need to use your official UN email address.
• Create your password. Password length must be greater than 12 characters and less than 20 characters. For strong passwords, your password should contain upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Example: NuThod783%&
• Select your workspace and agency.
Click the I accept the terms and conditions checkbox and SIGN UP button. An email will be sent to the address you provided with a link to activate your account.
You may watch the video walkthrough below on the process of registering yourself.
Activate your account by clicking on the email activation link sent to your email.
Enter your username and password
Click on the SIGN IN button.
Click on SAVE when asked about your preferred workspace.
If you have forgotten the password, click on Forgot Password on the homepage and follow the instructions provided. The forgotten password feature can also be used to change your current password.
On successful login, the Dashboard page will appear. This page gives you access to different parts of the system and allows you to work on plans and/or surveys (depending on your permissions).
UN INFO is part of the United Nations’ efforts to improve coordination, transparency and accountability for results by tracking the UNSDG’s contributions to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
At its heart, UN INFO 2.0 is a suite of applications designed to capture the programmatic and operational work of every UN Country Team (UNCT).
One of the key applications in UN INFO 2.0 is the online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes the UNCT’s joint workplans and results framework (UNDAF and/or Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework). The database provides a clear picture on programmatic activities, partnerships, financials and results.
Taken together, UN INFO Workspace & UN INFO UNSDG Data Portal represent a revolution in transparency and accountability for the UN system.
The platform opens new opportunities for highlighting the work of the UN country teams across the globe and is using agile and innovative technologies that make the platforms nimble and accessible to a country, regional and global audience.
The country/workspace admin can manage all users via the user administration menu shown below.
The filter option allows you to quickly find any user, agency, username, email, functional title, country/workspace, etc.
As a workspace admin, you may edit the role of a user or delete the user from your workspace by using the edit or delete buttons as shown below.
Update the relevant information for the user and click the Save button when you are done.
Here’s how to quickly get started with UN INFO – registering your account and logging into your workspace.
UN INFO is accessed with a username and password. As a country administrator, you will be registered by the Global administrator and receive your credentials by email. As you will guide and support user registration in country, it is important to understand the steps involved.
A user can be registered on the system in two ways:
Self-Registration (preferred option in most cases)
Registration by Administrator (only for exceptional cases where a user is unable to register themselves)
Click on Register button on the main page of UN INFO site: https://workspace.uninfo.org/
Follow the prompts and provide the required information in the registration form.
You need to use your official UN email address.
Create your password. Password length must be greater than 12 characters and less than 20 characters. For strong passwords, your password should contain upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Example: NuThod783%&
Select your country in the 'Workspace" drop down and also the UN Entity you work for.
In the "Domain" drop down, select the areas of work that you wish to have access to.
Click the I accept the terms and conditions checkbox and SIGN UP button. An email will be sent to the address you provided with a link to activate your account.
A user administrator will review your registration request and grant the relevant access to the domains you have requested. Please note that although you can log into the system if you have verified your account, you will not be able to access any of the features until this has been completed by the user administrator.
Activate your account by clicking on the email activation link sent to your email.
Enter your username and password
Click on the SIGN IN button.
Click on SAVE when asked about your preferred workspace.
If you have forgotten the password, click on Forgot Password on the homepage and follow the instructions provided. The forgotten password feature can also be used to change your current password.
On successfully logging in, the Dashboard page will appear. This page gives you access to different parts of the system and allows you to work on plans and/or surveys (depending on your permissions).
Please, ensure you want to do this before proceeding. Also note that deleted users would lose access to any plans/surveys they were working on.
To remove a user from the country workspace, go to the “Users” link in the left navigation of your workspace. Hover over any user to get the option of Delete. Click on Delete to delete the user.
sends out an activation email immediately after you request to reset it.
If you have requested to reset your password and you did not receive an email with the password reminder link, please try the following:
Check if our password reset email landed in your spam or junk mail folder, as it might have been placed there by your email provider.
Check if you created your account with a different email address.
No resolved yet? Simply click on the ‘’ link again and enter your alternative email address.
If you still have not received the email with the reset link please raise a support request below:
Find guidance materials, articles, walkthrough videos, and more!
Global Data Cleanup
Domain: (all) Archive a location; Batch create locations; Create a new location; Export locations to csv; Import locations from csv; Get entities for a location; Merge locations; Soft delete location; Unarchive a location; Update location; Archive an organization; Batch create organizations; Create a new organization; Get entities for an organization; Merge organizations; Soft delete organization; Unarchive an organization; Update organization
Common Premises Roles
Common Premises Viewer
Domain: (Common Premises) Create a new comment; Update comment; View contact by id; View a file document; Get entities for a location; Get entities for an organization; Search plans; Search plan entities; Search parent child plan entities; Search plan document; View plan; View plan entity; Get users linked to a plan
Task Team on Common Premises
Domain: (Common Premises Create a new comment; Update comment; Get users linked to a plan; Search plans; Search plan entities; View plan; View plan entity
Premises Validation Focal Point
Domain: (Common Premises) Create new plan entity; Create a new comment; Update comment; Get users linked to a plan; Search plans; Search plan entities; Soft delete plan entity; Update plan entity; View plan; View plan entity; Claim Common Service Manager; Unclaim Common Service Manager
Quality Assurance
Domain: (Common Premises) Create a new comment; Update comment; Get users linked to a plan; Search plans; Search plan entities; View plan; View plan entity; Update entity Prototype complete; Flag
Stay up-to-date and keep track of the latest releases, improvements, updates, and bug fixes in UN INFO. We hope to keep this page updated as often as possible.
Hot off the press, it's UN INFO's new releases. We're constantly working on improving the way you and your team work in UN INFO, and value your input on features, bugs, and more.
The CCA annual update is an exercise undertaken by the UNCT to capture changes in the country context within a year. This is meant to be a light exercise except for situations where the country context has dramatically changed requiring an overhaul of the latest CCA.
Country contexts are dynamic and evolving. Therefore, an annual CCA update is necessary inform the annual updates of joint work plans. By doing so, CCA updates help keep the UN development system support to programme countries relevant.
CCA Annual Update (forthcoming)
As a rule of thumb, the UNCT updates the CCA at least once a year to capture the key contextual changes –both actual and anticipated -which may have implications for programming in the next year(s). The UNCT will decide on when in the year such an update should take place to: (a) sufficiently capture the key actual and anticipated changes, (b) engage relevant stakeholders, (c) inform joint work plans, and (d) keep transaction costs low. However, when major changes happen in a country, for example when the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the UNCT should proceed to update their CCA as soon as possible regardless of when the last update happened.
Joint Work Plan is the tool through which the UNCT members each outline in a common space what their contributions will be in support of the Cooperation Framework results. They are developed by Results Groups.
By detailing planned activities for achieving Cooperation Framework outputs, Joint Work Plans, create clarity and promote transparency as well as reduce gaps and overlaps and maximize synergies in planned support in pursuit of Cooperation Framework results. JWP also help identify opportunities for joint programmes amongst UNCT members.
Joint Workplan guidance (forthcoming)
Joint Work Plans are first prepared after the Cooperation Framework is signed. Thereafter they are updated annually for enhanced relevance to the evolving country context. Ideally they are prepared before the implementation year starts. At the latest, these plans should be ready by the end of 1st quarter of the implementation year.
The UNCT Country Result Report is an annual progress report on UNCT results in the implementation of the Cooperation Framework and other plans and priorities, such as the socio-economic response plan. The report utilizes key data sets that are extracted from UN INFO platform.
Annual reports inform governments and Member States, as well as partners such as donors, civil society, private sector and the public at large, of the difference the UN can make in country, enhancing the visibility and relevance of the system.
31 March, annually
UN INFO is a platform that allows to track who does what, where and with what resources in support of countries’ efforts to achieve the SDGs. UN INFO is pegged to the Cooperation Framework and its joint work plans. It has also been used for the socio-economic response plans to COVID-19.
UN INFO allows provides a comprehensive, easy to grasp and easy to visualize overview of UN development system activities, spending and results in country to advance the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs, for multiple uses at country, regional and global levels. Increased visibility and transparency of UNDS results increases accountability, trust and relevance of the UN. UN INFO will also provide the information to shape the annual UNCT country results reports.
The data within UN INFO should be regularly monitored in conjunction with the monitoring schedule of the JWP. One of the simplest methods to ensure the system is kept up to date is to link the process of monitoring the data to the schedule of Results Groups meetings.
The UNSDG Information Management System collects quantitative and qualitative information on coordination results achieved in countries on an annual basis, which allows for user-centered easy visualization of progress toward goals, comparison of performance across countries or regions, and distinguishes characteristics of individual country offices. The annual survey includes two components:
Programmatic and Coordination Areas Survey: It monitors implementation and results on programme and planning, efficiencies, comms and advocacy, data and innovation, support to the SDGs and progress in the advancement of reform.
Normative Survey: It monitors implementation and results on human rights and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as on the gender, youth and disability scorecards.
Annual reporting informs flagship global reports (such as the SG’s report on QCPR and the UNSDG Chair report onDCO/RC system)to intergovernmental platforms (ECOSOC, General Assembly) on results achieved by the UN development system in country; offers a repository of all relevant information and results in country for easy reporting on UNCT processes and results; serves as RC/UNCT self-assessment and self-reflection for further improvement.aIt also serves as a tool to find relevant data for peer-to-peer exchange between UN country teams.
•IMS is accessed through UN INFO: https://workspace.uninfo.org/
Programmatic and Coordination Areas Survey – Deadline for submission: end of November
Normative Survey – Deadline for submission: end of December
The IMS Monthly survey monitors:
Progress in common country planning, including the Cooperation Framework cycle and countryprogrammedocuments submission to governing bodies.
The UNCT general profile, i.e.who’s who in country (RCs, RCO officers, UNCT representatives).Deadline for submission: any time changes arise.
One-off information requests. Deadline for submission: based on needs communicated by DCO.
The common country planning section of IMS is directly linked to the Cooperation Framework status dashboard. This dashboard is available to all UNSDG members and used extensively by the UNSDG membership, including to identify opportunities to engage and support your UN country teams. This is especially important for entities without presence at the country level.
The data on who’s who in country is automatically reflected on UNCT website, pulled automatically within 24 hours from the submission in IMS. It is also the only source of data DCO uses to reach RCs, RCOs and UNCTs via email with important information.
One-off information requests are an attempt to systematize ad-hoc or other requests that may arise over the course of the year, rather than sending out requests to RCOs and UNCTs from multiple, different channels.
• IMS; Cooperation Framework status dashboard
•Progress in Common Country Programming -Deadline for submission: 15th day of each month.
•UNCT General Profile (RCs, RCO officers, UNCT representatives) – Deadline for submission: any time changes arise.
•One-off information requests – Deadline for submission: based on needs communicated by DCO.
The QCPR establishes system wide policy guidance for operational activities for development and serves as mechanism to track and assess the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact of the UN development system. It has aquadrennial cycle. The latest QCPR was adopted at the end of 2020
DESA administers surveys on annual and biennial bases to RCs, OMTs and Governments to track implementation of the QCPR and report annually to ECOSC and every four years to the General Assembly.
The 2020 QCPR will guide the United Nations development system over the next four years (2021-2024). The results of the survey are used in the preparation of the Secretary-General‘s report on Operational Activities for Development for the UN General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. This report informs Member States on progress in the implementation of the QCPR and helps them in providing further directions to the UN development system.
QCPR website; 2020 SG’s report on QCPR
Annually or biannually, depending on survey, during the last quarter of the calendar year.
Report consolidating the results in business operations efficiencies and effectiveness over inter-entity, bilateral, and entity categories. It includes efficiency gains (cost avoidance, time savings), and effectiveness improvements (quality improvements).
It aggregates the results from multiple sources against the target set by the SG of US$ 310 million a year. It provides an overview of the efficiencies and effectiveness by source, entity, country, service line, and service. This data provides insights not available from other sources and enables evidence-based decision making and strategy in business operations at country, regional, and global levels. Activities with consistently high-impact can be identified and scaled globally in the pursuit of further improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.
Q1, annually
The Business Operations Strategy (BOS) is a results-based framework that focuses on joint business operations with the purpose of eliminating duplication, leveraging the common bargaining power of the UN and maximizing economies of scale. The BOS focuses on common services that are implemented jointly or delivered by one UN entity on behalf of other UN entities.The Secretary-General mandates all United Nations country teams to ensure compliance with an improvedBOS by 2021, in support of a more effective programme delivery on the 2030 Agenda.
The impact of UN programmes at the country level is directly related to the effectiveness, efficiency and cost of the operations that support them. This new iteration of the Business Operations Strategy (BOS) is a critical instrument to reinforce that link between efficient business operations supporting more effective programmes.The BOS online platform will unlock new ability for OMTs, UNCTs and regional and global management to monitor, analyze and report on impact of the BOS, both from a cost reduction and quality perspective.
• Business Operations Strategy (BOS) 2.0 Guidance
Annually, in 12-month cycles from the approval of the BOS
The Country Common Premises Plan (CCPP) is a plan consisting of an assessment of the current premises situation and a detailed analysis of projects to be implemented towards achieving higher levels of co-location and efficiency gains.The SG’s vision outlines consolidating 50% of common premises across the 131 UNCTs and multi country Offices by the end of 2021.
Evidence gathered through extensive data analysis and field-level pilots suggests that efficiency gains are achieved through shared facilities services and contracting, and there are also significant quality benefits to co-location, including programmatic coordination, reputational enhancement and reduced carbon emissions.
•CCPP (forthcoming)
Annually, in 12-month cycles from the approval of the CCPP
Good news! Users can now request access to other workspaces in UN INFO. DMOs can then grant a user access accordingly.
Follow these steps to request access to a new workspace.
Log into UN INFO here https://workspace.uninfo.org/
Click on your profile to the top right of the screen.
Click on the Profile option.
Click the Request new workspace button.
Select the workspace and module you want to have access to.
Followup with or wait for the RCO or workspace admin to grant you access.
Manage access to the system for authorized users by assigning permissions to different roles. Country workspace administrators can further update and/or edit existing functions or add multiple roles to a user.
You may go to the Users tab in the left navigation of your workspace select the user to edit and follow the steps as shown below:
A “registered” user status indicates the user is yet to click on the activation email sent to the email address they provided during registration. All users who have clicked on the activation email link would have their status reflect “active”.
In the unlikely event the user does not see the activation email in the inbox, please check your spam folder. If the email is not in there, you may proceed to reset your password by using the forgot password option on the website.
After you create your account, you will need to click on the activation link sent to the email address you provided while creating the account.
If you don’t click on the link within 30 minutes, you’ll have to use the reset password link to have a new link generated for you. Provide the email used during registration, click on the Get Reset Password Email, and check your inbox for the reset password email.
Please, do note that it is possible you won’t receive the email activation link if you had a typo in your email address. Also, it’s recommended to check if the activation email landed in your spam or junk mail folder, as it might have been placed there by your email provider.
If neither of those work and you’re still not seeing an activation link email, please raise the issue on the Results Framework/JWP Support Desk or in the IMS Support Desk.
This is the 2nd step after the plan level. Typically, it is filled in by the RCO/DMO.
Simply click on the Add Output button as shown below.
Follow the steps in the screenshot below to add in the outcome title/name/statement, description, start and end date and then click on Create Output button.
Simply click on the Add Indicator button as shown below.
Follow the steps in the screenshot below to add in the outcome indicator title/name/statement, description, start and end date and then click on Create Indicator button.
For single category indicators, you may opt to add in the baseline and target data in the metric section below or use the manage disaggregation categories section to add in your data.
For multiple categories, you can only use the Manage Disaggregation Categories to add in the various categories you wish to measure and track.
To add indicator disaggregation, click on the Manage Disaggregation Categories. In the popup, select the relevant categories (1), click on the arrow head symbol (2) to add them to the chosen categories field and click on the Add to disaggregation button (3).
If the categories are not in the list of categories choices, you can add them by clicking on the Add custom category button. The walkthrough below illustrates how to add a new category to your workspace.
Step 4 – After adding the disaggregation, you need to click on the Save Outcome Indicator button again. When you do this, a new View Disaggregation button becomes visible.
Step 5 – Click on the View Disaggregation button to view the interface where you can then add all the indicator data.
Step 6 – Click on the SAVE button to save all the data added.
The text area allows users to report their qualitative data using the available formatting features. To report, simply follow the steps below:
Go to the Monitoring Section of your plan.
Click on the Report Narrative button.
Use the formatting features (see below) to provide your narratives accordingly.
To report your indicator progress data, simply follow the steps below:
Click on the Indicator as shown below.
Click on the Metrics button to expand the reporting fields.
Provide your data accordingly.
You may either report in section 2 per the screenshot above or also use the View Disaggregation button if you have multiple categories to report on.
Use the View Disaggregation button to report your data.
Note that the View Disaggregation option will only be available if you utilized it in the planning section.
Use the View Builder button to navigate to the planning section easily.
This is the 3rd step after the Strategic Priority level. Typically, it is filled in by the RCO/DMO.
Simply click on the Add Outcome button as shown below.
Follow the steps in the screenshot below to add in the outcome title/name/statement, description, start and end date and then click on Create Outcome button.
Simply click on the Add Indicator button as shown below.
Follow the steps in the screenshot below to add in the outcome indicator title/name/statement, description, start and end date and then click on Create Indicator button.
To start, select your chosen country workspace and click on "Report Results".
You will be directed to the page below:
The text area allows users to report their qualitative data using the available formatting features. To report, simply follow the steps below:
Go to the Monitoring Section of your plan.
Click on the Report Narrative button.
Use the formatting features (see below) to provide your narratives accordingly.
To report your indicator progress data, simply follow the steps below:
Click on the Indicator as shown below.
Click on the Metrics button to expand the reporting fields.
Provide your data accordingly.
You may either use report in section 2 per the screenshot above or also use the View Disaggregation button.
Use the View Disaggregation button to report your data.
Note that the View Disaggregation option will only be available if you utilized it in the planning section.
Use the View Builder button to navigate to the planning section easily.
Kindly note the following:
The UN INFO Workspace is an agile system and continues to get new features and upgrades from time to time. As a result, we will continue to update the UN INFO Help Center to reflect these changes.
As of mid-February 2024, DMOs have permission to publish their country's respective Joint Work Plans, which includes an automated data quality assurance analysis at sub-output level. Please refer to the "How to Publish a Plan" page for more explanation regarding this.
How to add Plan Items to the UNDAF/Cooperation Framework
A Plan Item is any Strategic Priority, Outcome, Output, Sub-Output or Indicator. In the typical UNDAF/UNSDCF, indicators fall under the Outcome and Output Levels.
For a detailed walkthrough of the process of adding new plan levels (strategic priorities, outcomes, outputs, sub-outputs and indicators), please click the link below to watch the videos.
Follow the steps below to add a new plan item (Strategic Priority, Outcome, Outputs, Indicators & Suboutputs) to your plan.
To add the Strategic Priorities, Outcomes, Output and/or Suboutputs to the UNDAF/CF plan, you would need to do the following step by step guide. An Outcome is used for demonstration purposes but the steps apply to any plan item:
Step 1 – Click on the Outcome tab in the top results chain list.
Step 2 – Click on Add Outcome.
Step 3 – Provide the Name and Description (if any) in the appropriate field.
Step 4 – Scroll down and select Create Outcome to save the new plan level.
Step 5 – Repeat step 1 to add subsequent Outcomes.
Step 6 – Click the Next Step button to proceed to add the next Plan Level in the results chain
To add Outcomes Indicators (similar process for Outputs) to the UNDAF/CF plan, you would need to do the following:
Step 1 – Click on the ADD OUTCOME INDICATOR tab (1), provide the relevant details of the Outcome Indicator in the fields following.
Step 2 – Add the names/title in the Name field (2) and description in the description field (3).
Step 3 - Select the dates (4)
Step 4 - Click on the Create Outcome button.
To add indicator disaggregation/categories:
Click on the Manage Disaggregation Categories.
In the popup, select the relevant categories (see below), click on the right arrow head symbol to add them to the chosen categories field.
Click on the Add to disaggregation button to add your selection as options for the indicator.
If the categories are not in the list of categories choices, you can add them by clicking on the Add custom category button. The walkthrough below illustrates how to add a new category to your workspace.
Step 4 – After adding the disaggregation, you need to click on the Save Outcome Indicator button again. When you do this, a new View Disaggregation button becomes visible.
Step 5 – Click on the View Disaggregation button to view the interface where you can then add all the indicator data.
Step 6 – Click on the SAVE button to save all the data added.
To add indicator disaggregation/categories by agency:
Select an agency or agencies in the Agency field.
Click on the View Disaggregation button to see the new view allowing you to capture and eventually report your data by agency.
To add Sub-outputs to the UNDAF/UNSDCF plan, you would need to:
Step 1 – Select the Output from the Outputs dropdown field then click on the Add Sub-output button as shown above.
Step 2 – Provide the relevant tags, markers and partnership information. Required information for initially saving the sub-output are:
Sub-Output Name
Start and End Date
Step 3 – Click the Save Sub-output button to save all added data.
For more information on the status, markers, tags, etc, please use the AI-powered search feature at the top of the screen.
The Others tab is where you find custom tags for any specific plan.
To add available funding data, ensure you have chosen the respective contributing partners in the partnership section and saved. If not, close the funding framework window, select the partners and click the save button, then return to the funding framework window to proceed.
The text area allows users to report their qualitative data using the available formatting features. To report, simply follow the steps below:
Go to the Monitoring Section of your plan.
Click on the Report Narrative button.
Use the formatting features (see below) to provide your narratives accordingly.
To report your indicator progress data, simply follow the steps below:
Click on the Indicator as shown below.
Click on the Metrics button to expand the reporting fields.
Provide your data accordingly.
You may either use report in section 2 per the screenshot above or also use the View Disaggregation button. You will usually be reporting disaggregation, either by agency or by other categorizations.
Use the View Disaggregation button to report your data.
Note that the View Disaggregation option will only be available if you utilized it in the planning section.
To report sub-output expenditure, begin by selecting a relevant sub-output and clicking on the edit button on the right.
Then, click on "monitoring funding framework".
You will be directed to a page where you can enter the expenditure per agency and expenditure per contributing partner. The amount of expenditure per agency must match the sum of expenditures per contributing partner.
Use the View Builder button to navigate to the planning section easily.
For detailed information on plan items, please visit the dedicated plan item pages below.
All the latest updates you need to know about.
In Results Framework application of UN INFO 2.0, the Joint Workplan (JWP) captures the key data points used by staff to achieve a total 360 view of the programmatic activities of the UNCT. The method to achieve this result is the deployment of a standard list of mandatory Tags and Markers. Each Key Activity or Sub-Output is required to have at least one selection from each of the below items in the list.
We standardize these Tags and Markers across the UN INFO 2.0 as a means to compare our programming within a JWP and amongst all JWPs, globally. UNCTs do have the ability to create custom tags and markers for their workstation.
Add the Geographical scope of the Key Activity (KA) or Sub-Output (SO)
The relevant agencies, multiple selections can be made for an UNDAF JWP.
Contributing Partner
Select the source of funds that are funding the KA/SO. We are looking for the specific, named partner. Examples: USAID, the Global Fund or the SDG Fund. We also ask that Core/Regular Resources be utilized as well. Multiple entries are allowed.
Implementing partners
Associate the KA/SO with relevant implementing partners. If you do not find the right implementing partners for your activity, you should contact the Country Administrator and request it to be included in the list. Multiple entries are allowed.
SDG Target
List the current Status of the KA/SO
Gender Equality Marker
Human Rights Marker
QCPR Functions (Modality of the KA/SO)
Other markers are available in UN INFO such the Sustaining Peace Marker and several that are related to humanitarian situations. In addition, the Country Admin may create unique tags and/or markers that are UNCT-specific.
To add Sub-outputs to the UNDAF/UNSDCF plan, you would need to:
Step 1 – Select the Output from the Outputs dropdown field then click on the Add Sub-output button as shown below.
Step 2 – Provide the relevant tags, markers and partnership information. Required information for initially saving the sub-output is:
Sub-Output name
Start and End Date
Step 3 – Click the Save Sub-output button to save all added data.
Step 4 – Click on the Funding Framework button (shown below) to provide the financial information for the sub-output.
Step 5 – Click the Save button on the popup, followed by the Save Sub-output button to save your data.
To report your expenditure data, simply follow the steps below:
Go to the suboutput level in the monitoring/reporting section of your plan.
Click on the Monitoring funding framework button.
Ensure the figures provided in the expenditure by agency field, matches what is provided in the expenditure by agency and contributing partner field.
Auto-proportioned meaning: The funding value is automatically divided from the total provided in the expenditure by agency field.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) Output Indicator Framework was launched globally in November 2022. It ensures cohesive functioning of the UN by facilitating the design and implementation of UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (Cooperation Framework), at the level of the Cooperation Framework outputs and producing/providing quality-assured SDG-focused corporate-level output indicators. The Output Indicator Framework is the next-generation framework that has been built on the lessons learned and evaluation findings of the UN Framework for the Immediate Socio-Economic Response to COVID-19.
The Output Indicator Framework was developed through a consultative, inter-agency process at a global and regional level with inputs provided by UN entities and RCOs. There are over 500 indicators (quality assured by UNSDG members) in the inventory and 64 indicators in the Menu (UNCTs are requested to select at least 15 in the JWP). The framework is intended to support the Government and UN Country Teams (UNCTs) in identifying suitable outputs for Cooperation Framework Joint Work Plan (JWP). The indicators capture the joint contribution of the UN towards SDGs.
The Output Indicator Framework aims to improve the quality of Cooperation Framework monitoring and to enable more effective programmatic decision-making, while minimising transaction costs (by using agency indicators and methodologies) and lightening reporting burdens wherever possible (through data exchange between corporate reporting and planning systems).
See more here.
The Annual Funding Framework (AFF) is captured at the lowest level of the plan, you can configure the Funding Framework elements to aggregate them from the lowest to the highest level.
This should not be confused with the multi-year Funding Framework done prior to the launch of a UNSDCF which is a product of the results-based budgeting exercise every UNCT undergoes. That multi-year Funding Framework is available in UN INFO 2.0, however, and you can find guidance on it here.
The Funding Framework is mandatory for all countries who add their JWP. For reference, default details of each JWP AFF element are shown in the table below.
Funding Framework element
Reporting Frequency
Total required resources
Yearly or Fiscal Year
Available resources
Yearly or Fiscal Year
To be mobilized resources
Automatically Calculated
Yearly or Fiscal Year
The financials for a JWP are linked to the associated Agency or Agencies selected in the Agency Tag, respectively. This allows us to track the specific financial footprint of each UNCT member. In addition, the Contributing Partner is a mandatory Tag because it is linked to the Funding Framework, specifically the Available Resources.
UN INFO 2.0 will not allow financials to be added to the SO until the Agency and Contributing Partner have been tagged.
To provide expenditure data, simply click on the Report Results button as shown below. Following that, you may then click on a sub-output to provide the funding data.
To report your expenditure data, simply follow the steps below:
Go to the suboutput level in the monitoring/reporting section of your plan.
Click on the Monitoring funding framework button.
Ensure the figures provided in the expenditure by agency field, matches what is provided in the expenditure by agency and contributing partner field.
Auto-proportioned meaning: The funding value is automatically divided from the total provided in the expenditure by agency field.
The guidance below shows you how to provide the Multi-Year Funding Framework (MYFF)data at the Output level in your plan.
For the MYFF to be activated, ensure that all Outputs have been assigned a start and end date. If not option appears on the Output form. If no date options exist, contact enrique.villatoro@un.org.
To access the MYFF, navigate to the Output section of your results chain and select 'Edit Multi-year Funding Framework'
After opening the MYFF, verify each Output appears on the worksheet with their corresponding start and end date. Select the double arrow 'Expand' button.
Once you've expanded the Output, select the "+" button add a new agency.
Select the intended agency from the dropdown.
Once you've selected the agency, fill out the form by providing the Required Resources the agency needs for the Output over the date range. Next, choose a contributing partner from the dropdown list, if the partner does not appear, contact your RCO Data Management Officer. Finally, after selecting the contributing partner, enter the amount expect to be received for the date range of the Output. Repeat these steps for each contributing partner the agency has for this output.
Click save.
Note that if the agency is adding in core resources, their contributing partner needs to be the name of the agency.
The following datasets are also available to download:
Multi-year funding data by clicking on "Download multi-year funding data'
Annual funding framework by clicking on "Download summary". This dataset will display a comparison of the multiyear funding framework (MYFF) and the annual funding framework (AFF).
Yes, you can link plan items to other plan items in UN INFO. Here is an example of how outputs are linked to outcomes in plans. To do this, you can simply follow the guidance below.
The links below provides you with all the guidance you need on applying the various markers and tags.
QCPR stands for Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review. The QCPR is the mechanism through which the General Assembly assesses the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact of UN operational activities for development and establishes system-wide policy orientations for the development cooperation and country-level modalities of the UN system in response to the evolving international development and cooperation environment. You may learn more here: https://www.un.org/ecosoc/en/content/what-quadrennial-comprehensive-policy-review-qcpr
Normative Support
Activities/sub-outputs which assist countries to implement, monitor and report on global norms, and standards, international treaties and agreements, norms and standards.
Policy Advice and Thought Leadership
Activities/sub-outputs which provide evidence based, and where applicable, integrated policy advice and thought leadership to help countries implement and report on the 2030 Agenda, particularly by embedding the SDGs into national plans, policies and budgets.
Data Collection and Analysis
Activities/sub-outputs which help governments or other actors to strengthen their statistical capacity, to collect, analyse, and increase the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated to inform evidence based, context-specific and inclusive policy choices of UN operational activities for development.
Capacity Development/Technical Assistance
Activities/sub-outputs which helps to support governments or other actors to build, develop or strengthen capacities to achieve the 2030 Agenda; including planning, management and evaluation; could include training, learning focused workshops, export content advice, etc.
Convening/Partnerships/Knowledge Sharing
Activities/sub-outputs which helps government or other actors to leverage partnerships, facilitate knowledge-sharing; North-South, South-South and triangular, regional and international cooperation for science, technology, or innovation; including one-off events, digital or in-person networks, working groups, consortia, etc.
Direct Support/Service Delivery
Help governments or other actors to directly deliver or implement programmes particularly in countries in special situations, such as areas affected by conflict, displacement and disasters.
Support Functions
Activities/sub-outputs which include but are not limited to finance, procurement, human resources, legal, facilities, ICT, and other administrative services.
Other (including coordination)
Any function that doesn’t fall into other categories, including coordination and support to the UN system.
To move a suboutput to a new output, you can simply change the output in the Linked to Output field as shown in the screenshot below. Remember to click on the save button to preserve your changes.
ZERO CODES: Where gender equality or human rights are not applicable or relevant for the activity/sub-output, the key activity/sub-output should be coded 0. This may be used in those rare instances where there is no gender equality or human rights dimensions to the intervention, such as some types of infrastructural activities, anti-pollution activities, etc.
CODING WHAT YOU SEE: UN INFO GE and HR Markers are not an evaluation or assessment of the work. The elements described in the guidance must be explicit in the key activity /sub-output as described, they should not be assumed. For the GE Marker, the indicators are also relevant. For example, it cannot be assumed that women or girls will benefit, or that issues of discrimination or inequality, will be addressed. This is sometimes called “coding what you see”. Avoid temptation to over-code.
JUSTIFICATION AND VALIDATION: Staff responsible for coding should provide a short justification (max 3 sentences) at the time of coding using the word document template provided and send this to the Country Administrator for compilation. This information will inform the further refinement of the UN INFO platform and related validation processes.
Not expected to contribute to gender equality/women’s empowerment
There is no consideration of gender equality issues and there are no expected results relating to gender equality or women’s empowerment.
Contributes to gender equality/women’s empowerment in a limited way
There is limited consideration of gender equality/women’s empowerment. For example, there may be a gender analysis or some collection/analysis of sex-disaggregated data, but no or limited gender equality results. Accordingly, contribution to gender equality/women’s empowerment is minor to the overall outcomes of the initiative.
Gender equality/ women’s empowerment is a significant objective
Criteria that must be met to be given this code can include GE Marker elements 1-4. These are usually considered gender equality ‘mainstreamed’ activities or activities that make a substantial contribution to gender equality/women’s empowerment.
Gender equality/ women’s empowerment is the principal objective
Criteria that must be met to be given this code are included in Gender Equality Marker elements for coding 1-4. Gender equality objectives are the primary intended result(s) of the activity. Narrowing gender inequalities, transforming gender norms, or strengthening the empowerment of women and girls is the main reason the initiative is being undertaken.
Collection/analysis of sex-disaggregated data is carried out. Gender analysis is carried out. Gender analysis informs the formulation of expected results. Gender equality results are accompanied by indicators that will track the proposed change.
You can download the Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note 2024 below.
For your reference, please find below a brief document on good practices for GEM application shared by UNCT Indonesia.
Not expected to contribute to realization of human rights
There is no consideration of human rights issues and there are no results relating to human rights.
Limited contribution to realization of human rights
There is limited consideration of human rights. For example, there may have been a human rights analysis or participation of key stakeholders including rights holders in the activity, but other key elements are not identified. Accordingly, contribution to human rights is minor to the overall outcomes of the initiative.
Significant contribution to realization of human rights
At least three (3) of the six (6) Human Rights Marker elements for coding** are identified. Activity therefore makes a substantial contribution towards the realization of human rights.
Principal contribution is to the realization of human rights
Primary or principal contribution of the activity is towards the realization of human rights. 5-6 of the 6 HR Marker elements listed below are evident in the activity.
Activity is explicitly grounded in the enjoyment or fulfilment of human rights (or lack thereof).
The normative framework and/or the outcomes from treaty bodies/UPR or special procedures are used to inform the activity
Activity targets patterns of discrimination, inequality or marginalization
References to ‘rights holders’ and/or ‘duty bearers’ with respective responsibilities and entitlements
Participation and meaningful engagement of various stakeholder including the beneficiary groups/rights holders incorporated into the activity.
Issues identified through a thorough human rights analysis, including from a gender perspective, and addressed through capacity development.
No contribution to peace
There is no consideration of peace, conflict or violence issues and there are no results expected regarding sustaining peace, peace building, addressing root causes or drivers of conflict, enhance trust among groups or trust in government.
Limited contribution to peace
There is limited consideration of peace. Contribution to peace is limited, or not explicitly mentioned, in the overall outcome of the activity. The activity, however, fulfills minimum requirements for conflict sensitivity:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis.
Significant contribution to peace
Contribution to peace is significant. Building or sustaining peace is part of the activity’s intended outcomes. The following criteria are met:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to ”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis; AND
C. Activity seeks to address conflict drivers/root causes or activity outcomes are explicitly related to building or sustaining peace.
Principal contribution to peace
Primary or principal contribution of the activity is towards building or sustaining peace. The following criteria are met:
A. Conflict analysis is carried out, or existing conflict analysis referenced by the activity (e.g. as part of the Common Country Assessment or other analyses); AND
B. The activity is designed to ”do no harm” or is conflict sensitive in response to the conflict analysis; AND
C. Activity seeks to address conflict drivers/root causes or activity outcomes are explicitly related to building or sustaining peace; AND
D. Sustaining peace/peace building indicators are identified and included in monitoring and evaluation framework to inform programming decisions and track activity outcomes over time.
Conflict analysis, or risk analysis or fragility assessment that include conflict is carried out or made available for the activity.
Activity is explicitly designed to be conflict sensitive. For instance, a ‘do no harm’ analysis or a Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment is conducted.
The activity is grounded in a theory of change that details how conflict drivers or root causes will be addressed by the activity and how this contributes to explicitly formulated sustaining peace outcomes.
Sustaining peace results are accompanied by indicators and a monitoring and evaluation framework to track outcomes and contributions at the impact-level over time. Interested in downloading relevant reports on the markers? See the links below:
Funding Per Standard Marker in a Plan Report - https://uninfo.org/data-explorer/downloads
Suboutput Report - https://uninfo.org/data-explorer/cooperation-framework/activity-report
The basic definitions for the Appeal and Emergency are associated with the type of funding streams OCHA receives the following:
Appeal: Funding for locations OCHA has an active presence and HRP. That would be a total of 30 country offices. Basically this is the funding for existing plans and frameworks for longstanding or medium term humanitarian responses.
Emergency: OCHA supports IASC Scale-up Responses. Such responses are activated in the most complex and challenging humanitarian emergencies, when the highest level of mobilization is required, across the humanitarian system, to ensure that the right capacities and systems are placed to effectively meet needs. Currently, there are two emergencies under this definition: Afghanistan and Northern Ethiopia.
To publish your new Joint Work Plan, click on "Publish plan" at the top right of your screen within the Cooperation Framework module.
Once you click “Publish plan”, the automated quality assurance analysis will run through all your sub-outputs. This function returns information about missing data points (if any) to be completed before you confirm the publication of your Joint Work Plan.
The current criteria used for the automated QA analysis are:
Once data input is complete, click on "Confirm". All information entered will automatically be published in the UNSDG Data Portal. Please do not use this button as a "Save" button since all information will be permanently stored.
Joint programme (in the guidance) is defined as, and includes the following characteristics:
A cooperation strategy.
A way to achieve a catalytic development result that depends upon the comparative advantage of two or more participating UN organizations (PUNOs) working together as a team in a highly coordinated and integrated manner.
Having a strategic intent and strong programmatic rationale: (a) contribute to one or more CF outcomes, national development priorities and related SDGs and b) focus on one or more policy levers, with the potential to catalyze systemic change.
A JP can be at country, regional, or global levels, involving two or more regions or countries.
Is guided by a programme cycle (A. Design; B. Implement & adjust; C. Learn, transition and close)with clear accountabilities and responsibilities, and quality standards.
Has assigned JP document with a results framework, work plan and budget derived from the related CF joint work plan and funding framework;
Uses one of three fund management modalities (FMM): parallel, consolidated, or pass-through.
Joint initiatives are those initiatives where two or more UN entities work together from start to finish, on design, planning, and implementation of an intervention that is agreed as part of the inter-agency workplan, without formal agreement (project document) or inter-agency agreement. For example, when three entities join forces to work on improved adolescents’ mental health, they plan the activities together, but they implement the activities under their ongoing entity-owned projects or programmes.
What is not a Joint Initiative? Please note that situations in which one agency engages another entity (e.g. through UN2N agreement) as an implementing partner to carry out specific activities, this is not considered a Joint Initiative or Joint Programme. This also applies to instances where an agency requests support from another agency to deliver training in a specific area, since activities are granular level details not captured in a JWP.
Associate the KA/SO with relevant SDG Targets, no more than 10 targets can be selected. You can find the full list here:
Gender marker, on a 0-3 scale, provides a reflection to what degree gender equality has been integrated in the planning and execution of the plan item. For guidance on the different grading see
The Human Rights Marker codes, on a 0-3 scale, whether a development project is contributing towards the realization of human rights in the planning and execution of the plan item. For guidance on the different grading
Select which UN Development System entity functions that the KA/SO supports with a maximum selection of 3. For guidance on the different grading
Start/end dates vs status.
Check status – implementation. Sub-output status is “implementation”, but “end date” already passed.
Check status – pipeline. Sub-output status is “pipeline” but “start date” has already passed.
Check status – finalization. Sub-output status is “finalization” but “end date” still has not passed.
Check status – Closed. Sub-output status is “Closed” but “end date” still has not passed.
Empty values for SDGs.
Check-SDG empty. Sub-output has not reported SDG targets.
Empty values for contributing partners.
Check-Contributing partner empty. Sub-output has not reported any contributing partner.
Empty values for implementing partners.
Check-Implementing partner empty. Sub-output has not reported any implementing partner.
Empty Gender marker.
Check-Gender Marker empty. Sub-output has not reported gender marker. Empty values do not imply “0” contribution.
Empty Human Rights marker
Check-Human R. Marker empty. Sub-output has not reported human rights marker. Empty values do not imply “0” contribution.
Empty QCPR function
Check-QCPR empty. Sub-output has not reported any QCPR function.
Find all the frequently asked questions on the Joint Programmes/Initiatives right here.
If a sub-output ends after the JP's end date or starts before the JP's start date, the JP will not appear as an option. Remember, sub-outputs should fall within the timeframe of the Joint Programme; otherwise, then clearly you are trying to align a sub-output that does not derive from the Joint Programme, which is not correct.
This is correct. The system will not allow you to link any multi-entity sub-output to any JP, as we want to ensure that all sub-outputs are single entity in the long run. This way, you can showcase the components each UN entity is responsible for within a JP. So, if a JP involves three UN entities, there should be at least three sub-outputs associated with that JP, with each component providing details on the exact interventions from each agency.
We advise you to create sub-outputs specifically for each JP. We understand that if you have five Joint Programmes, this will increase the number of sub-outputs. However, this approach will allow you to better showcase those JPs in the Data Portal in the future and run analytics, as you will be able to easily identify each JP’s specific geolocation, implementation partners, contributing partners, SDGs, markers, funding, and more.
You can find it here - UN INFO Capturing Joint Programmes and Joint Initiatives. This folder is in the DCO Knowledge Portal (https://unitednations.sharepoint.com/sites/DCO-WG-UNSDG_CF), so anyone who already has access to it should be able to see it.
No worries about this. The JP's total budget is entered only once, which is why we are pulling information on sub-outputs only regarding the expenditure in the last year for sub-outputs linked to those JPs. For example, if you have a JP that started in 2020 and ends in 2025, we understand that the total budget is implemented across two different plans (your old UNDAF, and the current Cooperation Framework for 2022-2026). The total budget you report for the JP is not used to report the total budget for the Cooperation Framework for a specific year. For that, we use the sub-output information.
This means that, in the future, you will have sub-outputs from different Cooperation Frameworks linked to the same JP. Of course, the sub-outputs under the same JP will be associated with different outputs and outcomes from different CFs, and this is completely expected.
Yes correct. It is expected that most sub-outputs to be marked as "Not part of a program", unless they belong to a joint program or initiative. By default, any sub-output you create will be marked as that, unless you specify the JP or JI they belong to.
You are only expected to link those sub-outputs that actually belong to a Joint Programme or Joint Initiative. Please be sure to watch the recordings if you were not in the meetings and also the definitions included in the ppt. We do not expect that many Joint Programmes and Joint Initiatives. So, it should not take you that long to update the information. It is expected that must of your suboutputs to be marked as "Not part of a program".
es, you cannot align sub-outputs beyond the timeframe of the Joint Programme and Joint Initiative. Sub-outputs aligned to a JP or JI must fall within the timeframe. Otherwise, it does not make sense to align them in the first place, as it would be clear that you are trying to align interventions that are actually outside of the JP or JI.
Remember to prioritize the active Joint Programmes for now. It is good that you want to report previous ones, since we are planning to add visuals on UN INFO Data Portal on JPs next year, and you would like to show case that one that finished in 2023 (where your CF started). But please prioritize the active JP, since these will be the ones pulled by IMS when it comes to reporting this year.
You can always report the Joint Programme end date as 2023 and include under that JP the suboutputs associated with that JP. Of course, you will not have all the suboutputs from previous years associated for that JP. But remember that what we pull from suboutputs are the agencies, SDGs and expenditure. In this case, since this JP finished in 2023 it will not be pulled in IMS for this year, since we are interested in last year's expenditure (which by then it will be 2024).
You have agencies' CPD outputs as suboutputs in UN INFO, which has already given you trouble when it comes to reporting Gender Marker for example.
Yes, you will have to split the suboutput, because if not it will look like that Joint Programme is still under implementation, when in reality it is not the case. The scope of your current suboutputs is too broad that it makes it hard for you to identify the scope of the suboutput. Your current suboutput has interventions that are directly related to the Joint Programme and also other interventions outside of the scope of the Joint Programme. This is why we have designed this new feature this way, to properly capture the specific interventions under the Joint Programmes.
I would suggest keeping it, since the IMS period is until November, you will probably have the information by that time. Estefania will run an analysis by the end of August or beginning of September on the number of JPs reported and we want to capture as many active Joint Programms as possible. Do you know the planned start date for that Joint Programme? I assume that JP will start their implementation until next year, so even if it is approved this year, if the starts date is 2025, it will not be pulled on IMS this year as an active JP.
Yes, for support where entities are collaborating on support to national reporting processes, you can mention these as joint initiatives.
Regarding the question on UNAIDS. Here is the policy/programming team advice on UNAIDS. Whilst acknowledging that UNAIDS is a Joint Programme, UNAIDS is also a signatory to the Cooperation Framework, full member of the UNCT (and a UNSDG member). So for the purposes of consistency in UNINFO – and ease of analytics - UNAIDS – already included as UNCT member - should not be reflected as a Joint Programme implemented at country level. Instead, UNAIDS is encouraged to contribute to the JWP by providing details on the sub-outputs which contribute towards achieving the Cooperation Framework results. If there are initiatives under the joint HIV/AIDS plan at the country level, we suggest that they be captured in UNINFO in one of the following ways:Scenario 1 (Funding Source UNAIDS) – If UNAIDS is the source of funds for an HIV/AIDS initiative being implemented by other UN entities (e.g. UNFPA, UNDP), create a sub-output listing UNAIDS in the sub-output details. In order to showcase the collaboration on this entity-specific sub-output, including UNFPA and UNDP (or applicable entities) as the implementation partners. Scenario 2 (Funding Source UN Entity Other Sources of Funding) - If a UN entity is implementing an initiative under the HIV/AIDS Workplan in the country with its agency funds (core or non-core), create a sub-output listing the UN entity as the Agency in the sub-output details. You can then create a "Joint Initiative" and link those interventions under the same Joint Initiative.
When you open up a suboutput, at the very top of the pop up window, you will find the options to tag the Joint Porgrammes or Joint Initiatives accordingly.
Find practical guidance on how to add a JP/JI in UN INFO.
You may follow the steps in the walkthrough video or the snapshots to get it done.
Visit the planning/builder section of your plan.
Click on the Suboutput step.
Click the Admin Joint Programmes/Joint Initiative button to access the user interface for the Joint Programme/Joint Initiative.
Click the Plus (+) button as shown below to add either the Joint programmes and/or Joint initiatives, and save any changes.
Proceed to add in the relevant data in the fields provided as shown below and save.
Latest data refers to your data based on the last update made to your plan in your workspace. Published data refers to the last time your plan was published by the UN INFO admins.
This new update means that you can now access the latest data (based on last save action) as against having to publish your JWP plan before you can see the update on the data portal.
Primarily, this will serve as a validation interface for the RCO/UNCT before any latest changes to the CF/JWP data gets published to the public facing interface of the data portal.
Please note that only users with CF Editor access in UN INFO will see this new Admin UI Data Toggle feature when logged into the Data Portal.
Visit https://uninfo.org/
Click the Login button to the top right of your screen (log into your workspace if you haven't - https://workspace.uninfo.org/)
Click the Country menu to visit your country dashboard
Toggle between Latest Data and Published Data.
Explore and enjoy!
Here's guidance on how to access the annual funding data report disaggregated by agency and contributing partner.
Go to the suboutput level of your plan in the UN INFO Workspace.
Click on the Download Annual Funding Data button.
Save the file and open it in excel or your spreadsheet software to access the data.
Visit the UN INFO Workspace here https://workspace.uninfo.org/ The report primarily provides users with the disaggregated funding data for all the suboutputs in a plan.
Access the JWP Data for any country with a published plan.
Visit https://uninfo.org/ and follow the instructions below.
Click on Data Explorer menu.
Click on Cooperation framework tab.
Click on Suboutput Report.
Follow the instructions below to download the report.
Search for the Country in the country field.
Select the Plan in the plan field.
Click on Preview Results button.
Click on Export Full Report As CSV button.
You may also select other options to filter accordingly.
Access the Indicator Data for any country with a published plan.
Visit https://uninfo.org/ and follow the instructions below.
Click on Data Explorer menu.
Click on Cooperation framework tab.
Click on Indicator Report button.
Follow the instructions below to download the report.
Search for the Country in the Country field.
Select the Plan in the Plan field.
Select the Report Export Options you desire.
Click on Preview Results button.
Click on Export Report button.
We currently have 7 visuals in this section.
Marker contribution Visit the UN INFO Data Portal https://uninfo.org/ to begin. Click on the Countries menu and select any country to access the respective visuals.
The map displays the number of activities* per location (note that an activity may be linked to more than one location). Using the filters below, click on the number on the map to get a summary description of the various activities.
Interact with the map to showcase and highlight the spread of implementation of activities/suboutputs across the country.
Filter to see the work of various UN agencies and partners across the country.
Use the SDG filter to see where the various activities/sub-outputs are being implemented in the country.
NB: If your sub-outputs are not reflecting on the map, kindly reach out to the UN INFO Team to resolve any issues.
This visual shows the UN’s work tagged to various SDGs.
Click on a card to see more information on the agencies and partners contributing to the SDGs in the country.
The Human Rights Marker and the Gender Equality Marker are used by the UN Country Team to demonstrate how development programming in the UNSDCF Joint Workplan support these thematic sectors. Each sub-output in the joint workplan is measured on a 0-3 scale on its contribution to the corresponding marker.
See guidance for applying the Gender Equality Marker and Human Rights Marker to the UNSDCF Joint Workplan.
You can filter by agency to see how the suboutputs for an agency are tagged to the markers.
Displaying marker contributions by outcome/output.
You may use the agency filter to narrow down on a particular agency and/or slice the data as you see fit.
In addition, you can also view the data grouped by Outcome/Output vis a vis the contribution of suboutputs to the markers at the significant and principal levels.
You may use the agency filter to narrow down on a particular agency and/or slice the data as you see fit.
This visual highlights the contribution of suboutputs to the markers at both the significant and principal levels.
You may use the year filter to narrow down on a particular year.
This visual highlights how the suboutputs are tagged to the various SDGs in a plan.
You may use the year filter to narrow down on a particular year and/or slice the data as you see fit.
This visual highlights the status of agency suboutputs in a particular country plan.
We are happy to share that the Technical Tip Sheet on Joint Work Plans and Funding Frameworks was launched in the DCO Policy Bulletin December 2021 edition. Find below the technical tip sheet for the development of a Joint Work Plan and Funding Framework and associated off-line templates (Joint Workplan and Multiyear Funding Framework), both of which are accessible below. [DCO Contact: ].
UNSDCF Multi Year Funding Framework
JWP Planning Format
DCO Cooperation Framework Process and Timeline
Find below the JWP Reporting Template which you may customize to be fit for purpose.
Among other things, these reports provide you with an arsenal of data products to support your work.
Good news! You can now access our brand new reports in the data explorer section of the .
The brand new reports in this section includes the following:
Funding Per Standard Marker in a Plan
See the funding data by the gender, human rights or sustaining peace markers.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Number of UN Entities Working With An Implementing Partner in a Plan
Get a bird's eye view on how UN Agencies are engaging with UN Agencies in a country.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Number of Implementing Partners Working With Each UN Entity Within a Plan
Get a bird's eye view of the implementing partners engaging with UN Agencies in a country.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Funding Per Contributing Partner in a Plan
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture per donor/contributing partner in a country.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Funding Per UN Entity in a Plan
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture for any UN Agency in a country.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Comparison of Funding Across Countries/Plans (Logged in user only)
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture across countries with plans in UN INFO.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Comparison of Funding Across Countries/Plans for a Selected Agency (Logged in user only)
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture for a particular UN Agency across countries with plans in UN INFO.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Comparison of Funding Across Countries/Plans for a Selected Contributing Partner (Logged in user only)
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture for a particular contributing partner across countries with plans in UN INFO.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Funding Per Contributing Partner in a Plan (grouped by parent organization)
Get a bird's eye view of the funding picture per donor/contributing partner in a country grouped by the parent organization.
You may choose to extract, import into a visualization software like Power BI or Tableau and utilize as you see fit.
Explore and enjoy!
You can access these reports here
Helpful UNSDCF guidance resources from various countries.
Botswana UNSDCF UNINFO Guidance - Planning
Indonesia UNINFO Manuals
Malawi UNINFO Annual and JWP Guidance Note
2024 UNINFO Modulo de monitoreo ONU Argentina
To download your narratives from within your workspace, do the following:
Go to workspace here https://workspace.uninfo.org/
Click on the View button beside the Edit button.
Click on the ellipses (3 vertical dots) icon to the right of your screen.
Select the format you want to download your narratives.
Download your narratives accordingly.
In addition to the above, you can also access the naratives for suboutputs via the suboutput reports here https://uninfo.org/data-explorer/cooperation-framework/activity-report
Simply click on the Export Expenditure and Narratives Only button after generating the report.
We currently have 6 visuals in this section.
You may use the various filters to slice the data as you see fit.
This visual highlights the flow of funds from contributing partners to agencies/SDGs and more. It is best used as an interactive visual.
You may use the filters to slice the data as you see fit. The Grouping By filter allows you to analyse the data by either SDGs or Organization (UN Agency/Contributing Partner)
This visual essentially highlights how the JWP funding is contributing to the SDGs at the country level.
This visual represents the funding gap by SDG of the UN's contribution in country, based on agreements with national partners in implementing the UNDAF/Cooperation Framework.
It does not represent the total funding gap for the achievement of each SDG in the country.
This visual highlights the rate of delivery for a particular plan. What is spent, what is remaining and what was initially available.
You may use the filters to slice the data as you see fit. The Agency filter allows you to analyse the data for any UN Agency.
You may use the filters to slice the data as you see fit. The Grouping by filter allows you to analyse the data by either Outcome, Output, or Strategic Priority.
This visual summarizes financial resources at the country level.
Get around UN INFO with this time-saving hacks and tips.
Do you know the Narrative Section of your plan in UN INFO has formatting features?
You can bolden, italize and underline text.
You can use various headers.
You can add links to external resources on the web.
You can create lists and more!
Find out who last modified your JWP data.
Go to the suboutput step in your JWP.
Click on the Generate Audit Report button.
Download the file and enjoy.
We will continue to update this with useful tips and hacks on the CF/JWP module in UN INFO.
Watch out for helpful resources going forward!
Common premises entail the co-location of two or more United Nations entities present in a country. Common premises can be established at national and sub-national level, usually supported by a range of common services enabled by agency co-location.
Common premises are a key enabler for common services and shared services [1] between agencies and form an integral part of the United Nations efforts to harmonize common operations at the country level. The objectives are reflected in the local Business Operations Strategy (BOS). There can be more than one common premises at the national and sub-national level.
The primary objectives for establishing common premises is to achieve greater utility of available resources;
Cost efficiency through reduction of operational costs
Effective utilization of shared resources
Enhanced security
Unified presence at the national and sub-national level
Common premises may be designated as a One United Nations House (One UN House) if it meets the following criteria:
While there can be several common premises, there can only be one, One UN House in any given country.
[1] Shared Service is defined as two or more resident United Nations entities present in a country, whether or not co-located in a Common Premises that may engage in bi-lateral agreements with similar objectives to those for establishing a Common Premises.
*Official definitions from the TTCP+FS
This Manual contains step by step guidelines on how to enter data on the UN Info Platform.
You can export filled surveys by simply doing the following:
Go to the Dashboard listing the IMS plans
Click on the View icon for the survey(s) you wish to export.
In the displayed page, click on the menu icon in the top right hand side (icon with 3 dots) and then click on the export button to download the report in XLS and/or PDF format.
Partners Template
You can use this template to provide a list of partners to be added to UN INFO. Do ensure to include the full name, abbreviation and type for each partner in the list.
Please provide the full names, abbreviation and type info for each partner.
You may use this template to update existing partners/organizations in UN INFO. Please provide the exact name currently in the system and the new name it should be replaced with.
We require the latitude and longitude information for locations added in UN INFO. Please see the guidance and sample sheet accordingly.
At the moment, the UN INFO team oversees the creation of custom tags requested by UNCTs. After the custom tags are created, they are added to the respective workspaces and become available for use right away.
UN INFO utilizes form.io which allows us to create tags via forms to meet the needs of UNCTs. For the corporation framework module, any custom tag created will appear in the “Others” tab of your sub-outputs as shown below.
Please note that when custom tags items are updated (change of text, deletion of tag items, etc), it would impact on plan items that already associated to such tag items.
The IMS is organized into 4 different sections, collecting information on:
RCO & UNCT Composition (rolling basis)
CF Overview in the CF/UNDAF plan (rolling basis, previously managed in the IMS Monthly survey)
Programmatic and Coordination Areas (annually)
Normative Areas (human rights and youth, gender and disability scorecards) (annually)
DEADLINES: The deadline to fill out the annual IMS questionnaire is 30 November, as in previous years. However, the deadline to fill out the normative questionnaire is extended until 31 December, given the wealth of data to be gathered for the human rights, gender, disability and youth scorecards. After each deadline the correspondent survey will be closed for data validation and reporting building.
For the 2024 annual survey, please refer to the latest FAQ document
Follow the steps below to complete the IMS survey in your workspace. Depending on your user access, you may not see some of the buttons shown in the screenshot below.
Step 1 – Click the Open Survey button to open up the survey plan.
Step 2 – You may then click on any of the steps to fill in the survey and provide all the information required.
Step 3 – To save the section of the survey you are on, you can either click "Save as draft" and complete it at a later time, or you can click "Save" once you've completed the section. "Save as Draft" allows you to partially complete the form and save it, whilst "Save" requires all mandatory fields to be filled in.
Step 4 – When all the sections have been completed and saved in the survey, the sections will be marked with a tick in the navigation bar, and you can then click on Submit survey for review button. Please note that only the Team Leader (with Administrator rights) has the ability to submit the final survey.
You can utilize the "Add comment" button to leave comments on the survey and for specific forms. The comments feature allows you to select who to notify (they will get an email). It also has a threading feature that allows replies to specific comments, and for the original comment to be marked as resolved.
To edit the RCO and UNCT composition for a workspace, click on the "RCO/UNCT Composition" item in the left hand menu.
RCO Staff #rco-staff
UNCT composition #unct-composition
UNIC representative in RCO Communications role #un-rco-unic
This screen displays the list of RCO staff. At the top of the list is the Resident Coordinator followed by the 7 core functions and then all other RCO staff. If the Resident Coordinator or any of the core functions are not linked to a contact, then it will be highlighted in orange. If you want to add an RCO non-core function contact, click on the "Add contact" button at the bottom of the table.
Click on the delete icon on right hand side of the row if a staff member has left the position and is to be replaced by someone new.
Click on the edit icon on the right hand side of the row to edit the staff position's details. This will open a mini window in which the details of the position can be filled out. When it has been completed, click the save button.
If you need to edit the person's contact details such as their name or email, this can be found at the bottom of the pop up window under the heading "Personal contact details". Click the save button beneath it at the end.
If a position is empty and needs to be filled, you can select an existing contact by typing in a name and selecting from the list of contacts.
In the "Group" drop down field, choose RC if the contact will be the Resident Coordinator, otherwise choose RCO and fill out the form fields.
If you cannot find the contact in the system, then you can add a new one by choosing the "Add [name]" at the bottom of the drop down, and you will be able to input the name, email and other details.
Click on the "UN Entity" button next to the RCO staff button. This screen displays the list of UN Entities working with the country and its physical presence, and also shows if it is a member of the UNCT and UNCG. It also displays who is the representative of the UN Entity in country, and the focal point for the UNCG.
To add UN Entities to the country, click on the "Add new entity" button.
To edit an existing UN entity, click on the edit icon on the right hand side of the row. A mini window will open up. On the left side of this window are details about the UN Entity within the country. Here you can specify if it is a member of the UNCT and the UNCG, its physical presence in country and the type of office. Click save after completing the form fields.
On the right hand side of the window are the details of the UN entity's representative and the UNCG focal point. Click on the edit icon to edit the details of the contact, and the form will be displayed beneath the 2 sets of data.
You can update details about the contact's post in this form. If the contact has left the post and a new person has taken over, please click the button "Contact has left position". A new contact can then be added to the post.
If you need to update the name of the contact or email, these fields can be found below the post details.
To add a new contact as the Representative or the UNCG member, select an existing contact from the list or add a new one from the drop down beneath the table. Note that only one Entity Representative can be added to the UN Entity. If a new representative has joined, click the delete icon before adding a new contact.
For UNCG contact, select the "UNCG member" option. Note that the "UNCG member" option will only be available if the UN Entity has been marked as a "member of UNCG" on the left hand side.
For UN entity representative, select the "Entity representative" option in the "Group" drop down.
If the RCO communications position is fulfilled by a UNIC representative, first add UNIC as a UN Entity in the "UN Entity" tab (See the next section on UNCT composition). Then in the pop up window to edit the UNIC organization, check the box "Integrated within the UN RCO" and click save. Then add the Entity Representative contact.
The UNIC entity representative will be displayed in the RCO tab, beneath the list of core contacts
Curated Learning & Development Resources on the Corporation Framework.
The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is a core instrument for providing a coherent, strategic direction for UN development activities by all UN entities at country level. This self-paced online course jointly designed by the UN Development Coordination Office and the UN System Staff College equips participants with a thorough understanding of the application of the 2019 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Guidance.
Visit this link to start https://www.unssc.org/courses/un-sustainable-development-cooperation-framework-0
If you have not completed an entire section but want to save some of the answers and to return to the others at a later time, you can click on the "Save as Draft" button. This button is found at the bottom of each section.
When you are done answering all of the questions in a section, click the "Save" button, and it will validate that all mandatory questions have been answered before saving and marking the section as complete. Once all of the sections have been completed, you will see the "Submit for review" button on the top right of the display. Click the button to submit your survey. Following this, you should see the following message on successful submission – Thank you for completing the survey. Your submission will be reviewed and you will be contacted if needed.
As an IMS Team lead, you can unsubmit surveys as long as the survey submission deadline has not expired. In the top right hand side of the IMS survey, click the button "Unsubmit survey". Following this, you should see the following message on successful submission – Your survey is no longer submitted for review, you can update it and submit it again later. Please ensure to do so before the deadline!
As part of the continuous improvements for the management of Cooperation Framework data within UNINFO, the section entitled “CF overview” provides a structured way for RCOs to manage the information related to the process of designing and preparing the Cooperation Framework (CF) from its inception to completion. This is separate from the actual framework content or Joint Work Plan (e.g. outputs, indicators, sub-outputs etc), and aims to consolidate all relevant information about managing the Cooperation Framework process into one place. This feature provides 3 key benefits for Heads of RCOs and Data Management Officers:
1. Enable progress tracking of the 10 key CF Roadmap milestones (design phase) required for the preparation of a new Cooperation Framework. (This replaced the IMS monthly survey, survey B, which had been used for this process.) Customizable reports of the CF Roadmap process and status are available for the RCO, regional offices and headquarters.
2. Include the related Planning and Programming questions from the IMS annual programmatic and coordination survey (survey C), and indicate how these essential information points correspond to the management of the CF, and enable the answers to be gathered and provided in an up to date manner. This will save time and improve the completeness and reliability of the information.
3. Most of the information in the “CF Overview” step will only need to be updated once per CF cycle, and reviewed and validated once a year through the IMS annual programmatic and coordination survey.
This help file serves as the user guide through this section, and will show how the features correspond to the Roadmap and related IMS annual questions.
When you select the “Roadmap” tab, a table listing the 10 key milestones forming the Roadmap are displayed. From here, you will be able to get an overview of the progress of each milestone, with some helpful indications of what data is available or missing.
1. Complete – this is when the planned dates and the actual dates have all been filled in, and the relevant supporting document for the country has also been added in.
2. Planned – if the planned dates are in the future, or in the middle of the planned dates but no actual dates have been provided yet
3. In progress - If the planned dates are provided, and the actual start date of the milestone is also provided but no actual end date yet
4. Dates missing – if the planned dates have not been entered
5. Expired – if the planned dates are in the past and no actual dates have been provided.
Click the edit icon in each row of the table to edit a milestone’s details. A new window will be displayed with the milestone’s data. The “Save milestone” button is at the bottom of the Milestone section.
If a document has already been uploaded to the documents library, it can be edited there to link it to the milestone. To do this, first find the document in the library and click the edit icon.
In the drop down "Select the Plan to link the document to", choose the relevant Cooperation Framework. Once this has been chosen, an extra drop down "Select the milestone from the plan to link" will be displayed, and the relevant milestone can be added. After saving the document, the CF milestone will display the linked document.
If however, you are creating a new document in the library, the system will automatically detect and suggest the correct CF and milestone to link it to.
Beneath the milestone form, there is an extra section displaying additional fields related to the milestone. These fields are for providing specific and required information about the milestone. These are questions normally asked as part of the IMS annual survey and are displayed here for added clarity. You can provide the answers to these questions at any time, and during the standard IMS survey period in November to December, you will also be reminded to review them again. Please note that the "Save Questions" button is for this section only, and there is separate button for saving the milestone section above it.
As part of the preparation of a CF, there may be additional tasks that need to be added that are relevant only for your country context. You can do this by clicking the “add milestone” button, found on the top left of the table of milestones.
A form will be displayed for you to enter in the extra Roadmap milestone name and dates, together with extra supporting fields as needed:
Once complete, you will be able to place the custom milestone in the desired position among the other required roadmap milestone.
For detailed information about the key milestones, please refer to the policy and guidelines about the preparation of the Cooperation Framework. In general, the planned and actual dates, the related document and the additional questions are the most important points of each milestone, and all of this information is required as part of the design process. They are used by DCO as part of the IMS survey for more in-depth analysis on the progress of CFs globally. In UNINFO, there are some special points specific to each milestone that are pointed out below.
Note that for the regional Cooperation Frameworks (e.g. Caribbean; Pacific), the milestones “4. Preparation of the CCA” and “10. Preparation for the UN resources Mobilization and partnerships strategy” will need to be completed for each RC country within the region.
When all of the 10 key milestones have actual end date values (including this one), and the accompanying Roadmap document uploaded here, then this this milestone will be marked as completed.
Since this section is about the evaluation of previous UNDAF/CF, the dates and information displayed in the table are taken from the milestone of the previous CF. To make this clear, a line of text is displayed beneath the milestone. When you click on the edit icon of this row, it will take you to the relevant place in the previous UNDAF/CF to edit this information.
If you have accessed the evaluation milestone via the previous UNDAF/CF evaluation milestone row as displayed above, after saving the record, you will automatically be redirected back to the current plan.
Please note that when the time comes to provide the evaluation for the current plan in which you are in, this will be found in the “Evaluation” tab, which is the last of the tabs found beneath the main navigation bar.
If there is no previous UNDAF/CF plan for your country in UNINFO, then this milestone will not be displayed.
This is similar to the Evaluation milestone, in that the information is taken from the previous CF/UNDAF and displayed in the table. Clicking on the edit icon will take you to the previous CF/UNDAF milestone where this information can be edited, and after saving the record you will be taken back to the current CF.
If there is no previous UNDAF/CF plan for your country in UNINFO, then this milestone will not be displayed.
No special notes for this milestone.
Note that in this milestone, you can upload the finalized but not yet signed version of the Cooperation Framework document (or equivalent document). However if you already have the signed version, and you do not have a non-signed version, you may upload it here as well as in milestone 8.
No special notes for this milestone.
The list of UN entities in each of the fields will be drawn from the list of entities registered to the Country in the RCO/UNCT composition area of UNINFO
Please note that for IMS 2024, there are some new questions, as well as additional options in the drop down boxes that were specially added. Please review this section for all Agencies to answer the questions.
If the answer to the question “Please confirm if the MYFF has been endorsed by the UNCT” is yes, then the remaining questions in this section will be automatically filled based on the funding data provided in the actual Multiyear funding framework section of the Cooperation Framework.
No special notes for this milestone.
For the signatories in the regional plan, the question “Is the Entity a signatory to the Framework” is only asked once for each UN Entity. However, the follow on questions regarding the RC involvement and options for derivation of country level programming need to be answered for each RC that is part of the regional Cooperation Framework.
This tab is for managing the list of which UN Entities have signed up to the Cooperation Framework. The list displayed is taken from the UNCT composition section of the workspace. Each UN Entity from that list can then be further marked as a signatory to the CF as needed. In addition, extra information about the RC involvement and the derivation of the Entity’s country level programming can be added for each UN entity here.
To edit a UN Entity as a signatory, click on the edit icon at the right hand side of each row, and a new window will open up. If there are any UN entities that have not yet been specified as being or not being a signatory, the row will be highlighted in orange.
Please note that for 2024, all signatories must be reviewed to answer the question on the RC’s involvement in the derivation of the CPD, as the options in 2023 are different to this year’s.
For the signatories in the regional plan, the question “Is the Entity a signatory to the Framework” is only asked once for each UN Entity. However, the follow on questions regarding the RC involvement and options for derivation of country level programming need to be answered for each RC that is part of the regional Cooperation Framework.
Milestones in the implementation phase tab will need to be updated annually for each year where indicated, except for the “Governance Arrangements” section which may be updated annually if the user wishes to do so. Although these are displayed similarly to the “Roadmap milestones” in the previous tab, many of these milestones do not require planned and actual dates.
Note that for the regional Cooperation Frameworks (e.g. Caribbean; Pacific), the “Annual update to the CCA” and the “UN country results report” will need to be completed for each RC country within the region.
This section contains questions related to the governance arrangements as well as the Results Groups and Thematic groups. Please note that if you have Results Groups and/or Thematic Groups, please select these options in the first question C.1.11.1, as well as to specify the exact Results Groups and/or Thematic Groups in the tables below it:
No special notes for this milestone.
This section retrieves data from the sub-output funding section of the Cooperation Framework to automatically answer the questions from C.1.13.2 to C.1.13.9
Note that for the question C.1.13.7 “Do all sub-outputs include data on available resources”, all sub-output with contributing partner(s) must have available funding values for the year, then this answer will be set to “Yes”, otherwise the answer will be “No”.
For question C.1.13.6 “Do all relevant sub-outputs include data on the full cost of delivering the results (i.e. have required resources)”. In this case, all sub-outputs that do not have status “pipeline” must have a required funding value for the year, then the answer will be set to “Yes”, otherwise the answer will be “No”.
The “actual end date” will need to be filled in, to indicate that the review is complete and finalised.
The "Results Report" has now been moved to a separate tab after the "Implementation Phase" tab. The files should now correspond to the actual CF year it is for. For example, a Results report covering the year 2023 should now be linked to the row with the year 2023, in the CF plan which contains the year 2023. The UNCT Results Report is uploaded to Documents Library and linked to the correct CF plan and milestone. Please ensure it’s the most up to date version and that it presents results for the year (or part of it). DCO must report to ECOSOC and the auditors whether the report is uploaded.
When the document is uploaded, the related IMS questions C.1.15.1 and C. will automatically be answered.
The evaluation tab is for the final phase of the Cooperation Framework, when information about the evaluation process needs to be carried out here. There are 2 milestones in this phase, the “Evaluation” and the “Management response”. The information entered here is used in the next CF as part of its Roadmap (design phase).
Click the button to view a Gantt chart of the roadmap milestones on the view screen of the plan.
The Gantt chart is displayed by quarter, and the highlighted blocks show the periods specified for the milestone.
Please find below a series of short step-by-step videos to guide you through the stock take exercise related to the CPP.
Videos are also available in and are found in the section "".
The user manual represents the most complete resource related to the stock take exercise of the CPP and can be found .
Please find below the training document used during trainings. A playlist of recordings of past trainings is also available .
This section elaborates on the purpose and definition of Common Premises. It also provides an overview of the Consolidation Planning Methodology of the Country Premises Plan (CPP).
The UN Info Common Premises (CP) Platform is an online tool automating the planning and implementation of common premises projects for each country and serves as a database of UN office premises pursuing the Common Premises targets across the 132 UNCTs and Multi Country Offices.
The platform will offer standardized and consistent monitoring of premises and their establishment in line with the processes outlined by the Task Team on Common Premises and Facilities Services (TTCP+FS). A monitoring and reporting system will track progress and report on the impact realized. An annual review of each country’s consolidation plan will ensure the continuity of the CP agenda.
The Country Premises Plan is the real estate strategy of each UNCT to progress their respective common premises situation. The CPP is worked on the platform and is updated on a yearly basis.
Establishment of the CPP
The main steps to create a Country Premises Plan are:
Kick off – The CP working group is created
Stock Take – Data collection
Option Identification – Analysis of current situation, space needs and real estate opportunities
Several stakeholders are mobilized throughout the platform:
This section elaborates on how to register on UN Info Platform and how to access the Country Premises Plan (CPP)
In addition to the CP-related content stated below, please note that the CP Helpdesk contains more information and resources to answer questions such as: how to reset the password, how to assign roles to users, how to remove a user, how to request support, etc. It also includes an FAQ page.
This section elaborates on how to navigate the UN Info Platform.
The Dashboard page will provide the overview of all workspaces you may be authorized to access/edit. The left panel projects the entire list of workspaces assigned to the user , also accessible in the dropdown . After choosing a country, select the “Common Premises” dashboard . The page will provide the overview of all plans you may be authorized to access and edit.
To start completing a plan for a country, select “Edit” . The plans will appear on the Dashboard under the following nomenclature: Year - Country Premises Plan.
This section will go into specific details for Common Premises.
All staff members collaborating on the CPP have to register on the UNINFO platform. To register to the CP platform, click on the “Register” button of the and complete the required information (e.g. name, e-mail, password). Under “workspace”, choose your country. In the case of MCOs, the workspace selected should be the MCO Parent (Fiji, Malaysia, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, etc.). Please note that a dedicated article and explanatory video are available on the helpdesk.
You will receive a confirmation email to finalize the registration. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please access the 'CP - Registration and User Roles' section of the CP article.
After registration, respective roles are assigned on the platform to staff members.
DCO is responsible for assigning the CPC roles. The CPC then assigns the other relevant roles to the members of his/her team collaborating on the platform.
Under «Select and Assign Roles », the CPC can assign the rights following the 6 steps below:
Region: Leave the region field blank
Workspace: Select the appropriate workspace from the dropdown list. In case of MCOs, please select the name of the MCO parent.
You may proceed to the next step either by clicking the button “Next Step” or selecting “Premises Validation” (Visual 7).
The list of registered users appears on the menu « Users » . The CPC will be able to assign them different roles by clicking on the “pen” on the right of each user (visual 4). Please note that there is a on user management and administration.
Specific users can be found using the search function . Use the filter function to filter by organization or workspace .
Roles: Select the appropriate role from the dropdown . Ideally, each user should hold only 1 Common premises role on the platform.
Click on “Add role”
On the right-hand side, please click on the “Save” button
Comments can be added by users to communicate with each other. They can be used to call another user to enter an information, to confirm that the part is finished, etc.
Users within the same workspace can be tagged using the sign “@”, and the targeted person will receive an email notification.
Make sure to save your entries each time you finalize a section of the platform (visual 9).
In case of wrong entry in the platform, please amend the content and save again.
The Quality Assurance is usually done by the regional coordinator assigned to your country in coordination with the Common Premises Champions.
The role of the Quality Assurance focal point is to look at data for coherency and pick obvious issues, such as a field erroneously filled with a coma, outrageous numbers e.g., number of staff in the 20, 000 etc.
The Quality Assurance Focal point is not responsible for the data entered nor is expected to know and verify validity of information entered.
The Quality Assurance focal point is notified of completion.
He/she will then review the data entered in the locked step. Any issues should be raised off the platform via a discussion and in the comment field of the platform to the CPC, who will then act.
He/she will “Mark current step as complete” when data is certified, using the button at the top of the page and entering an optional comment (visual 12).
It is possible to verify the progress made in the performance of the stock take exercise by accessing the Progress Report of each workspace . It is accessible directly from the Step 1 of the Country Premises Plan.
Once in, the progress for each step of the stock-take along with the remaining actions to perform are available. Lists of remaining premises/occupants to complete can be accessed by clicking on the various symbols.
Note: A workspace should reach 95% completion in each step to be considered ready for Quality Assurance (QA). Once QA is performed and all steps have been marked as completed, the stock take will reach 100% completion.
Once a whole step has been locked (see previous section “”), the next steps are the following:
This section elaborates on the various steps of the Stock Take process.
The Stock take’s purpose is to collect data at premises and office levels, to establish an accurate up-to-date database of all existing UN premises, any on-going initiatives and projects in the pipeline and space needs of each UN Entity This phase will provide the UNCTs and CPWGs with reliable premises and UN entities data, enabling data-driven consolidation planning.
The stock take part is performed through three different steps, with specific roles assigned to each stakeholder:
· Step 1 – Background
· Step 2 – Premises validation
· Step 3 – Premises attributes
Stakeholder roles will vary throughout the Stock Take phase:
Common Services Managers (CSM) are agency focal points of the organization identified as Common Services Manager for this specific premises
Note: Agency focal point able to add/delete occupants of their own entity and enter data for their own entity. CPCs and CSMs are able to add/delete occupants from any entity and enter data for all entities.
The lock button appears at step level (e.g. locking the entire step 3 “Premises attributes”) (visual 10). When a Step's completion percentage reaches 95%, it can be locked by the CPC.
It has several impacts:
When locked, the data cannot be modified by any user.
At step-level, it will send a signal to the Quality Assurance (QA) focal point that the data entered can be quality assured. It is only when the QA is completed the locked step can be marked as complete by the QA focal point. Which makes the completion percentage of the step 100%. To know more about QA please check the next section (4.6 Quality Assurance).
Only the CPC can use the lock function at step-level.
The page requires only one action to be performed by the Common Premises Champion (CPC): completing the country background. Please enter the relevant country specific details for Common Premises. For example: size of the UNCT, security level, country context, etc...
No action is required in any other fields, being system generated.
Start date and end date are automatic, because plan is to be reviewed on a yearly basis
Plan number is automatically generated
The step “Premises validation” focuses on:
The validation of the premises data already available in the platform and addition of missing premises
The access to this step is restricted and defined by access rights assigned to each role (see visual 14 for details):
The Premises validation focal point takes actions in respect of the premises only, namely: check and validate the existing premises data and add new premises.
The page provides the overview of all premises, projects, and initiatives in the country (visual 17). The details of each premises can be reviewed if the folded row is expanded.
There are three types of actions to be performed in this step, detailed in following pages:
- Validate the information for the existing premises
- Add new premises
Phase. For existing premises, this field is automatically set to “Premise” and cannot be modified.
City. Should be entered if the data in the field is missing or incorrect. This can be performed either through the selection of the relevant city from the drop-down list (visual 20), or manually entered if it is missing in the list. In this case, first mark the field “Cannot find your city” (visual 21).
Compound. A compound is made up of several buildings in an enclosed area. A compound housing several premises in different buildings on the compound is a Common Premises even if there is one UN entity per building.
If the premises is part of a compound, select it from the dropdown list. If the compound is not shown in the list, select the “Not found in the list?” check box and enter its name. The name should allow to uniquely identify the compound within the country. The newly added Compound will be added to the compound dropdown for following premises.
Premises name. Enter a premises name that should allow to uniquely identify the premises. Examples of names could be:
For Single Premises: [Organization] – [City] – [Office type]
For Common Premises: Common Premises - [CSM] – [Other main orgs] – [City]
Address. Should be entered if the data in the field is missing or incorrect. To add or to amend, type the address in the field on the first line with the magnifying glass and select the complete address on the dropdown. The address can also be changed or “cleaned” directly in the “Address” field (visual 22).
To adjust the accuracy of the office geo-location, click on “open map”, drag and drop the pin to the exact location (visual 23), which will automatically revise the data shown in the fields “Latitude” and “Longitude”. Selection on the map is mandatory for coordinates to appear.
Status. Indicate the current status of the premise/project/initiative.
An active premises is a premises under the management of the UN System regardless of UN staff occupying the building/compound or not. In case an active premises is not occupied by any staff, it should remain active in Step 2 and have zero current member of personnel in Step 3 of the CP platform.
A premises becomes inactive when it no longer falls under the management of the UN – For example when a building is returned to the proprietor.
Status details. Record dates and any information/reason associated to its status changes.
Occupation approval. Only appears if “Active” is selected under the “Status” field, it represents the formal validation of the premises information by the Premises validation focal point. .This approval does not mean that formal approval for occupation of this premises has been given by UNDSS.
Delete button. In case of wrong entry in the platform, please amend the content and save again. In case the premises is not used anymore, please select “inactive”. The “delete” button should only be used in case of premises/projects/initiatives added by mistake/ duplicates in the premises list.
Once all validation of pre-populated premises data is completed, the Premises validation focal point may add new premises into the country list clicking on “Add premises” (visual 24), for any existing premises missing from the list. Data to be entered is similar to the one entered for existing premises.
The progress report for the Country Premises Plan can be accessed in Step 1 following instructions here. The list of users and their respective roles can be accessed by unfolding the “Users” dropdown found in (visual 16).
To find premises to check and validate data for, the user can scroll down the list. The premises information can be verified by expanding the records for the selected premises .
Once the data is saved, the successfully validated entries will be marked with “check” symbol , absence of which will guide the Premises validation focal point in assessing the volume of remaining premises for validation.