The Common Premises target is reflected in General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the UN development system as follows:
“…increase the proportion of UN common premises to 50 per cent by 2021…”;
Each country is therefore establishing a Country Premises Plan (CPP) on the Common Premises platform which will serve as the blueprint of premises projects to be implemented by a country. The first step in the CPP is the stock-take exercise.
The Common Premises platform serves as the global database on premises (Single and Common). It is the source of reporting on the premises situation of a city, country and globally.
It is mandatory for all UNCTs to complete the stock-take exercise and to include all the premises in all the cities where the UN operates in the country. For MCOs, the UNCT is responsible for entering premises data of all countries falling under its purview. This exercise includes all physical presence of the UN in the country (single premises, common premises, compounds, government co-located, etc.)
Please also note that the implementation of projects and initiatives will be followed on the platform and therefore progress on the Common Premises agenda will be reported from the platform.
Where a functioning Admin and Facility Working Group is established, the CPWG can be integrated. However, having a separate CPWG is required for any country looking to undertake a CP project. Having a separate CPWG driving CP issues at the country level under the OMT might be more effective to ensure accountability while working within existing structures.
No, the training content is the same. The dates are offered to accommodate as many participants as possible.
RCOs should ensure full country participation (RCO, OMT, UNDSS and Agency Focal Points) which is mandatory for swift data entry. However, the content of all trainings is the same and they do not need to be followed more than once.
Feel free to attend again to understand any particular aspect of the CP Platform on UN Info.
No. The training is open to all to build capacity within the OMTs, agencies and the RCO. Only the data collection access rights will be restricted to nominated colleagues.
A user right diagram (below) has been developed to offer a visual representation of each role. More specifically:
· CPCs coordinate the data entry exercise for the entire country and has the broadest access to the platform. We recommend 2 CPCs with one from the RCO and one from OMT
· Premises Validation Focal Points check and validates premises of the entire country. It is suggested that UNDSS holds this role or assists the CPWG in establishing the list of premises where the UN works in the country and their addresses.
o The Premises Validation Focal Point cannot hold any other role on the platform
· Agency Focal Points should have the necessary knowledge to add agency specific data in the platform. They are the communication focal points between UN entities and the working group
· CPWG Chairs are monitoring the process at high-level, but do not have any edit rights in the stock take portion of the platform. The CPWG Chair should be an agency head, deputy or OMT Chair who can report on Common Premises and bring CP issues to the UNCT. They can also be the CPCs, though this is not recommended.
How can I assign rights to the platform?
Only CPCs can assign rights in the platform. Please follow this Assignment of roles by CPC short video to see the process (French) (Spanish).
Please allow 24h for the data team to give the CPC rights. If not available after 24h, please reach out to
The platform sends a confirmation email to activate your account. Please look in your inbox and junk folder of your email address to access the link. If unavailable, reach out to
This issue normally arises when the user has:
- Not yet been attributed its responsibilities by the CPC
- Not been attributed the correct domain/ workspace/ responsibilities in the platform
Please revert to your CPC to be granted the right responsibilities. The CPC can learn how to perform the user-right assignation process in this short video: Assignment of roles by CPC (French) (Spanish).
When opening your Country Common Premises Plan, you can find the list of users and their respective roles in the dropdown menu “Users” found in Step 1 of the plan.
Refer to CP resources and FAQs entered in following pages for any questions related to Common Premises.
In case the answer is not available on this platform, please reach out (in this order) to:
The CPCs of your country.
The regional focal point for your region.
The deadline for the 2024 CPP Data Review is 31st December 2024.
This issue normally arises when the user:
- Has not been attributed the rights to a certain section of the CPP
- Is trying to modify a locked field
- Has been attributed more than one role
Please refer to this to verify if you should have access to those data fields.
If the step you are trying to modify is locked, please reach out to your CPC to unlock the step. There is only 1 possible way the data can be locked:
1. Step is locked
If you think that the wrong access has been attributed, please reach out to your CPC.
CPCs have access to the whole platform except for a part of Step 2 (validating/ adding/ deleting existing premises)
Agency Focal Points can modify occupants data for their own agency in Step 3 and can add contractual agreements
Premises Validation Focal Point can only modify a part of the Step 2 of the platform (when it comes to validating existing premises). They are the only users who can add/delete/modify premises in this step.
Please enter the relevant country specific details for Common Premises (e.g., size of the UNCT, security level, country context). Note that only the CPCs can modify the background.
Yes. The Country Common Premises Plan should be inclusive of all types of premises found in the country.
Premises held by organizations not part of the exercise should be put as “Inactive”.
The current situation should be reflected in the platform. The platform can be updated and modified once the move of the offices has happened and the premises is no longer under the purview of the UN. The current premises is then marked as “Inactive” in Step 2 by the Premises Validation Focal Point and the new premises is added.
These fields are automatically modified when selecting the address from the magnifying glass icon or from the map. Please use the map to make the coordinates more accurate.
The current capacity should be entered and changed at a later date if needed.
Occupants can only be added or deleted by a CPC. Once done, Agency Focal Points can modify data for occupants of their own agency only.
Yes. Office area should indicate the gross area paid for by the agency, inclusive of the shared common areas.
Any staff member occupying a dedicated workstation, the desk per personnel ratio is 1. In premises where the hybrid work model has been implemented, the ratio used should be entered on the platform. For example, in a hybrid work model where 8 workstations are allocated to 10 personnel, the number of desks per personnel ratio is 0.8.
An estimation should be provided for each sub-cost with the total adding to the cost of the joint contract.
Costs should be entered in USD for the current year. They can be revised subsequently. In the yearly review or at the time of contract renewal, the rental cost for the actual year is updated on the platform.
The parent agreement is the main contract between the lead agency and the external entity (lessor). It should be the first agreement to be entered on the platform. Any internal UN agreement (MoU) falling under this parent agreement is then entered.
All subsequent agreements should indicate the name of the parent agreement in the field “Parent Agreement”. Please refer to this contract diagram for more information.
Note: The field “Parent Agreement” for the main parent agreement should be entered as N/A on the platform as it is the main contract.
31/12/2099 should be put as end date.
The lease notice period is the minimum number of months prior to the end date of the lease for the UN to notify the lessor of its intention to renew the contract.
Note: Early termination means ending the lease prior to the stipulated end lease date on the contract. Usually, early termination closes cover the associated penalties. This is for information and currently not tracked on the platform.
Shared responsibilities for a service means that the cost for the service is shared both by the lessor and the lessees.
All office types:
Office space (m2)
Office capacity (# workstations)
Office description
Common Service Manager (Yes or No) - There should be 1 CSM per premise, including for Single Premises
Restrictions to relocate
Current and future work modality (physical presence only, hybrid, remote)
Ratio of current and future number of desk per personnel (see definition in question above)
Current number of national and international personnel
Current and future number of Regional Director of a UN Agency
Current and future number of UN Resident Representative
Current and future number of International Staff
Current and future number of International JPO, consultants and UNVs
Current and future number of General Services Staff
Current and future number of Drivers – Common Area
Those fields are only for the occupant section of the platform. Please refer to the platform for the information needed at premises and contractual level.
When adding a contract, the amount of information depends on if the agreement is final and signed.
All types of agreements:
Agreement document (if it exists)
Name of agreement
Agreement type (Lease, MOA, MOU)
Lessor information (name and full address)
Mandatory for final and signed agreements (please fill for other agreements as well if available):
Agreement number
Start and end dates
Lease notice period (definition above in FAQ)
Service responsibilities (Lessor, lessee, shared, other, N/A)
Internet provider
HF - VHF Radio
Meeting - conference
Lan - Jan
Building maintenance
Security - Safety
The list of information requested depends on the . All offices should appear on the platform, but offices excluded from the scope require less information on the platform.
Only offices included in scope of exercise as per of the manual: