(2 min read)
The integrated annual results and budget planning is a key operational and management tool to achieve development results outlined in the multi-annual Results Framework for the RC system and to align results with resources for sound results-based management. The purpose of the annual work planning (AWP) is to outline how each organizational unit fulfills its respective roles and functions to enable the collective achievement of RC system results. And the purpose of the granular budget planning is to enable the most efficient and strategic budget allocation per organizational unit in order to enable delivery of the outlined results. Building on lessons learned from separate work planning and budget planning in the past, the 2025 planning is now more integrated with a unified DCO SmartPlanner App and with results planning guiding the budget. The tool is also an additional accountability instrument to show our value-add as coordination mechanism and catalyst for more effective and efficient development results.
To log into the app: DCO SmartPlanner 2.0
Please also consult the
(1 min read)
The only browsers supported by the app are Microsoft Edge and Chrome.
The application will not work properly on any other browser.
AWP Module
The SmartPlanner introduces LMR and Additional Funding Needs (SPTF) capabilities with dedicated input fields.
Users can now filter workplan activities by their associated Objective, Output, and Outcome.
Activities can be assessed for risk through a new integrated component.
A dedicated Spending Limit section provides better context at the time of planning.
The summary section offers year-over-year financial comparisons for enhanced context.
Expenditure items can be mapped to multiple workplan activities, with unassigned items highlighted for visibility.
Travel costs (DSA and terminal) are now automatically calculated based on locations.
A comprehensive report can be downloaded upon submission.
(1 min read)
There is a limit of three licenses per office that will have access rights to the application. You can give these three licenses to anyone in your office. The roles are:
Approver: able to view and approve the submissions - this will typically be a Head of Office or Chief of Section/Branch.
Data Entry Associate: able to enter data and send to the Approver for approval.
The appropriate people should already have access to the application. If you have problems with access, please email: dco-servicedesk@un.org
(1 min read)
The following section describes steps to take to enter data, submit and approve/reject the AWP.
The following section describes steps to take to enter data, submit and approve/reject the AWP.
!!! Please note !!!
You will only be able to see the budget for your country, after the HoO approved the AWP for your country.
(1 min read)
You can log into the application here: DCO SmartPlanner
The Application is enabled with Single Sign On, so you will use your @un.org log in credentials to log into the application.
Once logged in, you will see a welcome screen. You can select "Do not show this Welcome Screen next time" and click Continue.
(1 min read)
The application contains 2 modules:
My Work Plan
My Budget
You can see the modules in the left hand side navigation bar:
Before you can start entering budget data, you must enter the Work Plan (AWP).
After the AWP is entered, it is submitted to the Reviewer by workflow. Once approved by the Reviewer, the budget for your office will appear in "My Budget" module. Once all the budget data is entered, it must also be sent to the Reviewer for certification. After which the budget is then submitted to DCO Finance for final review before approval.
You will receive an email every time a piece of data is submitted/approved/rejected. Please pay attention to those emails and take appropriate action.
(1 min read)
When you completed all AWP data Entry, you have to submit it to your Approver for approval.
Hit "Submit" and your Approver will be notified that an AWP was submitted for approval. You will not be able to enter budget data until the AWP is approved.
(2 min read)
As an approver, you have the ability to either approve or reject the submitted AWP if there are any concerns. If the AWP is satisfactory, simply click "Approve," which enables your office to proceed with entering the budget data.
To reject an AWP, select "Reject".
You will be able to enter a comment with the reasons for the rejection that will be returned to your assistant.
The assistant will have to make the corrections and submit it to the Approver for approval again.
(3 min read)
To Enter AWP data, click on the data entry box next to "Objective". You may see some options in the dropdown, but they will not be exhaustive. In other to see a full list of options, please select the magnifying glass that appears at the end of the text entry box.
Click on the Advanced Lookup button. This will take you to a complete list of options for the particular entry box.
You can also start typing some text and the application will suggest some options:
Enter all of the mandatory fields, that are marked with an *asterisk*
"Workplan Activity" Field has a number of standard activities that you can choose from. If you select "Other", please enter the description of your activity in the next field
"Funding Source" field has 3 options - SPTF, LMR and Additional funding needs. You can select LMR or Additional funding needs. Now you can enter LMR and Additional funding needs resources in the AWP module in the Smart Planner 2.0
Once you are done with entering the data, click on "Save and Close".
This will redirect you to the screen where you will be able to see the entered activity and choose to either edit an existing activity or enter a new one.
To edit an existing activity, click on the activity and it will take you to the editing screen.
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the AWP
Enter a specific objective aligned with the RCS Results Framework.
Ensure it aligns with organizational goals and is clearly measurable.
" Objective 2 – Convening and partnerships to deliver SDG policy and financing solutions
Enter the expected outcome of the objective.
Outcomes should be specific and contribute to the overall impact of the intervention.
" Outcome 2.1 The RC system brings together global, regional and domestic assets to enable integrated, high-quality policy and programming for poverty eradication and SDG solutions
Describe the output that will lead to the achievement of the outcome.
Focus on tangible deliverables or services provided as a result of the activities.
" Output 2.1.1 Enhanced capacities for high quality SDG analysis and tailored programming responses
Workplan Activity
Indicative activities are provided for each output. In addition, “Other” can be selected to allow for unique text entry
Select the appropriate activity or provide a description if "Other."
Provide a detailed description of the activity if “Other” is selected.
Ensure it directly supports the output and can be tracked for progress.
Make sure the description is clear and specifies how it contributes to the output.
“Activity Enable effective support to public institutions and civil society through dedicated initiatives, tools and mechanisms to increase capacities, knowledge, skills, etc. on SDG financing, tailored to national contexts and priorities”
Timeframe (Quarter)
Indicate the quarter when the activity will be conducted.
Align with the broader work plan timeline and deliverables.
"Q3 (July – September)."
Specify the individual responsible for the activity.
Use other field only for DCO and Regional Offices
Ensure the lead has the capacity and resources to carry out the activity.
List partners involved in the activity.
Clearly identify all stakeholders contributing to the activity.
Gender Marker
Select the appropriate gender marker for the activity.
Ensure gender considerations are integrated into the activity design.
"GEM2 – GEWE is a significant objective of the Activity."
Funding Source
Specify the funding source for the activity or funding gap (additional funding needs)
Align with the allocated budget and funding agreements.
"SPTF – Special Purpose Trust Fund."
Outline any potential risks that could impact the activity.
Consider risks such as delays, resource constraints, or lack of capacity.
"Risk of delays in UNCT participation due to overlapping priorities."
(1 min read)
To enter budget data, select "My Budget" from the left side navigation and then click on your office's budget
You should only see the budget for your office.
DCO SmartPlanner allows you to enter the budget data for each category and link each item to one or more activities that you entered in your Work Plan. Every time you enter and save data in one of the budget category tabs, the summary tab will be updated with the latest data.
You will need to go through each tab and enter the data as necessary. When you click on the "New Entry" button, you can enter the appropriate data for the particular budget category. For example, for travel, you will see:
!!! Important !!!
In the Workplan Activity field, you will only be able to add the activities that you added in the "My Work Plan" module (and not the complete list of generic activities).
Only SPTF funded activities will be available for selection.
Please ensure that you go through each tab and click on "Next". By clicking "Next" you acknowledge that you have reviewed the data entered for that budget category. You will only be able to submit the budget for approval to the Approver once you clicked "Next" on all of the tabs (even the ones not applicable to your office, if any).
This provides instructions for validating the Posts Table and assigning work plan activities as part of the budget preparation process for Resident Coordinator Offices (RCOs).
Verify appropriate office or RCO responsible for the post (e.g., India).
Ensure the correct office is assigned to prevent confusion during budget consolidation.
"RCO India"
Verify the position level, such as D-1, D-2, P-4, or G-7, as appropriate for the post.
Ensure the level reflects the correct classification and organizational grade.
Functional Title
Confirm the functional title aligns with the responsibilities of the post. This typically reflects the operational role, such as Resident Coordinator or Economist.
Standardized titles are used to ensure consistency across RCOs.
"Resident Coordinator"
Position Title
Validate the detailed position title, which may include classification numbers.
Ensure the title reflects the specific duties and post requirements.
Position ID
Verify the unique position number assigned to the post. This number is crucial for tracking and reporting purposes.
Double-check for any typos or missing digits to ensure correct reference.
Preliminary Annual Costs (Full)
Annual cost projection based on the standard cost of a post in a location. No Vacancy rates are applied
Use of latest cost projections to ensure accurate budgeting.
Preliminary Annual Costs (incl. Vacancy Rates)
If applicable, include vacancy rates (VR) is factored in the preliminary cost projection.
Ensure costs align with actual vacancy rates (VR)
Total Cost (USD)
Ensure the total cost are accurately reflected
Double-check for accuracy.
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
To select an activity, click on the field and the select the magnifying glass - this will allow you to select an activity or start typing the activity name to narrow down the search.
(1 min read)
If you need to make any changes to AWP after approval, you will be able to do so after the budgets are approved by DCO finance in December. Simply go back to the AWP Module at the beginning of January and add new activities.
PLEASE NOTE that at this point, the system will not ask for HoO approval, so please make sure that the HoO is in agreement with modification of the AWP before you enter it into the system.
(1 min read)
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples to develop Annual Work Plans (AWP) and associate respective funding sources or determine funding gap for selected activity.
To enter AWP data, select "My Work Plan" from the left side navigation and then select your office (you should only see AWP for your office).
Note: Annual work planning (AWP) is presented as the first module of the DCO SmartPlanner. The tool has been customized for every RCO and DCO unit.
On the following screen, you will see the option to "+New AWP", which will take you to a screen where you can enter data pertaining to all activities in your AWP.
This form is only for DCO and Regional Offices
This guidance provides detailed instructions on how to fill out the Consultants Form for requests related to external expertise that is not available in-house within the Secretariat. It ensures compliance with policies and alignment with the annual workplan.
Step 1 of 3: Add a request for consultant
Step 2 of 3: Input required details for a consultant
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Description of Expertise
Provide a brief summary of the required expertise for the consultant.
Be specific about the skill set required (e.g., "Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist").
"Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist with experience in SDG reporting and data analytics."
Justification for the Request
Explain why the consultant is required and how their expertise contributes to the workplan. Also include why in-house can not be utilized.
Ensure the justification aligns with the objectives of the DCO and RCOs. Be concise and focus on the value added by the consultant.
"This consultancy is essential to enhance monitoring and evaluation of national SDG implementation strategies. The consultant will support data analysis, reporting frameworks, and provide hands-on guidance to national partners on building M&E systems."
Certification Status
Enter the certification authority and status (e.g., "Certified by Regional Director").
Ensure certification is obtained before submitting the request.
"Certified by Director, Asia and Pacific Regional Office"
Alternative Funding Arrangements
Mention if there are any alternative funding arrangements to the consultancy.
-Include details about any alternative funding arrangements, such as corporate strategic priorities
- Mention “None” if none applies, and it’s expected to be subsumed as a part of authorized spending limit
Importance to Unit Workplans
Indicate how critical the consultancy is to the workplan objectives.
Ensure alignment with the DCO and regional priorities. Mention specific deliverables the consultant will contribute to.
"This consultancy is critical to completing the 2025 Asia-Pacific SDG progress report and building national M&E capacity."
Cost per Month/Unit (USD)
Provide the estimated or agreed monthly or unit-based cost in USD.
Use fees from previous experiences or refer to standard consultancy rates.
Ensure the rate aligns with the expertise required.
"$7,000" per month or per deliverable
Number of Months/Units
Enter the duration of the consultancy in months or other units such as number of deliverables.
Ensure the duration matches the scope of the assignment. Avoid unnecessary extensions.
"2 months" or “2 reports”
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per month/unit times the number of months/units.
Verify the total aligns with the request. Double-check calculations for errors.
"$14,000" (2 units x $7,000/unit)
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples for inputting travel plans to ensure the form is completed accurately and meets operational requirements. It ensures compliance with policies and alignment with the annual workplan.
Step 1 of 3: Add / Amend Trips
Step 2 of 3: Input trip details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Travel Type
Indicate whether the travel is "International" or "Domestic." This is usually pre-filled and helps determine applicable travel policies.
- Confirm that the travel type aligns with the destination.
"International Travel" for travel from New Delhi to Bangkok.
"Domestic Travel" for travel within India (New Delhi to Mumbai).
Purpose of Travel
Provide a clear description of the reason for travel, focusing on the objective or mission goal.
- Be specific about the purpose to justify the need for travel. - Include the intended outcomes of the trip.
"To participate in a regional UN coordination workshop for aligning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with national priorities in the Asia-Pacific region."
"To conduct one-day training session in Mumbai on implementing the UNSDCF for regional stakeholders in western India."
Number of persons per trip
Indicate the number of people traveling. This will affect the overall travel cost calculations, including DSA and ticket costs.
- Ensure that the number matches the planned delegation size.
(Resident Coordinator, Economist, and Head of RCO).
(Head of RCO and a Training Officer).
Number of days per trip
Input the duration of the trip in days. This is used to calculate the total DSA.
- Double-check the duration based on the agenda or meeting dates.
"5" days
(including travel time and workshop days).
"1" day
(including travel time and training days).
Enter the starting location of the trip. This is usually the city or country from which the traveler departs.
- Use standard city names or ISO codes for a Country/City
- If a city doesn’t exist, it would be “Elsewhere” or “All areas”
"New Delhi" or IN
"New Delhi" or IN
Input the destination of the trip. It should be the city or country where the traveler is expected to conduct their activities.
- If a city doesn’t exist, it would be “Elsewhere” or “All areas”
"Bangkok" or TH
"Mumbai" or IN
DSA Provided
Specify whether DSA (Daily Subsistence Allowance) is provided for the trip. This is generally determined by travel policies.
- Ensure compliance with internal guidelines for DSA provision.
DSA (USD per person)
Official UN DSA rates for the destination as of September 2024 is pre-loaded.
- Make sure the DSA rate is appropriate for the destination.
Travel Class
Specify the class of travel (e.g., "Economy," "Business"). This affects ticket costs and may be governed by travel policies.
- Follow travel policy for the class of travel allowed for each staff level. - Select the most economical option when possible.
Ticket cost (USD per person)
Provide the estimated or actual cost of the airfare per person in USD. Include round-trip ticket costs.
- Obtain quotes from approved local travel agents or via on-line travel booking site.
- Include only the most economical fare unless otherwise justified.
Terminal costs (USD per person)
These are standard UN costs, and reimburse for airport transfers, baggage handling, or other related terminal expenses.
Estimate costs based on standard rates for transportation to and from the airport.
Other costs (USD per person)
Input any additional travel-related expenses that do not fall under DSA or ticket costs, such as visa fees or travel insurance.
- Ensure additional costs are applicable for this trip.
Total Costs
This field is usually auto calculated based on the inputs. It sums up all expenses including DSA, ticket costs, terminal costs, and other expenses.
- Verify that the total matches individual components. - Ensure no expenses are omitted from the calculation.
- Ensure the purpose/justification is clear.
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
(2 mins read)
To download the SPTF / LMR / Additional Funding needs AWPS report, on the AWP screen, select all the records
Select the ellipsis and then "Export AWPS"
The resulting excel will contain all the selected activities from your workplan.
(2 min read)
The Summary Tab provides an overview of your budget and includes an option to submit it for approval. At the bottom of the page, you can also add any notes related to your budget.
To submit the budget for approval, hit the "Submit" Button.
If the Approver rejects the budget submission, any rejection notes from the Approver will also appear there. Please refer to these notes before making any corrections.
An example of rejection notes is available here:
The Summary Tab is updated each time you make an entry to the budget data.
This guidance provides detailed instructions on how to fill out the Hospitality Form for budget requests related to hospitality and official events. It ensures compliance with related policies and alignment with the annual workplan.
Step 1 of 3: Add a request for hospitality/official functions
Step 2 of 3: Input required details of official functions/events*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Description of Official Function/Event
Provide a brief description of the event or function. Indicate the purpose, target audience, and expected outcomes.
Include details such as the nature of the event, location, and stakeholders involved.
- "Networking luncheon with key stakeholders from UN agencies." - "Reception for visiting diplomats to enhance collaboration efforts."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total estimated cost of the hospitality event.
Ensure costs are itemized and aligned with the approved budget. Include vendor quotes if applicable.
- "USD 5,000 for luncheon catering and venue rental." - "USD 1,500 for refreshments during the stakeholder meeting." - "USD 3,000 for venue and catering services for the official reception."
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This form is only for DCO and Regional Offices
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples to request budget for temporary staffing needs, extensions, or additional capacity required to address peak workloads.
Note: Ensure justifications align with operational priorities, annual workplans and obtain necessary approvals in advance.
Step 1 of 3: Add a request for temporary capacity
Step 2 of 3: Input required details for temporary capacity*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Functional Title
Enter the title of the temporary position.
- Use a standard descriptive title aligned with HR classifications. - Ensure the title matches the responsibilities.
"Senior Human Resources Assistant"
Select the relevant grade level (P-2 to P-5, NPOs, or UNVs)
- Verify with DCO HR the correct grade for the role. - Ensure it aligns with responsibilities and workload expectations.
New Position or Extension?
Indicate whether this is a new request or an extension of an existing position.
- Select "New Request" for new roles. - Choose "Extension" if extending an ongoing position.
"Extension Request"
Position Number (if Extension)
If this is an extension, enter the current position number.
- Ensure the position number matches the existing role. - Confirm with DCO HR to avoid duplication.
Justification for the Request
Provide a compelling justification for the new request or extension.
- Be specific about why the position is needed. - Connect the justification to operational needs and annual workplans.
"Due to a peak workload to support the ongoing recruitment surge across the organization, the position of Senior Human Resources Assistant at the G-7 level is critical. This role will ensure timely processing of applications, coordination of interviews, and onboarding of new staff. The additional capacity will help meet recruitment timelines, avoid delays, and support the smooth functioning of recruitment-related activities during this period of heightened demand."
Job Description (ToR)
Provide a brief description of the duties and responsibilities.
- Use bullet points to make it concise and clear. - Ensure the job description aligns with the scope of the position.
- Support recruitment processes, including shortlisting, coordination of interviews, and candidate communication.
- Manage recruitment tracking, maintaining up-to-date records in the HR system.
- Facilitate onboarding for new employees, including documentation and orientation arrangements.
Importance for Unit’s Workplans
Indicate whether this position is critical for meeting the workplan objectives.
- Be realistic in assessing the importance. - Ensure alignment with annual workplan
"Critical to meet recruitment timelines and operational needs."
Alternative Funding arrangement
Indicate whether there are any alternative funding arrangement supporting this position.
- Include details about any alternative funding arrangements, such as corporate strategic priorities or rapid release funds. - Mention “None” if none applies, and it’s expected to be subsumed as a part of authorized spending limit
"Corporate Strategic Priorities"
Certification Status
Indicate if the request is certified and by whom
- Confirm the certification authority before submission.
"Certified by Chief BMB"
Number of Months
Enter the number of months the position will be needed.
- Ensure the duration aligns with the project timeline. - Verify with HR policies on the maximum contract length.
Cost per Month (USD)
Provide the monthly cost for the position in USD.
- Base the cost on standard post costs for the position level.
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates total cost by multiplying the monthly cost with the number of months.
- Ensure the total cost is accurate and aligned with the approved limit for this temporary capacity.
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples for each service. This form is used to budget for external services such as printing, IT support, translation, or web hosting.
Note: Ensure services align with operational requirements and obtain competitive quotes to comply with procurement policies.
Step 1 of 3: Add a contractual service request
Step 2 of 3: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Description of Service
Select the appropriate service from the drop-down list.
Choose the most relevant service category.
Use "Any other Contractual Services" if no suitable match is available.
- Printing and Editing Services
- External Translation/Interpretation Services
- IT Internet Connectivity (If paid separately from the rental of premises)
- IT Maintenance (If paid separately from the rental of premises)
-Web Development and Hosting (Not applicable to RCOs)
-IT Support for Office 365 (Budgeted Centrally by DCO)
-Any other Contractual Services
Additional Notes
Provide relevant notes or justifications for the service.
Include detailed requirements, service scope, or frequency of services.
-"Printing and binding of Annual SDG Progress Report"
-"Translation of the UNSDCF into Hindi”
-"High-speed internet service (1 Gbps)”
-"Quarterly maintenance of office IT equipment (desktops, printers, routers)."
-"Development of DCO Knowledge Platform."
Cost per Month/Unit (USD)
Enter the estimated or agreed cost per month or unit.
Obtain competitive quotes from vendors or use standard market rates.
Number of Months/Units
Enter the number of months or units required for the service.
Ensure the unit matches the service needs.
-Printing: "1 unit"
-Translation: "2 units"
-Internet: "12 months"
-IT Maintenance: "4 units (i.e quarterly)"
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per month/unit times the number of months/units.
Verify the total aligns with the request. Double-check calculations for errors.
Contractual services cover following types of services/expenses
External Printing
External editing and printing services
Individual Contractors
Individual contractual services
Investment and Bank Service Fees
Investment service fees, Bank account fees, Currency pool service fees.
IT Consulting services
Consulting, Design & Development, Service Provisioning, Support & Management.
Language Services
Translation, Editing, Word Processing, Interpretation, Verbatim Reporting for organizational needs.
Laundry Services
General laundry services
Public Information Services
Production services, Advertising, PI Equipment rental
Specialized Services
Catering services, other specialized services
Training Services
Language skill, UN-specific training, HR & Finance skill, IT skill, Substantive skill, Management development.
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This guidance provides detailed instructions on filling out the Supplies and Materials Form, with practical examples for each item category. It ensures the form is filled out accurately, aligned with operational requirements and workplans.
Step 1 of 3: Add a supply or material
Step 2 of 3: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Supplies and materials cover following items
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples for each item category available in the Acquisitions (Furniture and Equipment) Form to ensure the form is completed accurately and meets operational requirements.
Note: It is mandatory to contact DCO Operations Section for guidance before submitting any alteration request.
Step 1 of 2: Add a request for Acquistion of Equipment
Step 2 of 2: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Acquisitions of Furniture and equipment covers the following items
Enter all amounts in United States dollars (USD). For contracts or agreements in other currencies, convert the amounts to USD using the latest exchange rate available here:
Select the item from the drop-down list (e.g., stationery, toner/cartridges, or other supplies).
Choose the most relevant item category. For “Other,” specify the type of material (e.g., IT spare parts, medical supplies, public information supplies).
-Stationery: "Office stationery budgeted per person"
-Toner/Cartridges: "Printer toner cartridges"
-Other: "IT spare parts for computer maintenance" "Medical supplies for first-aid kits" "Public information pamphlets"
Additional Notes
Provide any relevant details or justifications for the item.
Mention specific requirements like frequency, or targeted use.
-Stationery: "Stationery for 10 staff members, replenished monthly."
-Toner: "Five units of toner for office printers."
-IT Spare Parts: "Replacement hard drives for aging laptops."
Cost per Unit (USD)
Enter the estimated or agreed cost per unit.
Obtain multiple quotes from vendors to ensure competitive pricing.
-Stationery: "$5 per person per month"
-Toner: "$50 per cartridge"
-IT Spare Parts: "$120 per hard drive"
Number of Units
Input the number of units required.
Ensure the quantity matches the office's needs for the selected period.
-Stationery: "120 units (10 staff x 12 months)"
-Toner: "5 cartridges"
-IT Spare Parts: "5 hard drives"
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per unit times the number of units.
Verify the total aligns with the request. Double-check calculations for errors.
-Stationery: "$600"
-Toner: "$250"
-IT Spare Parts: "$600"
Digital Imaging and Mapping
Services for digital imaging, mapping, and data processing.
Library and Reference Books
Includes library book sets and reference books
Medical Supplies
Includes medical supplies for healthcare or emergency response.
Packaging Materials
Packaging materials used for various logistics purposes.
Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants
Includes petrol, oil, and lubricants for infrastructure (i.e. generators) and for vehicles
Public Information Supplies
Supplies for public information and communication initiatives.
Sanitary and Cleaning Supplies
Supplies for sanitation, cleaning, and hygiene purposes.
Spare Parts (IT and Communication)
Spare parts for IT, communication equipment, and networks.
Stationery and Office Supplies
Stationary, office supplies, and consumables for daily operations.
Uniforms and Gear
Uniforms, badges, and gear used by personnel.
Select the appropriate item from the drop-down list. Choose the most relevant option, and if no suitable match exists, select "Others."
Ensure items align with operational needs and procurement plans.
Seek prior approval from DCO Operations
- Communication Equipment: "5 mobile phones for core staff, 2 radios for communication driver and the office."
-Furniture and Fixture: "10 chairs, 5 desks, and light fixtures for a new workspace."
-IT Equipment: "Laptops and monitors for core staff."
-Office Equipment: "Photocopier for administrative tasks."
-Safety and Security: "Installation of alarm system and 5 security cameras."
-Software/Licenses: "Purchase of Adobe licenses for design and publication work."
-Vehicles: "Request for a new 4x4 vehicle for field missions."
- Others: "Solar generators for uninterrupted power supply."
Additional Notes
Provide additional information, including specific requirements or justifications.
Mention specific needs or configurations, if applicable.
-"Mobile phones includes international calling plans."
-"Desks and chairs are required to be ergonomic."
-"Monitors should be at least 24 inches for productivity."
-"Photocopier must support duplex printing."
-"Alarm system installation required by end of Q1."
Cost per Unit (USD)
Enter the estimated or agreed cost per unit.
Obtain multiple vendors quotes to ensure competitive pricing and compliance with procurement policies.
-Communication Equipment: "$150 per mobile phone"
-Furniture: "$200 per chair"
- IT Equipment: "$1,200 per laptop"
Number of Units
Input the number of units to be acquired.
Ensure the quantity aligns with the operational needs without over-purchasing.
-Communication Equipment: "5 phones or 2 radios"
-Furniture: "10 chairs or 5 desks"
- IT Equipment: "6 laptops or 6 monitors"
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per unit times the number of units.
Verify the total aligns with the request. Double-check calculations for errors.
-Communication Equipment: "$750"
-Furniture: "$3,000"
-IT Equipment: "$7,200"
Communication Equipment
Telephones, mobile phones, radios, speaker microphones, repeaters, digital communication systems.
Furniture and Fixture
Desks, chairs, cupboards, shelves (movable furniture); lights, blinds (fixtures attached to the building).
IT Equipment
Desktops, laptops, monitors, printers, servers, storage drives.
Office Equipment
Photocopiers, fax machines, projectors.
Safety and Security Equipment
Gloves, face masks, alarm systems, security cameras, scanners, X-ray machines
Adobe licenses, Microsoft Office 365, or other software necessary for operations.
Cars, vans, SUVs, or trucks for project and field missions.
Specialized equipment such as inverters, generators, including solar powered generators.
Strategic Vacancy Management (SVM) and Budget Planning
How should we budget for temporary capacity created by monetizing paused positions under Strategic Vacancy Management (SVM) in 2024?
Or In 2024, I implemented activities using a monetized post (e.g., as a consultant or a UN Volunteer), and I intend to continue the same way in 2025. Where should I include this in the planner, and how can I adjust for the cost difference?
Temporary capacity created through monetization of paused positions under SVM is a cost control measure used during budget implementation to manage liquidity.
For planning purposes in the 2025 budget, (a) assume that all posts will be filled, with no intentional pauses; (b) assume functions that will be staffed, whether temporarily or through regular recruitment.
Include the activities in the planner under its designated post; adjustments for alternative staffing types and related costs are not factored into the planning stage.
Does the budget ceiling for staff or operational costs include resources under Strategic Vacancy Management (SVM)?
No, the staff budget ceiling does not consider SVM, nor does the operational cost ceiling include any resources redeployed through monetization under SVM. Your staff budget ceiling includes cost of all core posts, and assumed all posts will be encumbered for planning purposes.
Are Integrated Planning for 2025 and Strategic Vacancy Management (SVM) considered together as a single planning approach?
No, Integrated Planning for 2025 and Strategic Vacancy Management are separate exercises. SVM is not intended to be treated as a default planning approach, it is rather a measure to manage cash during budget implementation.
Core vs. Non-Core Funding
What is core funding, and how should it be used?
Core funding refers to resources from the Special Purpose Trust Fund (SPTF), dedicated to the Resident Coordinator (RC) System's essential functions and strategic objectives. These funds cover core RC System staff, operational costs, and fundamental coordination activities aligned with the multi-annual Results Framework.
What are non-core resources, and how is it different from core funding?
Non-core resources consist of resources acquired through Locally Mobilized Resources (LMR) or other earmarked contributions, often projects funded by other UN Secretariat entities co-located with RCOs. Unlike core funding, which covers essential RC System functions, non-core funding is designated for supplementary activities and is typically governed by specific donor requirements or agreements.
Can core funding (SPTF) be used to subsidize non-core activities? Or can any non-core activities be funded with core funds if a budget gap exists?
No, core funding (SPTF) should not be used to subsidize non-core activities. Core funding is specifically allocated to cover essential functions and responsibilities within the RC System, ensuring alignment with our mandates. Resource needs for non-core activities should be independently funded through Locally Mobilized Resources (LMR) or additional earmarked contributions, as intended by the respective donor agreements or funding sources.
Core funding (SPTF) is specifically designated for essential RC System functions, ensuring the system’s core responsibilities and operational needs are met. Non-core funding, on the other hand, supports additional projects and donor-specific initiatives. These funds should not be mixed, as it will lead to a resource strain on already limited operational budget ceiling and reduce transparency at the time of implementation.
Maintaining detailed records of donor agreements, including specific allowable expenses, ensures that non-core funds are spent as intended. Reviewing these agreements during budget planning and fund allocation helps prevent reliance on core funds for non-core expenses.
Integrated Planning
Are projects funded and managed by other UN Secretariat entities included in RCO planning and budgeting for 2025?
No, projects that are led and funded by other UN Secretariat entities, such as the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) in the case of Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs), are outside the scope of the RCOs' planning and budgeting for 2025. These projects are managed independently and do not require allocation of RCO resources.
Can multiple risks be mapped to a single activity?
No, only one risk can be mapped to each activity. Select the most significant risk that could prevent the successful completion of the activity if not mitigated.
Should activities be mapped or the lead determined based on who is currently doing the job?
No, activities should be mapped based on the approved posts, functions and roles and responsibilities, not solely on the individuals currently holding the positions. This approach ensures that activity mapping aligns with the staffing structure of your office.
Staff Budget
Why are staff costs different from last year?
Staff costs can vary from one year to the next due to several factors:
1. Salary Scale Adjustments: The UN (ICSC, OHR) periodically reviews and adjusts salary scales to reflect local economic conditions and cost of living changes, which can increase or decrease overall costs.
2. Post Adjustment Multiplier: Changes in the post adjustment multiplier, which adjusts for cost-of-living differences at duty stations, directly impact staff compensation.
3. Exchange Rate Fluctuations: For duty stations with salaries paid in local currency, fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the U.S. dollar equivalent of staff costs.
4. Policy Revisions: Updates to UN policies, such as changes to allowances or benefits, or even accounting treatment of organizational employee costs, may affect total compensation.
5. Staff profiles: Staff profiles can affect overall costs due to changes in staffing levels, grade levels, demographic factors (such as dependency status, home leave locations, and eligibility for education grants), and step increments. These variables influence compensation, benefits, and allowances, contributing to year-to-year differences in staff costs.
Budgeting ICT applications and equipment
What ICT costs are covered centrally?
Only essential corporate applications, such as Microsoft Office 365 and the email domain, are budgeted centrally for core staff. All other ICT applications and equipment need to be budgeted by each office under their respective funding sources.
How should ICT costs for non-core staff be budgeted?
ICT costs for non-core staff should be budgeted based on the funding source:
If funded under SPTF:
If the ICT cost is associated with Coordination Fund activities, it should be budgeted under the Coordination Fund.
If it is not associated with Coordination Fund activities, it should be budgeted under Operational Costs.
If not funded under SPTF: ICT costs should be budgeted according to the relevant funding source, such as Locally Mobilized Resources (LMR) or other donor funds.
Are applications like Adobe Pro, Zoom, and Canva covered under centrally-managed funding?
No, non-essential applications such as Adobe Pro, Zoom, and Canva are not covered under centrally-managed funding. Each office needing these applications should plan and include them in their budgets under operational expenditures (SPTF) or project-specific funding (e.g LMR).
Are IT equipment costs covered centrally?
No, IT equipment costs are not covered centrally for both core and non-core staff. Each Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) is responsible for budgeting IT equipment for both core and non-core staff under the appropriate funding sources, based on needs and funding availability.
Budgeting for Overtime
Where do I enter overtime costs in the DCO Smart Planner ‘My Budget’?
Overtime costs are budgeted in General Operating Expenses input form. Refer to the following guidance: Guidance on Budgeting for Overtime
What types of staff are eligible for overtime?
In the context of RCOs, overtime budgeting is typically applicable only to local General Service staff, such as Administrative Assistants (AA), Executive Assistants (EA), and Drivers.
Can I use actual overtime rates for budgeting, or do I need to use standard rates?
For planning purposes, you may use either rates based on actual costs or refer to the standard hourly overtime rates available here: Standard Overtime Rates for 2025 Choose the option that best fits your budgeting needs and ensures accuracy.
What if overtime hours are variable or difficult to predict?
If overtime hours are expected to vary, use an estimated amount based on historical data or anticipated needs. Document the basis for the estimate in the "Additional Notes" section to provide context for the budgeted amount.
Are there any restrictions on using overtime for budgeting?
Yes, overtime should only be budgeted for eligible roles and justified with specific activities aligned with work requirements. It is essential to budget overtime within approved guidelines and not as a standard practice unless necessary for project or operational needs.
How do I ensure the overtime budget aligns with annual work plan (AWP) activities?
Ensure that overtime expenses support key activities in the AWP by including descriptions in the "Additional Notes" section. This helps justify the need for overtime and aligns resources with operational priorities.
(2 min read)
As Head of Office (HoO), you have the authority to either certify or reject the submitted budget if any issues are identified. If the Annual Work Plan (AWP) meets all requirements, simply click "Certify" to approve it, allowing the budget to be forwarded to DCO Finance for further review.
To reject the budget, select "Reject".
You will be able to enter a comment with the reasons for the rejection that will be returned to your assistant.
The assistant will have to make the corrections and submit it for approval again.
Once submitted or DCO to review, it is impossible to make changes to the Budget. Please email DCO-ServiceDesk@un.org and RCS-BMB-Finance to get advice on available options.
This guidance provides detailed steps and examples to fill out the New Alteration of Premises Form, ensuring the form is accurately completed and aligned with operational needs.
Note: It is mandatory to contact DCO Operations Section for guidance before submitting any alteration request.
Step 1 of 2: Add a request for alteration of premises
Step 2 of 2: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Type of Alteration
Select the type of alteration from the drop-down list. Options include: - Office renovations or relocations - Minor renovation works (under $10,000) - Others
Ensure the selected type matches the scope of the project. Use "Others" only if no suitable option applies.
Seek prior approval from DCO Operations
-Office Renovations: "Renovation of conference room with new lighting and carpeting."
-Minor Renovation: "Partition wall installation to create an additional workspace."
-Others: "Painting and repair of common areas."
-Common Premises
Additional Notes
Provide relevant details such as the scope of the work, expected impact, and any special requirements.
Include any special instructions or coordination needs
-"The renovation will include repainting, carpet installation, and electrical upgrades."
-"Partition wall installation to separate workstations, to be completed within two weeks."
-"Painting common areas to improve aesthetics."
Cost per Unit (USD)
Enter the estimated cost per unit or service involved in the alteration.
Use quotes from multiple contractors to ensure competitive pricing.
-Renovation: "$3,000 per room"
-Minor Work: "$1,500 per partition wall"
-Other: "$2,000 for painting"
Number of Units
Input the number of units or rooms that will undergo alteration.
Confirm the number matches the actual work required and operational needs.
-Renovation: "3 conference rooms"
-Minor Work: "2 partition walls"
-Other: "Common area and hallway"
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per unit times the number of units.
Verify calculations and confirm alignment with the approved budget.
-Renovation: "$9,000"
-Minor Work: "$3,000"
-Other: "$2,000"
This guidance provides steps and examples to fill out the General Operating Expenses Form, ensuring the form is accurately completed and aligned with operational needs.
Step 1 of 3: Add a General Operating Expense
Step 2 of 3: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Type of Expense
Select the appropriate type of expense from the drop-down list
Choose the most relevant expense category. Use “Other” only if no other category fits.
-Rental of Premises
-Utilities (if paid separately from rent)
-Vehicle Rental
Type of Service
Select the specific type of service based on the chosen expense type.
Ensure the service type matches the nature of the expense and is accurately categorized.
-Rental of Premises: "Cost-Shared Common Premises"
-Utilities: "Electricity Charges"
- Vehicle Rental: "Vehicle rental charges, Vehicle maintenance (car wash)
-Other: "Service fees to ESCAP"
Service Provider
Enter the service provider's name (e.g., FAO, UNDP, or a commercial vendor).
Ensure that the provider is verified and complies with procurement policies.
"FAO”, "Local utility company"
Additional Notes
Provide any relevant notes or justifications for the expense.
Include details like frequency of service, scope of rental, or brief information on shared agreements.
-"Office rental cost shared among RCO, FAO and UNDP."
-"Electricity bill paid directly to the utility company."
-"Rental vehicle to support staff travel for project field visits."
-"Admin fees to ESCAP."
Cost per Month/Unit (USD)
Enter the estimated or agreed cost per month or unit.
Obtain multiple quotes to ensure competitive pricing or use standard market rates.
-Rental: "$3,000" per month
-Utilities: "$500" per month
-Vehicle Rental: "$1,500" per month/occasion
- Vehicle Maintenance: "$100" per month (Car wash)
Number of Months/Units
Input the number of months or units required for the service.
Ensure the duration or quantity matches the agreement and operational requirements.
“12 months” or “1 occasion”
Total Cost (USD)
Calculates the cost per month/unit times the number of months/units.
Verify the total aligns with the request. Double-check calculations for errors.
General Operating expenses covers the following types of services/expenses
Communication Services
Services related to communication infrastructure and equipment, including telephone, mobile, and network support.
Freight and Postage Services
Includes postal services, pouches, shipping and freight-related logistics.
Insurance costs
Various types of insurance, including transport, property, and general liability insurance.
IT Services
Covers IT equipment rentals, leasing, and maintenance
Legal and Financial Services
Legal services, audit services, and financial administrative services, including for Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Medical Services
Medical services, equipment rental, and insurance services.
Premises-related services
Maintenance, security, cleaning, gardening, and other services for premises.
Rental of Premises
Rental services for equipment, premises, and conference facilities.
Transport Services
Transport services, including rental and maintenance of vehicles.
UN Agency Services
Fees related to services offered by UN agencies, funds and programmes.
Electricity, water, and waste management services.
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*
This form is only for Resident Coordination Offices (RCOs)
This guidance provides steps and examples for inputting coordination fund related budget in the respective forms to ensure it is completed accurately and meets operational requirements.
Step 1 of 3: Add a request for CF allocation (Base/CCA/CF/MCO)
Step 2 of 3: Input the details*
*SAVE after every input to avoid loss of data
Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the form (Step 2 of 3)
Base Allocation
Budget Class
Identify relevant budget classes that align with items of expenditures.
Review historical data on allocations to ensure consistency.
"Travel, Consultants, and General Operating Expenses"
Scope of work and activities
Provide a brief description of how the base allocation will be utilized (aligned with key coordination goals).
Align the description with specific outcomes identified in workplans.
"Support for stakeholder meetings to align strategies."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total calculated amount for each identified budget class.
Use past performance as best indicator to avoid future adjustments.
"$50,000 for administrative overheads."
CCA Design
Budget Class
Identify relevant budget classes that align with items of expenditures.
Ensure budget allocations align with planned outputs for CCA design efforts.
"Travel, Consultants, and General Operating Expenses"
Scope of work and activities
Provide a brief description of how the allocation will be utilized under respective item of expenditures.
Link activities directly to measurable outcomes in the framework.
"Workshop in Q2 2025 for presentation of findings of UN Country Analysis."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total calculated amount for each identified budget class.
Cross-check with previous frameworks to avoid over-budgeting.
"$25,000 for consultancy services for UN Country Analysis."
CF Design
Budget Class
Identify relevant budget classes that align with items of expenditures.
Ensure alignment with planning cycles.
"Travel, Consultants, and General Operating Expenses"
Scope of work and activities
Provide a brief description of how the allocation will be utilized under respective item of expenditures.
Link activities directly to measurable outcomes in the framework.
"Facilitation of Strategic Prioritization Workshop (s)” /
“Drafting of Cooperation Framework” /“Validation of Cooperation Framework Results with stakeholders."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total calculated amount for each identified budget class.
Cross-check with previous frameworks to avoid over-budgeting.
"$30,000 for framework design and validation meetings."
CF Evaluation
Budget Class
Identify relevant budget classes that align with item of expenditures.
Plan for costs accordingly to the evaluations at multiple phases of the project cycle.
"Travel, Consultants, and General Operating Expenses"
Scope of work and activities
Provide a brief description of how the allocation will be utilized under respective item of expenditures.
Link activities directly to measurable outcomes in the framework.
“Independent evaluations - report to be submitted by Q3 2025."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total calculated amount for each identified budget class.
Cross-check with previous frameworks to avoid over-budgeting.
"$40,000 for independent evaluators and meetings."
MCO (multi-Country Office)
Budget Class
Identify relevant budget classes that align with items of expenditures.
Confirm funding alignment across multiple countries.
"Travel, Consultants, and General Operating Expenses"
Scope of work and activities
Provide specific details, “Support for cross-country coordination activities."
Ensure consistency with each country’s work plan and outputs.
"Facilitation of cross-country dialogues in Q1 2025."
Total Cost (USD)
Enter the total calculated amount for each identified budget class.
Consider difference in currencies and respective exchange rates against USD for cross-border expenditures.
"$20,000 for Travel in relation to regional coordination efforts."
*Ensure to assign one or multiple AWP activities and the total of all weightages adds up to 100%.
Step 3 of 3: Assign one or multiple AWP activities*